Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney (1852-90)*
In pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, July 14th, 2010
“Father Michael J. McGivney was an idealist. He was a man whose youthful vision and creativity expanded and matured even as his physical well-being diminished. His intense idealism is often expressed today in titles ascribed to him as his cause for canonization progresses: “Apostle to the Young” and “Protector of Christian Family Life” and “Founder of the Knights of Columbus.” These provide an outline for a spiritual portrait of Father McGivney.
“He was drawn to young people. Father McGivney was bonded to the young men and women of his flock in a mutual admiration and respect that endured even after his death in 1890. He was relatively young himself, only 25, when he began his priestly assignment at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, Conn., and so he understood their aspirations as well as their struggles and temptations. His parents came to the New World seeking refuge from the great potato famine that plagued Ireland in the mid-19th century.
“Apostle” means “one who is sent.” Father McGivney was sent by God to the young people of his time to lead them along a secure path to Christian adulthood. Father McGivney is an apostle to those who, in our own era, struggle to find meaning and purpose in life. He is a heavenly patron for young men and women of the third millennium.
“He was a man of pastoral action. Father McGivney expressed the toll of such a heavy workload in a letter to a former seminary professor: “I have not had time for even one day’s vacation since I left St. Mary’s {Seminary} and was obliged to be at my post alone while Father Murphy was away. So pardon me the delay.” His spirituality flowed from his priestly identity and the primary work of bringing Christ to his people in the sacraments.
“His dedication to the ideals of Christian manhood expressed so clearly in the founding of the Knights of Columbus was never allowed to obscure his ultimate goal of protecting the good of the entire family unit just a couple of years after the Order was established, he began to limit his involvement in the Knights in order to be available to his whole flock.
“He fostered collaboration between the priest and the layman in addressing the serious issues Catholics faced in the second half of the 19th century. He spoke of his fellow Knights as “friends” and had the ability to treat them as friends without diminishing the “apartness” of his priestly conservation and identity.
“While always considered a man of exemplary virtue, Father McGivney was still always approachable. He was loved by his people, particularly his young charges whose souls he so carefully nurtured and formed. No less in death than in life is Father McGivney an apostle to the young and the protector of Christian life.”*
George H. Kubeck - *Dominican Father Gabriel B. O’Donnell Postulator, Cause for Sainthood of Father McGivney and Director of the Father McGivney Guild. – 203- 772- 2130, x. 787 -
Thursday, July 29, 2010
In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, July 29, 2010
What goes through your mind when you read the following? It’s from *American Family Association Journal – August 2010 – p.4, p.17, p.16
Publisher put disclaimer on U.S. Constitution:
“Wilder Publishing, a publishing house specializing in antique books, placed a disclaimer on the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and Federalist Papers. The disclaimer states, “This book is product of its time & does not reflect on the same values as it would if it were written today.”
“The disclaimer goes on to warn, “Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.”
“Walter Olson, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, stated, “Any idea that is 100 years old will probably offend someone or other.” He also says the company is most likely attempting to ensure that oversensitive people pull not pull its bookstore or library shelves. Comments found on are overwhelmingly negative. Several have called the disclaimer a travesty, or even horrific.
“Wilder Publishing has responded to the controversy by saying, “We specialize in classic books. We wrote the disclaimer so that we could stop having to point out to our readers that people held different values 100 or 200 years ago.” 6/9/10 p. 4
“There are liberal professors who have a worldview fundamentally opposed to Christianity, and they are wholeheartedly committed to it,” he said. “They hold to that view so strong they no longer even appreciate the biblical worldview’s value in participating in any conversation. Those are the people who call for Christianity speech to be censored because it is offensive to them. “Our point of view is that the university is the marketplace of ideas. We believe that the university is the marketplace of ideas. We believe a variety of points of view should be heard. We don’t try to censor anyone else. -17
“The discrimination in not limited to professors, as Ruth Malhotra of Georgia Tech discovered. She took a stand for traditional marriage on her campus and quickly became the target of liberal activists. Several students formed CLAM, Conservatives and Liberals Against Malhotra. They posted pictures of her with Nazi swastikas on her face and neck. She received several death threats, one stating she would have acid thrown on her face during graduation.” p.16
George H. Kubeck, Our Founding Fathers studied all philosophies of government. They discarded the ideas of modern liberalism and progressivism. We see the supreme arrogance of our elite, intellectuals and bureaucrats.
In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, July 29, 2010
What goes through your mind when you read the following? It’s from *American Family Association Journal – August 2010 – p.4, p.17, p.16
Publisher put disclaimer on U.S. Constitution:
“Wilder Publishing, a publishing house specializing in antique books, placed a disclaimer on the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and Federalist Papers. The disclaimer states, “This book is product of its time & does not reflect on the same values as it would if it were written today.”
“The disclaimer goes on to warn, “Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.”
“Walter Olson, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, stated, “Any idea that is 100 years old will probably offend someone or other.” He also says the company is most likely attempting to ensure that oversensitive people pull not pull its bookstore or library shelves. Comments found on are overwhelmingly negative. Several have called the disclaimer a travesty, or even horrific.
“Wilder Publishing has responded to the controversy by saying, “We specialize in classic books. We wrote the disclaimer so that we could stop having to point out to our readers that people held different values 100 or 200 years ago.” 6/9/10 p. 4
“There are liberal professors who have a worldview fundamentally opposed to Christianity, and they are wholeheartedly committed to it,” he said. “They hold to that view so strong they no longer even appreciate the biblical worldview’s value in participating in any conversation. Those are the people who call for Christianity speech to be censored because it is offensive to them. “Our point of view is that the university is the marketplace of ideas. We believe that the university is the marketplace of ideas. We believe a variety of points of view should be heard. We don’t try to censor anyone else. -17
“The discrimination in not limited to professors, as Ruth Malhotra of Georgia Tech discovered. She took a stand for traditional marriage on her campus and quickly became the target of liberal activists. Several students formed CLAM, Conservatives and Liberals Against Malhotra. They posted pictures of her with Nazi swastikas on her face and neck. She received several death threats, one stating she would have acid thrown on her face during graduation.” p.16
George H. Kubeck, Our Founding Fathers studied all philosophies of government. They discarded the ideas of modern liberalism and progressivism. We see the supreme arrogance of our elite, intellectuals and bureaucrats.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
The Antireligious Crowd
The Antireligious Crowd
In pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Preface: This is a motley crew. Why should Americans accept their false interpretation of the Constitution’s 1st Amendment? They act like the secular religious thought police. Truth is our best weapon. This is not only a Dominican motto but a universal one. Let’s find out from Bill Donohue’s book, Secular Sabotage, “How Liberals are Destroying Religion and Culture in America.” P. 130-133. Bill is the President of the Catholic League. Here are several excerpts:
1.) None of the antireligious organizations will admit that their real agenda is to drive religion from the public square and to weaken it in general.
