Sunday, December 28, 2008


The Website – cinops be gone – Sunday, December 28, 2008

This is a tough love letter. I want to get several things off my mind. As a newspaper, you have changed from 40 years ago. You have become a politically correct newspaper and promote a Secular America. Why? We live in a great country with Judeo-Christian values. I don’t want any European socialistic values.

Firstly ,your opposition to Proposition 8 sticks in my throat. Do you not remember what happened to Ford and McDonalds? The boycotts worked. I still boycott McDonalds. The idea for business corporations and newspapers trying to indoctrinate and brainwash Orange County or the nation into same-sex marriage is foolish and self-destructive.

Concerning subscription to your paper; your monthly renewal is way too expensive. I recommend everyone to take your 52 dollar deal; daily delivery for the whole year. If I got it so can they!

Secondly, Wall Street and corrupt politicians have betrayed our free enterprise system. Dishonest journalism has also betrayed us. You are suspect. Of course the New York Times is hopeless and deserves to go under. For example, it was not fair or honest with its treasonous coverage of the Iraq War.

Thirdly, you are glorifying same-sex marriage with a few stories and no coverage for happy heterosexual marriages. Stop it!

Fourthly, your stories about the ACLU helping people are really con- operations. They remind me of the communist cells decades ago. I attended once and they talked the usual about social justice issues etc. But these are fellow travelers or communists; masters of deceit and the historical scourge on nations.

The ACLU is an anti-Christian organization, nothing more and nothing less. They HAVE AN AGENDA within OUR community. Any American who votes for a member of the ACLU for office is an idiot. In San Diego their City Council had a 6 to 2 vote in opposition to Prop. 8. They must have been ACLU clones.

Lastly, I saw your ad: Meet the Publisher Terry Horne on Wednesday, Jan. 7th and have breakfast with him @ the ORC Main Office 8:30 to 10:30 A.M. This was for business owners and managers. Hope it is successful. Helping SMALL and big business is very important. RSVP today at

I recall happily my part-time business in the 1980’s in Long Beach with the Weekly Consumer Buyline. It was a one page flyer with the best food buys on one side and the best non-food buys on the other side. At one time I had 100 advertisers and hand delivered to about 1000 businesses weekly including postings in 30 Laundromats. It taught the poor and the rich how to fish and saved us between 50 to 100 dollars monthly.

Finally, get off the politically correct band wagon! Increase your circulation with a one page weekly of traditional America news. (Dennis Prager, Dr. Jim Dobson, Reverend Frank Pavone. etc.) Looking for happy changes! Good Luck!

George H. Kubeck, P.O. Box 865, Stanton, Ca. 80680-9998

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