Wednesday, January 27, 2010

George Soros - 4 of 6

George Soros – 4 of 6
We continue with the Mindszenty Report, Jan. 2010- :
A Catholic Wedge

One of Soros’ major contributions to Obama’s election was his work among the Catholic population. A full 54% of voting Catholics pulled the lever for the most overtly pro-abortion candidate in American history.

According to Accuracy in Media (AIM) editor Cliff Kinkaid, Soros poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into the coffers of progressive Catholic groups, many of whom are now leading the Obama push to socialize American health care.

To underscore Soros’ connection with Obama’s Catholic supporters, Catholic League president Bill Donohue exposed the link between Soros and two left-wing groups, “Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good” (CACG) and “Catholic United” (CU). Soros’ Open Society Institute gave the CACG $100,000, double what they gave in 2005.

Soros’ funds allocated for promoting two issues close to the Catholic conscience, namely health care and illegal immigration. These two issues are very high on the agenda of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Soros’ accolades adroitly used them to drive a moral stake through the heart of Catholic solidarity. The CACG media director confessed to AIM that we have been primarily focused on highlighting the moral dimensions of this issue and articulating how Catholic social teaching addresses health care as a human right central to a just society.

Using their seamless garment towels to cover the federal funding mandate for abortion in Speaker Pelosi’s Health Care Bill, Catholic progressives have been working tirelessly for illegal immigrants being included in any health care reform.

John Podesta, who runs Soros’ Center for American Progress, admits that he works closely with CACG and CU. The reason Soros funds the Catholic left is that he can make abortion rights a respectable Catholic position and thus split the Church down the middle.

James Todd of which represents traditional Catholics, calls such groups nominal Catholic CINOs, or Catholic In Name Only. He believes that they have been funded to counterbalance the growing influence of the faithful Catholics AND to try to deceive and mislead the middle of the road Catholics that have determined the last 13 Presidential elections.

George H. Kubeck, In pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, January 27, 2010

P.S. It is sad to access Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good, and have the left-wing propaganda blog: directly being promoted. CACG does not believe that there is a culture war going on in America. Sadly, John Gehring ridicules Bill Donohue’s book, “Secular Sabotage: How Liberals Are Destroying Religion and Culture in America.” This is another reason to read the whole book.

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