Monday, January 11, 2010

Socialism - Questions and Answers

SOCIALISM – Questions and Answers

David Goldstein is the author of this book: “Autobiography of a Campaigner for Christ,” Roman Catholic Books, P.O. Box 2286, Fort Collins, CO 80522. The book has the Imprimatur of William Cardinal O’Connell Archbishop of Boston, 1936. David is a convert from Judaism and Socialism: His prologue reads: 30 years in the Catholic Church; 30 years of battle for truth against error; 30 years of religious and moral certitude that have been a joy; that is the story I am to unfold.

1.)Assertion: “You must know, Mr. Goldstein, that Socialism is like all young movements, it lacks something, but it should not therefore be condemned.
Answer: - No, not so young. The modern Socialist movement dates from 1948 when its fathers and founders – Marx and Engels – wrote the Communist Manifesto; it is nearly three-quarters of a century old. But young or old, I agree with you it does lack something. It lacks the very thing it pretends to have, a sound foundation. It lacked right-reason from its birth for it was sired by Atheism and it is being reared in rebellion. It is what Socialism lacks that I am showing to this audience, namely, Christian principles. It is totally lacking in love of God and love of our country. 373

2.) Question: - “Has the Pope ever condemned socialism?"

Answer: - Yes, Leo XIII issued an encyclical in 1878 in which he calls it a “pest.” In 1891, Pope Leo issued two more encyclicals against Socialism. All three were reaffirmed by Pope Pius X, who said Leo XIII’s pronouncements are not to be departed from in the smallest degree. In his first encyclical, recently issued, our present Holy Father, Pope Benedict XV, condemned Socialism. (1930’s) 379

3.) Question: - “If a Catholic cannot consistently be a Socialist, why does not the Church throw out those who belong to the Socialist Party?”
Answer: - Because the Catholic Church is composed of sinners as well as saints. The Church says that temperance is the law. Yet, unhappily, some of her children are drunkards. You may as well ask why does she not throw them out of the fold. No, the Church loves the sinners and the saints. She hopes by her prayers, her counsels, and her sacraments to make saints of us all… 380

4.) Question: “Why will a Catholic become a Socialist?”
Answer: - Generally because he knows not what Socialism is. Why, 95 per cent of the persons who join the Socialist movement do not know what its teachings really are. They are like a young man I met out West, who talking to a priest said: “Father, I’ve become a Socialist.” “But what do you mean by becoming a Socialist?” said the priest smiling. “Well, Father, I mean I’m going to become sociable,” said the young man…

5.) Question: - “How is it possible for a man consistently to call himself a Catholic and, at the same time belong to an organization which circulates officially books denying a belief in God and advocating doctrines against the Christian concept of marital relationship?” Answer: (Mr. White) I’ll answer that. It’s because we believe men have free will and understanding. We therefore circulate those books to allow everyone to judge for himself.” Retort: - Don’t say we, say I, for real Socialists do not believe in free-will. I am glad you have that much of your Catholic faith left in your heart. But remember these are gifts from God and God did not give them to you for the purpose of distributing books that deny His existence, and to propagate atheism and free love… 381

George H. Kubeck, – Monday, January 11, 2010

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