2.) What really gets the goat of these zealots is when a prominent politician references God or religion in the public. So when George Bush said in 2000 presidential campaign that Jesus was his favorite philosopher, “People for the American Way” demanded that he “explain why he picked {Jesus}".
3.) When Bush mentioned God and religion in his second inaugural address. Barry Lynn accused the president of sending a message that “in order to be truly American, you must also be religious.” As a matter of fact, the weekend before Bush gave his address, the ‘ACLU’, ‘Americans United’, ‘People for the American Way’, ‘Freedom from Religion Foundation’, and many other radical secular groups held an “emergency meeting” in anticipation of Bush’s remarks; the umbrella group that organized this was the American Humanist Association.
4.) Consider what happened after 9/11. After the House voted 404-0 urging public schools to display “God Bless America” posters, Lynn chastened the congressmen: “I think they have their priorities out of line.” What really drove the secular nihilists mad was the sight of steel beams in the shape of a Christian Cross that was left standing amid the World Trade Center rubble.
5.) In 2000, a pornographic homosexual film festival, Reel Affirmations X, was held in Washington, D.C. Among the sponsors was “Americans United.” When asked what this had to do with its mission, Lynn said, “We oftentimes lend support to organizations which have a constituency sympathetic to our goals and objectives.” In other words, those who promote gay porn are seen as sympathetic to the goals and objectives of “Americans United.” How Telling. None of this is by happenstance before Lynn took over at “American United,” he directed the Washington office of the ACLU, and one of his pet projects was to push for the legalization of pornography.
6.) Even voluntary expressions of religion bother the saboteurs. When an elective Bible course was offered in Odessa, Texas, in 2007, the “ACLU” and “People for the American Way” filed suit. The infraction? Religious indoctrination.
7.) The actions of some secular activists are so depraved as to be beyond any reasonable defense. Any woman who would write a book titled, “ABORTION IS A BLESSING” has disqualified herself from national discourse on this issue. The author, Anne Nicol Gaylor, founder of “Freedom from Religion Foundation”, published her screed just two years after Roe v. Wade decision. She was applauded by Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, and NARAL.
George H. Kubeck, “There is self-destruction in voting for a politician who is a member of the ACLU.”
In pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Preface: This is a motley crew. Why should Americans accept their false interpretation of the Constitution’s 1st Amendment? They act like the secular religious thought police. Truth is our best weapon. This is not only a Dominican motto but a universal one. Let’s find out from Bill Donohue’s book, Secular Sabotage, “How Liberals are Destroying Religion and Culture in America.” P. 130-133. Bill is the President of the Catholic League. Here are several excerpts:
1.) None of the antireligious organizations will admit that their real agenda is to drive religion from the public square and to weaken it in general.
2.) What really gets the goat of these zealots is when a prominent politician references God or religion in the public. So when George Bush said in 2000 presidential campaign that Jesus was his favorite philosopher, “People for the American Way” demanded that he “explain why he picked {Jesus}".
3.) When Bush mentioned God and religion in his second inaugural address. Barry Lynn accused the president of sending a message that “in order to be truly American, you must also be religious.” As a matter of fact, the weekend before Bush gave his address, the ‘ACLU’, ‘Americans United’, ‘People for the American Way’, ‘Freedom from Religion Foundation’, and many other radical secular groups held an “emergency meeting” in anticipation of Bush’s remarks; the umbrella group that organized this was the American Humanist Association.
4.) Consider what happened after 9/11. After the House voted 404-0 urging public schools to display “God Bless America” posters, Lynn chastened the congressmen: “I think they have their priorities out of line.” What really drove the secular nihilists mad was the sight of steel beams in the shape of a Christian Cross that was left standing amid the World Trade Center rubble.
5.) In 2000, a pornographic homosexual film festival, Reel Affirmations X, was held in Washington, D.C. Among the sponsors was “Americans United.” When asked what this had to do with its mission, Lynn said, “We oftentimes lend support to organizations which have a constituency sympathetic to our goals and objectives.” In other words, those who promote gay porn are seen as sympathetic to the goals and objectives of “Americans United.” How Telling. None of this is by happenstance before Lynn took over at “American United,” he directed the Washington office of the ACLU, and one of his pet projects was to push for the legalization of pornography.
6.) Even voluntary expressions of religion bother the saboteurs. When an elective Bible course was offered in Odessa, Texas, in 2007, the “ACLU” and “People for the American Way” filed suit. The infraction? Religious indoctrination.
7.) The actions of some secular activists are so depraved as to be beyond any reasonable defense. Any woman who would write a book titled, “ABORTION IS A BLESSING” has disqualified herself from national discourse on this issue. The author, Anne Nicol Gaylor, founder of “Freedom from Religion Foundation”, published her screed just two years after Roe v. Wade decision. She was applauded by Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, and NARAL.
George H. Kubeck, “There is self-destruction in voting for a politician who is a member of the ACLU.”
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Anti-Establishment Letter
The Anti-Establishment Letter
In pursuit of the truth – – Sunday, July 25, 2010
I believe that progressivism is a 100 year insurgency within our nation. We need to persuade and convert progressives to give truth, common sense and natural law a chance. It is the truth that will set us both free as individuals and as a nation. If we can’t agree then we will vote each other out of office. But we must never change the true nature of America.
I think progressives have a mistaken mindset of America. Their agenda is not historically rational or in tune with our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and beliefs of our Founding Fathers. How did this come about? Sadly, honest journalism seems to be dead in America today. Who are we to believe, the main stream media? Most of us do not have time to check out other sources. This is a tragedy for America and should be of concern to both the progressives and the traditionalist. Is there still character and honesty in these two movements?
