Sunday, January 25, 2009

Trust -Freedom - Socialism - Free Enterprise

Trust – Freedom – Socialism – Free Enterprise

In pursuit of the truth – cinops be gone – Sunday, January 25, 2009

Let’s have some plain talk. The key word is trust, Mr. President. During this past week you made a few decisions that question your judgment. We want to trust you in your decision making. We want transparency and openness and that is what you will be judged on for the next two years. Elections are again in 2010.

First of all, you must get rid of advisors brainwashed with the George Soros Hate-Bush propaganda machine. The election is over. They need to vomit all this from the stomach of their minds. Be wary of your own left-wing intellectual perspective. Law professors invariably live in a world of their own.

The idea of promoting abortion throughout the world and using our tax-payer money is immoral. The Muslim nations think we are depraved. There are Catholic nations throughout the world who believe that you are forcing them into legalized abortion. Within our nation you are dividing and annoying faith believing families who voted for you. As a nation you are dividing us.

Also any terrorist has a mind sickness. When we have dogs with rabies roaming any city; what do we do? We would shoot them. These terrorists were caught on the battlefield with no uniforms on. In a state of war, the Geneva Convention permits us to shoot them. We did not shoot them. However, 9/11 has taught us that we are in a state of war with international terrorists.

Because of their religion, these men are a special kind of terrorists. In Iraq and other countries like Algeria, they blow up their own religious people. Should we bring them to any jails on our shores, these terrorists would be like preachers in our prisons infecting other prisoners with their sick minds?

In this past election, you received almost 90% of the Muslim American vote. (This I do not understand because President Bush freed Iraq from a ruthless tyrant.) For the sake of the authentic Muslim religion, please keep the terrorists in Guantanomo Bay. These terrorists need to be defrocked from their own religion.

Also, in America, we do not want National Socialism whether it is of the Hitler, Mussolini or Stalin type. Our prosperity past and present is due to our free enterprise system. Government is responsible for the economic mess we are in. The influence of a corrupt Wall Street and politicians did not help. Members of your own political party; CINOP Chris Dodd and Bernie Frank made bad decisions.

I notice that in your stimulus package you are doling out money to persons who do not pay any state or federal income tax. That’s called pay-off welfare payments and that is wrong. Just come up with a program that renews confidence in the private free enterprise sector and is transparent and honest.

As a lawyer you must be aware that bills like “Freedom of Choice Act”, “Hate Crime Law” (Really Thought Crime Law), and ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act) are a pain in the neck for ordinary people of faith. They are fundamentally unconstitutional with religious discrimination. These agenda items create anger & disappointment in the people of faith who voted for you. I did not.
George H. Kubeck

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