Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Common Sense on Change 1 of 2

Common Sense on Change 1 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – cinops be gone – Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I found the following in my pile of papers. Do not know who wrote it.

Good Morning,
One of the topics that I want to talk to you about today is the word “Change”. Our President Elect has been spending a great deal of time talking about change and making it sound that; by definition change is always a good thing. You all have heard of another “ch” word that a lot of people use like it is always a good thing. But is change always good? Let’s take a look at our country’s recent financial crises. They say it has brought about by unregulated Mortgage lending practices.

I remember not too long ago that mortgage practices were pretty well controlled. Someone wanting to buy a house had to go to a bank or savings and loan. You had to put down 20% down. You had to have a job where your income could be enough to readily cover the mortgage payments. You had to have a good credit rating and the house had to owner occupied.

But all of a sudden, here we were with NINJA loans. No income; No Job; No Assets: No Problem. And mortgage brokers had set up shop on every street corner. Our mortgage lending practices had changed and the result has been disastrous. For 35 years we have been fighting against disastrous change in our society; Legalize Abortion.

There is a method of looking for the cause of a problem. It’s called Change Analysis. It requires a detailed investigation of all changes that might be related to the problem. These changes would have had to occur between a time when the problem was known not to exist until the time that the problem was found to exist. Now our problem is the legalization of Abortion in 1973. Let’s look at all changes that occurred in the 20th century before 1973 that might be related to legalizing abortion. My first list shows these changes. All of them have some significance but there is only time to mention some of them.

First List: Changes in the 20th Century leading to abortion:

Now let’s look back to the 1950’s; it was the last decade in which we know that legalized abortion did not exist and a time when respect for pre-born life was the norm for society. 1) Contraceptives were not sold off the shelf. 2) T.V. programs were not sexually oriented. 3) Public schools did not teach sex education. 4) Cohabitation was almost non-existent. 5) Unmarried Catholic couples realized hat a shotgun wedding would be expected if a premarital pregnancy occurred.

Let’s look at my 2nd list which is titled Cultural Degradation: 1950’ to 2000’s
Let’s read some of them. (Make up your own list.) ….

These are drastic differences. I don’t believe our country has ever had a record of this magnitude of moral decay through any other time period in our history.

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