Now the writer Jonah Goldberg has come up with an insightful article titled, “An Open Conspiracy to Slant the News.” It appeared on National Review Online, July 23, 2010. So I am waiting for the progressives to respond and hear what they are going to say. It has to do about the term JournoList. It turns out that the “O” in JournoList stands or Obama. Americans are not fools for any news outlet.
Common sense and natural law helps us to arrive at the truth. On the other hand a firm belief in relativism is destructive in solving our nation’s problems. It has to do with power over Americans and forcing them to change their established beliefs by law or culture.
For Christians and in particular Catholics, let’s take a look at appropriately in today’s meditation, taken from Pope Benedict’s book, “Co-Workers of the Truth.”
“There is no such thing as purely objective news report… Our reporting always means a selecting. Therefore every report is an interpretation, even if only because of what is not reported, what is not said. But this means that the technology of reporting without ethics of reporting is inhuman and we must ask ourselves if we have not become on the one hand, giants in technology, but on the other hand infants in the matter of ethics in general and of the ethics of reporting in particular. It is precisely in this context, I think, that the particular task of the Catholic news agency becomes clear. Not only does it bring the vast realm of Church news into contact with the realm of human debate and make it comprehensible, but it exists precisely to develop and put into practice the ethics of reporting.”
Now here is the message for Catholic magazines, America, Commonweal and National Catholic Reporter! Why is Catholic-label Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi a Sacred Cow and an Untouchable? She is no more a Catholic than Adolf Hitler! Also the terrible scandal in 2007 in Massachusetts where Catholic-label politicians blocked the request of 170,000 citizens that a marriage initiative is on the ballot in the election of 2008. That blockage helped Obama win the 2008 election.
George H. Kubeck
In pursuit of the truth – – Sunday, July 25, 2010
I believe that progressivism is a 100 year insurgency within our nation. We need to persuade and convert progressives to give truth, common sense and natural law a chance. It is the truth that will set us both free as individuals and as a nation. If we can’t agree then we will vote each other out of office. But we must never change the true nature of America.
I think progressives have a mistaken mindset of America. Their agenda is not historically rational or in tune with our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and beliefs of our Founding Fathers. How did this come about? Sadly, honest journalism seems to be dead in America today. Who are we to believe, the main stream media? Most of us do not have time to check out other sources. This is a tragedy for America and should be of concern to both the progressives and the traditionalist. Is there still character and honesty in these two movements?
Now the writer Jonah Goldberg has come up with an insightful article titled, “An Open Conspiracy to Slant the News.” It appeared on National Review Online, July 23, 2010. So I am waiting for the progressives to respond and hear what they are going to say. It has to do about the term JournoList. It turns out that the “O” in JournoList stands or Obama. Americans are not fools for any news outlet.
Common sense and natural law helps us to arrive at the truth. On the other hand a firm belief in relativism is destructive in solving our nation’s problems. It has to do with power over Americans and forcing them to change their established beliefs by law or culture.
For Christians and in particular Catholics, let’s take a look at appropriately in today’s meditation, taken from Pope Benedict’s book, “Co-Workers of the Truth.”
“There is no such thing as purely objective news report… Our reporting always means a selecting. Therefore every report is an interpretation, even if only because of what is not reported, what is not said. But this means that the technology of reporting without ethics of reporting is inhuman and we must ask ourselves if we have not become on the one hand, giants in technology, but on the other hand infants in the matter of ethics in general and of the ethics of reporting in particular. It is precisely in this context, I think, that the particular task of the Catholic news agency becomes clear. Not only does it bring the vast realm of Church news into contact with the realm of human debate and make it comprehensible, but it exists precisely to develop and put into practice the ethics of reporting.”
Now here is the message for Catholic magazines, America, Commonweal and National Catholic Reporter! Why is Catholic-label Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi a Sacred Cow and an Untouchable? She is no more a Catholic than Adolf Hitler! Also the terrible scandal in 2007 in Massachusetts where Catholic-label politicians blocked the request of 170,000 citizens that a marriage initiative is on the ballot in the election of 2008. That blockage helped Obama win the 2008 election.
George H. Kubeck
Saturday, July 17, 2010
405/605 Tea Party Patriots Meeting - 2 of 2
405/605 Tea Party Patriots Meeting – 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, July 17, 2010
Their second speaker was Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. “Founder and President of BOND Action, Inc., a nonprofit, 501 (c) (4) organization, is the most courageous, outspoken critic of the liberal left and the so-called “black leadership” in America today. Often referred to as the “antidote to Jesse Jackson”, he is the bold, insightful alternative to the current administration’s far left and socialist leaning agendas, bringing clarity and direction to people of all races, social classes and religions…” What follows are some irregular but significant notes: {Meeting on Wed. July 14th, St. Isidore’s Hall, Los Alamitos, Ca.}
Jesse has a radio show on Monday thru Friday. “I am an American.” There is a need to rebuild the family by rebuilding the man. That order is God and man, Christ and children that come through the Father: THERE IS A LACK OF MORAL CHARACTER.
Rev.Jesse Peterson grew up on a plantation. It was far different. TODAY THE GOVERNMENT TOOK THE FATHER OUT OF THE HOME. THE GOVERNMENT BECAME THE DADDY OF THE FAMILY. Most black preachers are called by mamma. Fifty years ago, less than 10% of black women got pregnant out of wedlock. TODAY 70% OF BABIES ARE BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK. 80% IN INDIANA: THERE IS NO OUTCRY BY BLACK PREACHERS. It wasn’t like that when I grew up. “I believed that only white people sin.”
TODAY, 70% OF PLANNED PARENTHOOD SITES ARE LOCATED IN OR NEAR BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS. 1500 ARE ABORTED DAILY, 40,000 MONTHLY. THERE IS NO OUTCRY BY BLACK PREACHERS. WE HAVE THE CORRUPTION OF BLACK PREACHERS. This is what socialism is. This happened when the government took over. The government is trying to do the same thing to the white families.
The public school system is out of control. When I went to school there was respect for the teacher and the principal for punishment. If not, there was punishment by Grandma. OUR BATTLE IS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE BETWEEN RIGHT VERSUS WRONG. TODAY, THERE IS A FAR LEFT-LIBERAL-BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGY. They hate conservatives and think white America is racist. Take Obama who received 96% of the Black vote. However, 85% of the Black Americans believe in God.
As for Obama, how can you sit there for 20 years with Jeremiah Wright and not know who he is? He lied. YOU CALL HIM UNCLE. He married you and baptized your two children. We have white guilt and black racism. It is typical to be teaching black liberation theology.
