Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why we have a Tea Party Movement?

Why we have a Tea Party Movement?
Justice is truth in action. – – Thursday, April 15, 2010

# 1 – As a legal immigrant (Canada), I did not come to America to be a European. I came to be an American. We have a Constitution and great Founding Fathers.

#2 – Our nation’s motto is “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” It is not “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.” {Check out the blog – Dennis Prager University}

#3 - If President Barack Obama closes his heart to the Constitution, we have a duty to vote him out of office in 2012. He can then take his socialist Czars, academics and progressive politicians and run for office in one of the European countries of his choice. Also, Obamacare will never see the light of day.

#4- The Tea Party Movement is denigrated by the elite and new media in the same manner that the pro-life, pro-family, pro-marriage movements have been for decades.

#5- Thank you Anita Boyd of Newport Coast for your classic letter in the Orange County Register, April 14, 2010 – “Tea Party Patriots are United by Justified Concerns.”

“I am still trying to figure out the reason for the article, “Tea Party faces varied agendas,” News, April 11. Writer Martin Wisckol suggests that we are supposed to be happy (or at least complacent) because income taxes dropped slightly this past year, but fails to associate the decline in personal income and the failure of businesses at a rate of that approaching that of the Great Depression. He then suggests that “federal bailouts, stimulus packages and other policies spurred people … to action.”

“Yet, there is no mention of the fact that in 2010 the Office of Management and Budget estimates that the federal government will take in 2.1 trillion in revenue but spend 3.7 trillion, resulting in a $1.6 trillion deficit, adding to the deficit for 2009, reported by the Congressional Budget Office … Nor was it mentioned that 47% of Americans pay no federal income taxes and by 2020, the CBO projects that our deficit will be 90% or more, of gross domestic product. Would this not make a Tea Party patriot out of any sane citizen?

From there, Wisckol argues to “uneasy alliances” in the Tea Party Movement? A discussion of common ground that has made the Tea Party such a successful voice would be more appropriate; a return to the founding principles of our Constitution, which include individual liberty, limited government, fiscal responsibility, free markets and a strong national defense. These are the principles (and candidates) which all Tea Parties unite.

The recent outcome of political events in Virginia, New Jersey and Massachusetts, and now with Rep. Bart Stupak, D-Michigan, reveal and informed and educated Tea Party electorate … fed up with business as usual, overspending and debt that are bankrupting this country and the future of our children, and the backroom dealings, bribery and corruption, that, if practiced in the private sector, would put any CEO in jail…

The Tea Party is not an establishment. Tea Partiers are individuals, united in our understanding of the roots of the problems our country faces, as well as solutions. From this Register article it appears that both our government officials and our media friends refuse to listen to “we the people.” Thank you Anita, G. H. Kubeck

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