Sunday, July 20, 2008

Who are you? Senator Obama

Rules of Engagement – 10 – Who Are You? Senator Obama
cinops be gone Sunday, July 20, 2008

Who are you, Senator Obama? I believe you have an identity crisis. You wrote in your book, Dreams of My Father, “I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.” “I found solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.” It is a tragedy that you and your wife Michelle were brainwashed with black liberation theology.

You have more than 80% of the news media rooting for you. That is corrupt, unfair and un-American. It reminds me of the party propaganda newspapers and radio outlets of Hitler, Stalin, and Castro.

To find out what you, Barack Obama stands for; let us check out a letter to the editor of National Catholic Register in March, 2008: THE NON-NEGOTIABLES

“In your editorial, “McCain and the Pro-Lifers” (March 2), you list seven or more things (bad things) that would probably happen if Clinton or Obama were elected. They had to do with the five “non-negotiable” issues that must always be opposed by Catholics; the things that would happen if either of these candidates were elected are directly opposite to what our Church teaches. It would be a disaster for our nation and any moral improvement in our country and the world.

We need black-and-white teaching. This editorial was excellent. Please repeat, as least the list of what probably would happen. Our Church teachers that all issues are not always absolutely right or wrong. But these “non-negotiables” are always wrong.

Thank you for strongly presenting true Roman Catholic teaching.
Margaret Isaack
Morgantown, West Virginia
Editor’s Note:

Both Obama and Clinton have records that are, for all practical purposes, 100% pro-abortion. Obama wouldn’t even protect children born alive by mistake during abortion attempts. If either of them wins, as one pro-life blogger pointed out, we will get:

Two more Supreme Court justices who consider abortion a right, plus more than more than a hundred Federal court appointments to foul our justice system for another 50 years. + federally funded embryonic stem-cell research, + federally funded cloning and “chimers” research +

federally funded abortion on demand + abortion in military hospitals +

federally funded abortion overseas + vicious regulatory attacks on pro-life doctors, nurses, clinics and non-profit groups + the repeal of conscience-clause exceptions for doctors and pharmacists + efforts to reclassify churches and pro-life activities, threatening their tax-exempt status + “the Freedom of Choice Act” (FOCA), which is like the Human Life Bill in reverse – a federal statute mandating abortion on demand in every state, + the end of abstinence education, and + the end of the highly successful approach to AIDS in Africa that stresses abstinence and monogamy.”

It is also a tragedy that CINOPS directly & indirectly support the above agenda!
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and translate into Spanish and or Vietnamese.

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