You have to tell them the truth. It’s about getting back at white America. Liberals don’t have God on their side. Deal with the people. THE GOVERNMENT DESTROYED YOUR FAMILY CAUSING YOU TO BE DEPENDENT UPON THE STATE. THE GOVERNMENT USES THE WORD RACISM INTO A HYPNOTIC TRANCE. You have to demoralize white people and have them head for the hills.
Jesse Jackson has divided the nation. Color versus Character: Speaker Peterson thinks we are more divided than at any time in our history. Closing thoughts: NAACP is a political pawn of the Democratic Party. Support Arizona!
George H. Kubeck – Down with government intrusion in our lives; first with Blacks now with everyone else!
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, July 17, 2010
Their second speaker was Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. “Founder and President of BOND Action, Inc., a nonprofit, 501 (c) (4) organization, is the most courageous, outspoken critic of the liberal left and the so-called “black leadership” in America today. Often referred to as the “antidote to Jesse Jackson”, he is the bold, insightful alternative to the current administration’s far left and socialist leaning agendas, bringing clarity and direction to people of all races, social classes and religions…” What follows are some irregular but significant notes: {Meeting on Wed. July 14th, St. Isidore’s Hall, Los Alamitos, Ca.}
Jesse has a radio show on Monday thru Friday. “I am an American.” There is a need to rebuild the family by rebuilding the man. That order is God and man, Christ and children that come through the Father: THERE IS A LACK OF MORAL CHARACTER.
Rev.Jesse Peterson grew up on a plantation. It was far different. TODAY THE GOVERNMENT TOOK THE FATHER OUT OF THE HOME. THE GOVERNMENT BECAME THE DADDY OF THE FAMILY. Most black preachers are called by mamma. Fifty years ago, less than 10% of black women got pregnant out of wedlock. TODAY 70% OF BABIES ARE BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK. 80% IN INDIANA: THERE IS NO OUTCRY BY BLACK PREACHERS. It wasn’t like that when I grew up. “I believed that only white people sin.”
TODAY, 70% OF PLANNED PARENTHOOD SITES ARE LOCATED IN OR NEAR BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS. 1500 ARE ABORTED DAILY, 40,000 MONTHLY. THERE IS NO OUTCRY BY BLACK PREACHERS. WE HAVE THE CORRUPTION OF BLACK PREACHERS. This is what socialism is. This happened when the government took over. The government is trying to do the same thing to the white families.
The public school system is out of control. When I went to school there was respect for the teacher and the principal for punishment. If not, there was punishment by Grandma. OUR BATTLE IS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE BETWEEN RIGHT VERSUS WRONG. TODAY, THERE IS A FAR LEFT-LIBERAL-BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGY. They hate conservatives and think white America is racist. Take Obama who received 96% of the Black vote. However, 85% of the Black Americans believe in God.
As for Obama, how can you sit there for 20 years with Jeremiah Wright and not know who he is? He lied. YOU CALL HIM UNCLE. He married you and baptized your two children. We have white guilt and black racism. It is typical to be teaching black liberation theology.
You have to tell them the truth. It’s about getting back at white America. Liberals don’t have God on their side. Deal with the people. THE GOVERNMENT DESTROYED YOUR FAMILY CAUSING YOU TO BE DEPENDENT UPON THE STATE. THE GOVERNMENT USES THE WORD RACISM INTO A HYPNOTIC TRANCE. You have to demoralize white people and have them head for the hills.
Jesse Jackson has divided the nation. Color versus Character: Speaker Peterson thinks we are more divided than at any time in our history. Closing thoughts: NAACP is a political pawn of the Democratic Party. Support Arizona!
George H. Kubeck – Down with government intrusion in our lives; first with Blacks now with everyone else!
Friday, July 16, 2010
405/605 Tea Party Patriots Meeting - 1 of 2
405/605 Tea Party Patriots Meeting – 1 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, July 16, 2010
There was another lively, patriotic meeting with an overflow crowd at St. Isidore’s Hall in Los Alamitos, California on Wednesday, July 14th, 2010 – 7-8:40 P.M. Mark your calendar for the next meeting Wed., Aug. 11, 2010.
Their first speaker was K. Bruce Brown. I heard him before at the Anaheim Republican Assembly meeting. {Meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month at Denny’s 907 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim, Ca.} Bruce was excellent. “He is the Republican Candidate for Congress in CA 35th CD, running against incumbent, Maxine Waters. He is also the Founder of . Bruce has a pro-active, grass roots strategy to turn California back to conservative behavior. There is a clear vacuum of leadership present as most party members seem to be calling for new leaders and strategies. Bruce’s back ground is in technical sales management for all aspects of the industrial marketplace…”
What follows are some irregular but significant notes of his talk:
Bruce started two years ago in this campaign. The challenge for many is the inability to articulate our ideas: The Founding of America: How freedom produces jobs! Messages that you can check out on his blog.
Who are Conservatives today? They are two sources: fundamental conservatism and today’s Tea Party Movement: the people and freedom constitution: This is about self-government: People living their own lives: Every day the government takes a little bit more: 2012 analogous to the revolution: Enjoy and get into this fight: Going door to door: Don’t wait for a leader: That’s what freedom is all about!
They say the leftwing is about emotion, and the right is about logic. Well I am particularly emotional about my logic. Do all you have to do; and vote! I just mark my calendar. I can take the principles and take them into the Inner City. Sponsored a Christmas party and our group is known as “Community Values Coalition”: People are interested in listening! In the black community, you are nothing like what we are told as Republicans. WE are going to give them an alternative.
Reaching out – but you go into the community: Hi, my name is Bruce! You are dealing with private racism and government cheese. We are showing up in the Black community.
The shame is that it has taken us so long! It has to do with being in the community and showing solutions for the Blacks and Latino citizens: We have a Latino Army:
Each time Maxine Walters has gotten only a certain percentage of the vote. The question of immigration: A fight to create division: The point of being here in the community: FOCUS ON THE BELIEF IN FREEDOM AND THE AMERICAN DREAM FOR EVERYONE: THERE IS A HUNGER FOR THIS:
George H. Kubeck, The second speaker was Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson in part 2.
