Saturday, January 10, 2009


Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation
50th Anniversary - November 22, 2008
Dear Friends,
It has been my joy and privilege to make the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation my life’s work for 50 years. This non-profit educational organization has been blessed in its apostolic mission to uphold the teachings of Christ and defend the faith, families and freedom from Communism and the inroads of atheistic secular culture.

How much the world has changed in a half-century! I have lived to see our hero, Cardinal Mindszenty, freed at last in 1971; the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 along with the collapse of the Soviet Communist empire; the opening of Communist China to the West even as it continues to oppress believers; the tragic rise in abortions all over the world; the emergence of militant Islamic fundamentalism as a threat to the West; and the re-emergence of Russian Communist oppression of the neighboring countries. Although Marxist economics and rhetoric have been thoroughly discredited, Communism remains a threat to liberty in large parts of the world, and a culture of death continues to challenge our beliefs.

One of motives for helping to form the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation arose from my experience in New York City for Radio Liberty in the 1950’s, when I met refugees from many nationalities that comprised the Soviet Union, including Georgians, Ukrainians and Azerbaijanians. Each refugee told a sad, similar tale of loss of family members, lose of home, loss of Church, job and country because of the Communist takeover of his nation. Each refugee was grateful to America for its welcome and opportunities. I was inspired to work to preserve America’s freedom and to support the freedoms of all people. As time went on, refugees from other Communist countries continued to stream in to America’s shores, such as Hungarians, Cubans, Vietnamese, Afghans, Poles and Nicaraguans, each with his own story of loss.

Our work at CMF would not, of course, be possible without the dedication of our many members and volunteers, generous donors, inspiring Council members, faithful board members, and our small staff in St. Louis. What a thrill it has been for me to have such loyal friends all over the country and beyond. Only the Lord can reward so much kindness.

The need for the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation has not abated. Read the beautiful testimonials on the following pages for a tribute to our work and your contributions to it. With God’s blessing and the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima, we will continue to combat evil and work for peace throughout the world.

Eleanor Schlafly, Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation
P.O. Box 11321, 7800 Bonhomme Avenue, Saint Louis, MO 63105 – 0121 -

P.S. I have been a member of the above for more than 40 years. Their monthly Mindszenty Report is outstanding. Subscription rate: $20.00/year Geo. H. Kubeck
Posted: in pursuit of the truth blog – cinops be gone – Saturday, January 10, 2009

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