Saturday, April 10, 2010

An Unnatural Ideology " 2 of 3

An Unnatural Ideology * 2 of 3
In pursuit of the truth – - Saturday, April 10, 2010
The Robin Hood Syndrome

“Modern socialists adopt the motto of Robin Hood and the merry men of Sherwood Forest: “Stealing from the rich to give to the poor.” They call this income redistribution; and in at least in an initial phase, they did it not with bows and arrows medieval brigands, but through abusive taxes.

“Contrary to what today’s Robin Hood imitators appear to believe the purpose of taxation is not “stealing from the rich and giving it to the poor,” a means to “redistribute” income. Taxation should not become punishment for those who have greater advantage of their productive talents, capacity to work or thrift; nor should it be an instrument to promote social egalitarianism (the socialist dream).

“The proper purpose of taxes is to fund the state’s specific responsibilities, which are to maintain peace, social harmony and to ensure the nation’s defense thus promoting the common good and general prosperity. As Pope Pius XII teaches, “There is no doubt concerning the duty of each citizen to bear a part of the public expense. But the state on its part, in so far as it is charged with protecting and promoting the public good of its citizens, is under an obligation to assess upon them only necessary levies, which are, furthermore, proportionate to their means.”

Pope Pius XII affirms forcefully that Catholicism and Socialism are contradictory terms:

‘Society, therefore, as Socialism conceives it, can on the one hand neither exist not be thought of without an obviously excessive use of force; on the other hand, it fosters a liberty no less false, since there is no place in it for true social authority, which rests not on temporal and material advantages, but descends from God alone, the Creator and last end of all things.

“If Socialism, like all errors contains some truth (which, moreover, the Supreme Pontiffs have never denied), it is based nevertheless upon a theory of human society peculiar to itself and irreconcilable with true Christianity. Religious Socialism, Christian Socialism, are contradictory terms; no one can be at the same time a good Catholic and a true Socialist.”
V. Communism: A Satanic Scourge

In his March 19, 1937 Encyclical Divini Redemptoris, Pope Pius XI underlines the satanic character of Communism and its desire to destroy Christian civilization…

Here is a summary of the Communist doctrine according to the
Encyclical: “Evolutionist materialism” – Communist doctrine is founded on the principles of the so-called dialectic materialism taught by Karl Marx. “Atheism” – “Class Struggle” – “Depriving man of his liberty and dignity” – “Absolute equality” – “Negation of the right of private property” – “Rejection of the sacred character of human life and of the family” –“ Robbing parents of the right to educate their children” – “Negation of the law and perennial morals” – “Utopian ideas of a classless society with the abolition of the State - …

George H. Kubeck, * “Exposing Socialism – The “Errors of Russia” America Needs Fatima – 888-317-5571

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