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, July 16, 2010
There was another lively, patriotic meeting with an overflow crowd at St. Isidore’s Hall in Los Alamitos, California on Wednesday, July 14th, 2010 – 7-8:40 P.M. Mark your calendar for the next meeting Wed., Aug. 11, 2010.
Their first speaker was K. Bruce Brown. I heard him before at the Anaheim Republican Assembly meeting. {Meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month at Denny’s 907 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim, Ca.} Bruce was excellent. “He is the Republican Candidate for Congress in CA 35th CD, running against incumbent, Maxine Waters. He is also the Founder of . Bruce has a pro-active, grass roots strategy to turn California back to conservative behavior. There is a clear vacuum of leadership present as most party members seem to be calling for new leaders and strategies. Bruce’s back ground is in technical sales management for all aspects of the industrial marketplace…”
What follows are some irregular but significant notes of his talk:
Bruce started two years ago in this campaign. The challenge for many is the inability to articulate our ideas: The Founding of America: How freedom produces jobs! Messages that you can check out on his blog.
Who are Conservatives today? They are two sources: fundamental conservatism and today’s Tea Party Movement: the people and freedom constitution: This is about self-government: People living their own lives: Every day the government takes a little bit more: 2012 analogous to the revolution: Enjoy and get into this fight: Going door to door: Don’t wait for a leader: That’s what freedom is all about!
They say the leftwing is about emotion, and the right is about logic. Well I am particularly emotional about my logic. Do all you have to do; and vote! I just mark my calendar. I can take the principles and take them into the Inner City. Sponsored a Christmas party and our group is known as “Community Values Coalition”: People are interested in listening! In the black community, you are nothing like what we are told as Republicans. WE are going to give them an alternative.
Reaching out – but you go into the community: Hi, my name is Bruce! You are dealing with private racism and government cheese. We are showing up in the Black community.
The shame is that it has taken us so long! It has to do with being in the community and showing solutions for the Blacks and Latino citizens: We have a Latino Army:
Each time Maxine Walters has gotten only a certain percentage of the vote. The question of immigration: A fight to create division: The point of being here in the community: FOCUS ON THE BELIEF IN FREEDOM AND THE AMERICAN DREAM FOR EVERYONE: THERE IS A HUNGER FOR THIS:
George H. Kubeck, The second speaker was Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson in part 2.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
David Horowitz and Home Addresses of Bishops
David Horowitz and Home Addresses of Bishops
In pursuit of the truth – – Tuesday, July 13, 2010
“Progressives engineered a welfare system that destroyed the inner black family and created a vast “under-class” so mired in the culture of dependency and poverty that they may never escape. Progressives destroyed the bottom rungs of the ladder of economic success by corrupting a public school system in which half the students never graduate and half of those who do functionally illiterate. “Every major inner city in America – Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Harlem, South Central Los Angeles – every school board and school district, every council in those inner cities is 100% controlled by the Democrats and progressives, and has been for a 100 years. Everything that is wrong with the inner cities of America that policy can affect Democrats and progressives are responsible for.
“They have their boot heels on the necks of poor blacks and Hispanic children all across America and are crushing them every day. And yet Republicans and conservatives are too polite to mention it.
“Conservatives already oppose the programs of the left as obstacles to the production of wealth and barriers to the opportunity for all Americans. But they don’t connect these programs to the real people they will affect. David Horowitz, “The Art of Political War for Tea Parties” 2010, (800) 752-6562 p. 9
FRESNO: The Most Reverend John T. Steinbeck, Bishop of Fresno
1550 North Fresno Street, Fresno, a. 93703-3788, Fax: (559) 493-2847
LOS ANGELES: His Eminence Roger M Mahony, Archbishop of Los Angeles,
3424 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. 90010-2202, Fax: (213) 637 6510
The Most Reverend Oscar A. Solis, Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles,
Director of the Office of Justice and Peace
3424 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca. 90010-2202 Fax (213) 637 6510
MONTEREY: The Most Reverend Richard J. Garcia, Bishop of Monterey
P.O. Box 2048, Monterey, Ca. 93942, Fax 831-373-1175
OAKLAND: The Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron, Bishop of Oakland
2900 Lakeshore Avenue, Oakland, Ca. 94610-3697, Fax: (519) 893-0945
ORANGE: The Most Reverend Tod D. Brown, Diocese of Orange,
P.O. Box 14195, Orange, Ca. 92863-1595 Fax: (714) 282-3029 (June 30th, 12th anniversary of appointment as Bishop of Orange.)
SACRAMENTO: The Most Reverend Jaime Soto, Bishop of Sacramento,
2110 Broadway, Sacramento, Ca. 95818 Fax: (916) 733-0215
SAN BERNADINO: The Most Reverend Gerald R. Barnes, Bishop of San Bernardino
1201 E, Highland Ave. San Bernardino, Ca. 92404 0149 Fax 909-475-5155
SAN DIEGO: The Most Reverend Robert H. Broom, Diocese of San Diego,
P.O. Box, 85728 San Diego, Ca. 92186-5728, Fax: (858) 490-8272
The Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone, Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego
P.O. Box 85728, San Diego, Ca. 92186-5728, Fax: (858) 490-8272
SAN FRANCISCO: The Most Reverend George Niederauer, Archbishop of S.F.
One Peter Yorke Way, San Francisco, Ca. 94109
SAN JOSE: The Most Reverend Patrick J. McGrath, Bishop of San Jose
900 Lafayette Street, Suite 301, Santa Clara, Ca. 95050-4966, Fax: (408) 983-0295
SANTA ROSA: The Most Reverend Daniel F. Walsh, Bishop of Santa Rosa
P.O. Box 1297 Santa Rosa, Ca. 95402 Fax: (707) 566-3310
STOCKTON: The Most Reverend Stephen E. Blair, Bishop of Stockton, President of the California Cath. Conference, 1105 North Lincoln St. Stockton, Ca. 92503, Fax: 209 941 9722
George H. Kubeck
Duplicate, Please fax or mail.
In pursuit of the truth – – Tuesday, July 13, 2010
“Progressives engineered a welfare system that destroyed the inner black family and created a vast “under-class” so mired in the culture of dependency and poverty that they may never escape. Progressives destroyed the bottom rungs of the ladder of economic success by corrupting a public school system in which half the students never graduate and half of those who do functionally illiterate. “Every major inner city in America – Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Harlem, South Central Los Angeles – every school board and school district, every council in those inner cities is 100% controlled by the Democrats and progressives, and has been for a 100 years. Everything that is wrong with the inner cities of America that policy can affect Democrats and progressives are responsible for.
