Friday, December 19, 2008

The Consequences of Contraception - 1

The Consequences of Contraception – 1
The Website – cinops be gone – Friday, December 19, 2008

The following is a classic analysis by Mr. Richard Bastien. This is in the “Homiletic pastoral review,” December – 2008. The title: The culture war: Fighting the contraceptive mentality

The first consequence of contraception is a major increase in divorce rate. Statistics leave no room for doubt: in North America, the divorce rate doubled between 1965 and 1975, which is exactly the period when contraception became widespread. In the mid-1970s, which is exactly the period when contraception became widespread.

In the mid-1970s, when all women who wanted to use the pill had access to it, the divorce rate leveled off. It has remained at about 50 percent ever since. Perhaps even more telling is the fact that the rate of divorce among couples who do not practice contraception is virtually nil.

Another consequence of contraception is that, in addition to preventing births, it results in the killing of millions of human lives through abortions. It has been estimated that 50 percent of women who go to abortion clinics do so because of contraceptive failure. … one might perhaps want to rely on the judgment of the U.S. Supreme Court. In a famous case, known as PLANNED PARENTHOOD v. CASEY, the court stated the following: “FOR TWO DECADES, COUPLES HAVE BASED THEIR INTIMATE RELATION-SHIPS ON THE AVAILABILITY OF ABORTION SHOULD CONTRACEPTION FAIL.”… Couples view abortion as a safety net for contraceptive failure.

A third consequence of contraception is a drop in birth rates so drastic that the very survival of Western civilization is now in question. Indeed, it has become quite clear that our current secularist model of civilization is not viable. Simply to remain at a demographically stable level, a society requires a birth rate of 2 to 1, all other Western societies stand somewhere between 1-to-1 and 2-to-0, i.e., below the replacement level. In Canada, the birth rate stands at 1-to-5.

A FOURTH CONSEQUENCE OF CONTRACEPTION IS SAME-SEX MARRIAGE. What is happening here is fairly straightforward: when we uncouple the unitive and procreative ends of the one-flesh union of spouses, we necessarily uncouple marriage and procreation. Under these circumstances, there is no reason to stop two people from marrying even when procreation is, by nature, impossible for them. If men and women can marry and not have children, why can’t homosexuals marry and not have children? … Married people who contracept have embraced the view that sex is purely recreational. They have no foundation for objecting to two homosexuals marriage, they would have to reaffirm the link between the unitive and procreative ends of one-flesh union. Unwilling to do this, they simply hold their noses and approve same-sex marriage.

A fifth consequence of contraception is the loss of our defining characteristics as male and female. Before the advent of contraception, to be male was, as a general rule, to be a husband and family protector; to be a woman was to be a child-bearer and nurturer. Man and woman, husband and wife relied on the unique differences of the other to create a cohesive family – an environment of love in which children could grow and become real men and women, who in their turn would marry and raise families….

The family was what gave meaning to the man. Having no occasion to exercise the strength of a husband and father, the man loses that strength. Instead of being called on to protect the family and bring home the food, he is called upon to be in touch with his feelings. The woman, having no children to raise, does not require the strength and virility of the man. Gallantry vanishes….
George H. Kubeck

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