Saturday, January 10, 2009

We are a Church divided! - 1 of 2

We are a Church divided! – 1 of 2

In the pursuit of the truth- cinops be gone – Saturday, January 10, 2009

When all is said and done the truth hurts and our know-it-all-pride gets angry. Irregardless, we must strive together to turn a negative into a positive. For example: Wanted: Pro-life atheist or agnostic to run for office against any CINOP.
Question: What is the difference between a CINOP who is for abortion, same-sex marriage, and embryonic stem cell research; and another politician who is for fornication, adultery and pornography? Answer: There isn’t any difference.

There is an article in the New Oxford Review, Jan. 2009, by Anne Hendershott titled, “QUO VADIS, CATHOLIC HIGHER EDUCATION?” I will comment with my own words and with most of the writer Anne.

The social justice agenda, separated from the pro-life agenda of some Catholic college educational system are screwed up. For example, many Catholic colleges encourage student internship at Planned Parenthood. In October 2007 College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass., hosted a conference on pregnancy prevention and invited Planned Parenthood to campus to present 3 workshops on the “latest and greatest” pregnancy-prevention methods.

As a commitment to social justice, students on some Catholic campuses are encouraged to bring their advocacy to the greater community and beyond. IN FACT, THESE COLLEGES HAVE BECOME SPRINGBOARDS OF ADVOCACY FOR THE LEGALIZATION OF SAME-SEX MARRIAGE. Kara Suffredini, a graduate of Boston College Law School and now the legislative attorney for the “National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, told an alumni gathering of the Lambda Law Students in 2005 that “I want to begin by saying that everything I know about queer activism, I learned at Boston College Law School. Put that in your admission brochure.” Sad!

For those who have spent the past two decades working toward the implementation of EX CORDE ECCLESIAE, Pope John Paul II’s 1990 apostolic constitution designed to revitalize Catholic higher education, the recent release of a study by the CARDINAL NEWMAN SOCIETY commissioned a study in 2008 which revealed that a majority of the 506student respondents from 128 Catholic colleges and universities REJECT traditional Catholic teachings on key issues of faith and morality. Drawing from a represent sample of current and recent Catholic college students, findings reveal that, despite Catholic teachings to the contrary, 60 percent of the respondents agree that abortion should be legal, and 57 percent support the legalization of same-sex marriage.

61% of the respondents believe that women should be allowed to be ordained as Catholic priests - `even thought the Vatican has repeatedly affirmed that the all-male priesthood is an unchangeable tradition instituted by Christ Himself….
The study also reveals that a majority of our current and recent students claim that the experience of attending a Catholic college or university made no difference in their support for the Church or her teachings. Worse, 11 percent of the respondents say that their campus experiences decreased their support for Catholic teachings, and 12 percent claim that their campus experience decreased their respect for the pope and the bishops of the Church.

Hold it! One can prove almost anything with statistics. Maybe the above statistics are all wrong. Where does the problem originate? Let’s find out tomorrow in writer Anne Hendershott’s article!
George H. Kubeck

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