“They have their boot heels on the necks of poor blacks and Hispanic children all across America and are crushing them every day. And yet Republicans and conservatives are too polite to mention it.
“Conservatives already oppose the programs of the left as obstacles to the production of wealth and barriers to the opportunity for all Americans. But they don’t connect these programs to the real people they will affect. David Horowitz, “The Art of Political War for Tea Parties” 2010, (800) 752-6562 p. 9
FRESNO: The Most Reverend John T. Steinbeck, Bishop of Fresno
1550 North Fresno Street, Fresno, a. 93703-3788, Fax: (559) 493-2847
LOS ANGELES: His Eminence Roger M Mahony, Archbishop of Los Angeles,
3424 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. 90010-2202, Fax: (213) 637 6510
The Most Reverend Oscar A. Solis, Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles,
Director of the Office of Justice and Peace
3424 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, Ca. 90010-2202 Fax (213) 637 6510
MONTEREY: The Most Reverend Richard J. Garcia, Bishop of Monterey
P.O. Box 2048, Monterey, Ca. 93942, Fax 831-373-1175
OAKLAND: The Most Reverend Allen H. Vigneron, Bishop of Oakland
2900 Lakeshore Avenue, Oakland, Ca. 94610-3697, Fax: (519) 893-0945
ORANGE: The Most Reverend Tod D. Brown, Diocese of Orange,
P.O. Box 14195, Orange, Ca. 92863-1595 Fax: (714) 282-3029 (June 30th, 12th anniversary of appointment as Bishop of Orange.)
SACRAMENTO: The Most Reverend Jaime Soto, Bishop of Sacramento,
2110 Broadway, Sacramento, Ca. 95818 Fax: (916) 733-0215
SAN BERNADINO: The Most Reverend Gerald R. Barnes, Bishop of San Bernardino
1201 E, Highland Ave. San Bernardino, Ca. 92404 0149 Fax 909-475-5155
SAN DIEGO: The Most Reverend Robert H. Broom, Diocese of San Diego,
P.O. Box, 85728 San Diego, Ca. 92186-5728, Fax: (858) 490-8272
The Most Reverend Salvatore J. Cordileone, Auxiliary Bishop of San Diego
P.O. Box 85728, San Diego, Ca. 92186-5728, Fax: (858) 490-8272
SAN FRANCISCO: The Most Reverend George Niederauer, Archbishop of S.F.
One Peter Yorke Way, San Francisco, Ca. 94109
SAN JOSE: The Most Reverend Patrick J. McGrath, Bishop of San Jose
900 Lafayette Street, Suite 301, Santa Clara, Ca. 95050-4966, Fax: (408) 983-0295
SANTA ROSA: The Most Reverend Daniel F. Walsh, Bishop of Santa Rosa
P.O. Box 1297 Santa Rosa, Ca. 95402 Fax: (707) 566-3310
STOCKTON: The Most Reverend Stephen E. Blair, Bishop of Stockton, President of the California Cath. Conference, 1105 North Lincoln St. Stockton, Ca. 92503, Fax: 209 941 9722
George H. Kubeck
Duplicate, Please fax or mail.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Americans need the light of St. Thomas Aquinas
Americans need the Light of St. Thomas Aquinas
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, July 12, 2010
Preface: I believe that Progressivism is intellectually and morally bankrupt. Thomas Aquinas can be a light to the CINOPs V.P. Biden, Congresswomen Pelosi and Loretta Sanchez, and Catholic –con-organizations, magazines and individuals who support Catholic-in-name-only Politicians in America.
Progressivism has no foundation in American Constitutional law and in the principles of our Founding Fathers. Errors of thinking repeat themselves in history. Progressivism is to America in some ways what the Albigensians were to France during the time of St. Dominic.
One example was their “War on Poverty” several decades ago. It destroyed the American Black Family. Does anybody care? Well the Progressives had good intentions! Good intentions will lead us to financial bankruptcy and eco-hell.
Source: Ref. – Pontiff Explains Why Society Needs Aquinas – Notes Timeliness of Saint’s Moral Theology – Vatican City, June 16m 2010 (
“The moral theology of St. Thomas Aquinas is timely even today, says Benedict XVI, who pointed to the saint’s emphasis on natural law. … He explained how Thomas managed to show the “independence of philosophy and theology and, at the same time, their reciprocal rationality.”
“The saint’s emphasis on the dignity of human reason correlates to his teaching on nature and grace, the Holy Father illustrated. And he noted how reason, with its power, has the important potential of “discerning the natural moral law.”
“Reason can recognize {this law.} concerning what is good to do and what is good to avoid to obtain that happiness which is in each one’s heart, and which also imposes a responsibility toward others and, hence, the search for the common good,” he said. “In other words, the virtues of man, theological and moral, are rooted in human nature.
“Divine grace supports, sustains and drives the ethical commitment but, on their own, according to St. Thomas, all men, believers and non-believers, are called to recognize the exigencies of human nature expressed in natural law and to be inspired in it in the formulation of positive laws, that is, those issuing from civil and political authorities to regulate human coexistence.”
“He cited his predecessor, Venerable John Paul II, who affirmed: “It is therefore urgently necessary, for the future of society and the development of sound democracy, to rediscover those essential and innate human and moral values which from the very truth of the human being and express and safeguard the dignity of the person; values which no individual, no majority and no State can ever create, modify or destroy, but must only acknowledge, respect and promote.”…
George H. Kubeck – Yes to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness! No to France’s Liberty, Equality and Fraternity!
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, July 12, 2010
Preface: I believe that Progressivism is intellectually and morally bankrupt. Thomas Aquinas can be a light to the CINOPs V.P. Biden, Congresswomen Pelosi and Loretta Sanchez, and Catholic –con-organizations, magazines and individuals who support Catholic-in-name-only Politicians in America.
Progressivism has no foundation in American Constitutional law and in the principles of our Founding Fathers. Errors of thinking repeat themselves in history. Progressivism is to America in some ways what the Albigensians were to France during the time of St. Dominic.
One example was their “War on Poverty” several decades ago. It destroyed the American Black Family. Does anybody care? Well the Progressives had good intentions! Good intentions will lead us to financial bankruptcy and eco-hell.
