Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Countering the Assault on Marriage

Countering the Assault on Marriage
Justice is truth in action. www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Regaining the Offense on Marriage – Training/Formation Class

Regaining the Offense on MARRIAGE: It is time to proactively advocate for the rights and interests of children to know and be cared for by a mother and father in a family. That is the mission of Catholics for the Common Good’s “Stand with Children Project.”

A well-organized and well-financed campaign of intimidation has been advocating for “what is mine” at the expense of children and religious freedom over the last 40 years. It is having wide-ranging consequences. Without voter consent, same-sex “marriage” is now legal in five states and our nation’s capitol.

When the new same-sex “marriage” law took effect in Washington, D.C., Catholic Charities was forced to stop providing foster care and adoption services to children so it could remain faithful to the truth of Catholic teaching about marriage. Under the new law, faith-based charitable organizations that have contracts with the city must deny the reality of marriage as part of God’s creation and recognize same-sex “marriage” in its politics or become unqualified to serve the poor. To solve the problem, Catholic Charities was forced to discontinue healthcare benefits for spouses of their employees rather that recognize same-sex “marriage.”

In a Federal Courtroom in San Francisco, for the first time in history, a judge permitted sections of Catholic Magisterial teaching to be enforced into evidence as examples of bigotry and discrimination against homosexuals. Marriage and the motivation of the 7 million individual voters who supported California’s Prop. 8 are on trial in a case that could have national ramifications.

California law prohibits viewpoint discrimination in public schools making it discriminatory to teach that marriage between a man and a woman provides any unique benefit to children or society. This in spite of a recent survey showing that 56% of high school seniors believe that having children outside of marriage is a worthwhile lifestyle or does not impact anyone else. {This is absolutely sick.ghk} Every day, 40% of children are born to unmarried mothers.

This is a crisis that demands justice. It is time to overturn “what is mine” private interest public policies, and restore a culture that promotes the centrality and integrity of marriage …

Daily, our opponents are recruiting and training high school and college students to become advocates for same-sex “marriage.” The Gay Straight Alliance Network in California brags that they have established 750 clubs in California high schools and have trained over 10,000 student activists and organizers. They claim to have influenced over 1.1 million students in the last decade…

PLAN TO ATTEND THE LONG BEACH CLASS ON SATURDAY, MAY 15, 2010 AT HOLY INNOCENTS PARISH – 8:30 – 4:30 PM. The cost is $30.00. For info (213) 291-3580 – kathleen@ccgaction.org – There are other classes in San Fernando Valley, San Bernadino, Riverside, Bakersfield, San Diego, L.A., Fremont...
George H. Kubeck,

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