Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Consequences of Contraception - 2

The Consequences of Contraception – 2
The website – cinops be gone – Saturday, December 20, 2008

The author Richard Bastien offers an alternative to the contracept mentality. He is a founder & contributor to Egards, a French Canadian language quarterly journal – the only social conservative journal published in Canada in any language.

One, of course, might object that there are a lot of men and women who contracept and still raise families and display classic virile and feminine qualities. And that is certainly true. BUT THAT IS BECAUSE THE LOSS OF DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS IS A MATTER OF DEGREE. IT IS MORE PRONOUNCED IN SOME THAN IN OTHERS.

But the fact that there has been a loss of manliness, on the one hand, and of femininity , on the other, can hardly be challenged. If one has any doubts about this, one need only ask oneself whether the call “Children and women first!” would have any meaning on a sinking ship nowadays.

There is ample evidence that our culture is increasingly androgynous. Many cultural figures, rock stars in particular, are neither clearly masculine nor clearly feminine. One might also consider the fashion industry with its emphasis on unisex style. All this points to modern culture’s increasing rebellion against the fundamental distinction between male and female, which is at the very core of God’s plan for humanity.

These trends illustrate modernism’s ambition to re-engineer our humanity. Man ceases to a child of God and sets himself as God. This is what stands behind all the evils just referred to. When a society decides to transgress the natural law, (for example on marriage. ghk) it does so at its own peril. Contraception is just such a transgression. It changes our identity as men and women, undermines the
welfare of children and puts the future of Western civilization at risk. This tends to validate the natural law arguments against contraception.

The only way Christians and people of good faith can hope to wage the culture war with any degree of success is by re-introducing the Gospel, or at least the natural law, first in their own lives, and then in our culture. But since the culture war is fought largely on the terrain of sex, a major part of the new evangelization must be a “proclamation of the gospel of the body.”

Contraception was the twilight of sexual morality. It has brought about an age of darkness. But thanks to John Paul II, we a have a theology of the body, which has the power to dispel the darkness and to bring about a new dawn of sexual morality. Winning the war may take some time, but there is no doubt that it will be won by those who live according to the culture of life. Those who don’t share in that culture will simply disappear. Couples who by choice, have no children or no more than one child contribute nothing or very little to future generations. They stand on the negative side of the demographic ledger. It is couples with many children and those who, while having few children, respect the culture of life, who contribute to the renewal of existing generations.

As Christians and people of good will, we are called to be rebels. Who are today’s rebels? They are the beautiful husbands and wives who shun political correctness, raise large families and live simple and joy-filled lives. That way, the Judeo-Christian civilization will flourish anew. Children will once again grow up to be faithful children of God. There will be hope again for the future and, more importantly, we will experience the joy & internal peace of vibrant loving families.

George H. Kubeck, P.O. Box 865, Stanton, Ca. 90680-9998

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