Source: Ref. – Pontiff Explains Why Society Needs Aquinas – Notes Timeliness of Saint’s Moral Theology – Vatican City, June 16m 2010 (
“The moral theology of St. Thomas Aquinas is timely even today, says Benedict XVI, who pointed to the saint’s emphasis on natural law. … He explained how Thomas managed to show the “independence of philosophy and theology and, at the same time, their reciprocal rationality.”
“The saint’s emphasis on the dignity of human reason correlates to his teaching on nature and grace, the Holy Father illustrated. And he noted how reason, with its power, has the important potential of “discerning the natural moral law.”
“Reason can recognize {this law.} concerning what is good to do and what is good to avoid to obtain that happiness which is in each one’s heart, and which also imposes a responsibility toward others and, hence, the search for the common good,” he said. “In other words, the virtues of man, theological and moral, are rooted in human nature.
“Divine grace supports, sustains and drives the ethical commitment but, on their own, according to St. Thomas, all men, believers and non-believers, are called to recognize the exigencies of human nature expressed in natural law and to be inspired in it in the formulation of positive laws, that is, those issuing from civil and political authorities to regulate human coexistence.”
“He cited his predecessor, Venerable John Paul II, who affirmed: “It is therefore urgently necessary, for the future of society and the development of sound democracy, to rediscover those essential and innate human and moral values which from the very truth of the human being and express and safeguard the dignity of the person; values which no individual, no majority and no State can ever create, modify or destroy, but must only acknowledge, respect and promote.”…
George H. Kubeck – Yes to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness! No to France’s Liberty, Equality and Fraternity!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Our President lives in the Twilight Zone
Our President lives in the Twilight Zone
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, July 9, 2010
Our President Obama is a true believer and wants to take our whole nation into this Twilight Zone whether they like or not. He believes in the secular religion of Environmentalism: - Global warming, Cap and Trade etc. This is the Twilight Zone. Take care of our planet but not as a substitute religion.
Obama believes in the Gay Agenda for America. He believes in same-sex marriage and repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” law for our voluntary military; and even the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. This is not America. He is in the Twilight Zone. So are his supporters like the ACLU and Secular Progressive Democrats. This is the twilight zone, a world of relativism, cut-off from reality, natural law, the Constitution, Bill of Rights and common sense. All of this is progressive liberal economics
Abortion, euthanasia, assisted-suicide and embryonic stem-cell research seem to be beyond Obama’s pay grade. He is in the Twilight Zone. Americans don’t want to go there. The President wants to change our motto of Life – “Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” to “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”. Does he not know that we are Americans not Europeans? I think he should be required to listen to talk radio host Dennis Prager for a month. Back in Washington, the President and his Czars could listen over a glass of beer from noon to 3 P.M. Locally, its KLAC Talk Radio 870 – 9 A.m. to Noon.
Obama is not a Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell or a traditional Black American. If he were a white man as President, Obama’s popularity today would be in the 30s. He has been such a disappointment to the independent voters etc. throughout the country. He came unto the American scene from literally nowhere and like a Pied Piper entered our Presidential Elections with great oratorical skills using a teleprompter. He has mesmerized some of his supporters to such a degree that they look upon him like “The King with No Clothes On.” “What needs to be done?”
Educate the voters and fight this coming November election with both hands on all issues. Repeat & memorize in your own words the following & connect with the voters. {Thanks to David Horowitz}
“Progressives engineered a welfare system that destroyed the inner city black family and created a vast “under-class” so mired in the culture of dependency and poverty that they may never escape. Progressives destroyed the bottoms rungs of the ladder of economic success by corrupting a public system in which half the students never graduate & half of those who do are functionally illiterate. Every major inner city in America – Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Harlem, South Central Los Angeles- every school board and school district, every city council in those inner cities is 100% controlled by the Democrats and progressives, and has been for 100 years. Everything that is wrong with the inner cities of America that policy can affect Democrats and progressives are responsible for. They have their boot heels on the necks of the poor black and Hispanic children across America and are crushing them every day. And yet Republicans and conservatives are too polite to mention this…”
George H. Kubeck, David Horowitz, The Art of Political War for Tea Parties,
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, July 9, 2010
Our President Obama is a true believer and wants to take our whole nation into this Twilight Zone whether they like or not. He believes in the secular religion of Environmentalism: - Global warming, Cap and Trade etc. This is the Twilight Zone. Take care of our planet but not as a substitute religion.
Obama believes in the Gay Agenda for America. He believes in same-sex marriage and repealing “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” law for our voluntary military; and even the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act. This is not America. He is in the Twilight Zone. So are his supporters like the ACLU and Secular Progressive Democrats. This is the twilight zone, a world of relativism, cut-off from reality, natural law, the Constitution, Bill of Rights and common sense. All of this is progressive liberal economics
Abortion, euthanasia, assisted-suicide and embryonic stem-cell research seem to be beyond Obama’s pay grade. He is in the Twilight Zone. Americans don’t want to go there. The President wants to change our motto of Life – “Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness” to “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”. Does he not know that we are Americans not Europeans? I think he should be required to listen to talk radio host Dennis Prager for a month. Back in Washington, the President and his Czars could listen over a glass of beer from noon to 3 P.M. Locally, its KLAC Talk Radio 870 – 9 A.m. to Noon.
Obama is not a Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell or a traditional Black American. If he were a white man as President, Obama’s popularity today would be in the 30s. He has been such a disappointment to the independent voters etc. throughout the country. He came unto the American scene from literally nowhere and like a Pied Piper entered our Presidential Elections with great oratorical skills using a teleprompter. He has mesmerized some of his supporters to such a degree that they look upon him like “The King with No Clothes On.” “What needs to be done?”
Educate the voters and fight this coming November election with both hands on all issues. Repeat & memorize in your own words the following & connect with the voters. {Thanks to David Horowitz}
“Progressives engineered a welfare system that destroyed the inner city black family and created a vast “under-class” so mired in the culture of dependency and poverty that they may never escape. Progressives destroyed the bottoms rungs of the ladder of economic success by corrupting a public system in which half the students never graduate & half of those who do are functionally illiterate. Every major inner city in America – Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, St. Louis, Harlem, South Central Los Angeles- every school board and school district, every city council in those inner cities is 100% controlled by the Democrats and progressives, and has been for 100 years. Everything that is wrong with the inner cities of America that policy can affect Democrats and progressives are responsible for. They have their boot heels on the necks of the poor black and Hispanic children across America and are crushing them every day. And yet Republicans and conservatives are too polite to mention this…”
George H. Kubeck, David Horowitz, The Art of Political War for Tea Parties,
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Illinois' Liberal Progressive Economic Collapse
Illinois’ Liberal Progressive Economic Collapse
In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, July 8, 2010
“Few budget analysts are surprised to see ILLINOIS, with a limping economy and broken political culture, edge close to the abyss. Two of the last six governors have served jail terms, and a third is on trial.
