Wednesday, January 20, 2010

George Soros: 1 of 6

George Soros: Puppet Master – 1 of 6

I wish we had a billionaire who is pro-life, pro-marriage and pro-conscience with religious rights but sadly we have George Soros. The following story is fascinating and helps us understand the power of money and front organizations.

From all accounts,* Soros first met Obama in March 2004 when was still an Illinois State Senator, running for a vacant U.S. Senate seat, Just as sixties’ radical William Ayers launched Obama’s Senate campaign in 2004, it was Gluckstern of Soros” Democracy Alliance who held one of the biggest fundraisers for Obama’s presidential campaign in April of 2007.

Given Obama’s strong socialist bent, Soros’ early attraction is not surprising. It is becoming apparent that much of Obama’s globalist agenda for the United States comes, at least indirectly, from Soros’ globalist network.

A Nations Collector

George Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary, on August 12, 1930. His father was the Esperantist writer Tivadar Soros. The elder Soros was a lawyer whose marriage into a wealthy merchant family allowed him the freedom to become an authority on Esperanto, an artificial language, created in the 1880’s.

The Esperantists hope to eliminate nationalism by persuading everyone to drop his native tongue and speak Esperanto instead. It has served a useful metaphor for Soros throughout most of his life. In response to a growing tide of anti-Semitism, the family fittingly changed its name in 1936 from Schwartz to Soros, an Esperanto verb meaning will soar.

Soros wanted to go to Moscow to study Communism but his father persuaded him to go to London to study economics. Soros left for England in 1947 and graduated from the “London School of Economics” in 1952. One of his professors Karl Raimund Popper made a lasting impression on him.

Popper foretold the fall of the closed or totalitarian societies in his 1945 book, The Open Society and its Enemies. Soros later molded his global network of foundations around Popper’s vision. His Open Society Institute is his tribute to Popper’s principle of Fallibilism, the belief that anything one believes may be wrong, and it is therefore to be questioned and improved.

Popper was an atheist like Soros. He taught that men were doomed to grope blindly for truth by trial and error. No matter how hard they tried they would never find any truth.

The father of five, Soros has been divorced twice. In 1952 he became a successful broker, mastering the then obscure art of international arbitrage, which is the simultaneous buying and selling of commodities in different markets in order to realize immediate and sizable profits. He was extremely good at it as his fortune grew into the billions. By the 1990s Soros was manipulating world currencies to the extent that his dealings were created financial panic and ruination, especially in the United Kingdom and Malaysia. To be continued

*All of the above from the Mindszenty Report, January 2010 – Vol. LII-No. 1
George H. Kubeck, In pursuit of the truth, – Wed. Jan. 20th, 2010
George Soros is the source for the nation’s Hate-Bush Syndrome.

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