“We are a fiscal poster child for what not to do,” Said Ralph Martire of the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability, a liberal-leaning policy group in Illinois. “We make California look as if it’s run by penurious accountants who sit in rooms trying to put together an honest budget all day.”
“Five years ago, the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park issued about 650 home building permits; last year it processed one. The city of Rockford plans to close fire stations and lay off firefighters, and in Decatur, 180 impoverished seniors have lost their delivered meals. The lakeshore condo towers in Chicago bespeak affluence, but there are so many foreclosures on the bungalow blocks of southern and western Chicago that “for sale” signs sprout like sunflowers.
“Illinois legislators tend to plead victim to economic circumstance and the state’s maladies are considerable. In 2006, the Illinois unemployment rate stood below 5 percent; now it is near 11 percent, and the percentage of long-term unemployed exceeds the national average. Major manufacturers have eliminated thousands of jobs, and the state ranks in the top 10 nationally in foreclosure.
“Public colleges and universities occupy a fiscal sickbed all their own. This year they muddled through without $668 million expected from the state; the University of Illinois has yet to receive 45 percent of its state appropriation. Legislators made no pretense of promising to pay this bill soon. Instead they authorized colleges to borrow against the expected state payments.
“Illinois fiscal practices are thoroughly fractured. Large agencies survive from one payday to the next. Small agencies seek high-interest loans from out-of-state finance companies.
“The state pension system is a money sinkhole and the most immediate threat. The governor and legislature have shortchanged the pensions since the mid-1990s, taking payment “holidays” with alarming regularity.
“The state’s last elected governor, Rod R. Blagojevich, is on trial for racketeering and extortion. But in 2003, he persuaded the legislature to let him float $10 billion in 30-year bonds and use the proceeds for two years of pension payments.
“That gamble backfired and wound up backfired and wound up costing the state many billions of dollars. Illinois reports that it has $62.4 billion in unfunded pension liabilities, although many experts that liability tens of billions of dollars higher… For years, the Democratic-controlled legislature has passed budgets that are, in effect, in deficit. Lawmakers routinely skip around the state’s balanced-budget law, with few consequences…
“Blagojevich was not a tax-and-spend governor; he was a spend-and-borrow governor.”… {Above are excerpts from an article by Michael Powell in NY Times.}
George H. Kubeck, from:
In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, July 8, 2010
“Few budget analysts are surprised to see ILLINOIS, with a limping economy and broken political culture, edge close to the abyss. Two of the last six governors have served jail terms, and a third is on trial.
“We are a fiscal poster child for what not to do,” Said Ralph Martire of the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability, a liberal-leaning policy group in Illinois. “We make California look as if it’s run by penurious accountants who sit in rooms trying to put together an honest budget all day.”
“Five years ago, the Chicago suburb of Tinley Park issued about 650 home building permits; last year it processed one. The city of Rockford plans to close fire stations and lay off firefighters, and in Decatur, 180 impoverished seniors have lost their delivered meals. The lakeshore condo towers in Chicago bespeak affluence, but there are so many foreclosures on the bungalow blocks of southern and western Chicago that “for sale” signs sprout like sunflowers.
“Illinois legislators tend to plead victim to economic circumstance and the state’s maladies are considerable. In 2006, the Illinois unemployment rate stood below 5 percent; now it is near 11 percent, and the percentage of long-term unemployed exceeds the national average. Major manufacturers have eliminated thousands of jobs, and the state ranks in the top 10 nationally in foreclosure.
“Public colleges and universities occupy a fiscal sickbed all their own. This year they muddled through without $668 million expected from the state; the University of Illinois has yet to receive 45 percent of its state appropriation. Legislators made no pretense of promising to pay this bill soon. Instead they authorized colleges to borrow against the expected state payments.
“Illinois fiscal practices are thoroughly fractured. Large agencies survive from one payday to the next. Small agencies seek high-interest loans from out-of-state finance companies.
“The state pension system is a money sinkhole and the most immediate threat. The governor and legislature have shortchanged the pensions since the mid-1990s, taking payment “holidays” with alarming regularity.
“The state’s last elected governor, Rod R. Blagojevich, is on trial for racketeering and extortion. But in 2003, he persuaded the legislature to let him float $10 billion in 30-year bonds and use the proceeds for two years of pension payments.
“That gamble backfired and wound up backfired and wound up costing the state many billions of dollars. Illinois reports that it has $62.4 billion in unfunded pension liabilities, although many experts that liability tens of billions of dollars higher… For years, the Democratic-controlled legislature has passed budgets that are, in effect, in deficit. Lawmakers routinely skip around the state’s balanced-budget law, with few consequences…
“Blagojevich was not a tax-and-spend governor; he was a spend-and-borrow governor.”… {Above are excerpts from an article by Michael Powell in NY Times.}
George H. Kubeck, from:
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Dedicated to our Fallen Soldiers
Dedicated to our Fallen Soldiers
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, July 6th, 2010
“The Meaning of the Folds of the American Flag”
Here is the text recited by honor guards when folding the American flag at the funeral of America’s heroes:
1.) The first fold of our flag is a symbol of life.
2.) The second fold is a symbol of our belief in the eternal life.
3.) The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veteran departing our ranks who gave a portion of life for the defense of our country.
4.) The fourth fold represents our weaker nature; for as American citizens trusting God, it is to him we turn in times of peace as well as in times of war for his divine guidance.
5.) The fifth fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, “Our country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong.”
6.) The sixth fold is where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
7.) The seventh fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that we protect our country and our flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of our Republic. 8.) The eight fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day. 9.) The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood, for it has been through their faith, love, loyalty, and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great have been molded.
10.) The tenth fold is a tribute to father, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for the defense of our country since they were first born.
11.) The eleventh fold, in the eyes of a Hebrew citizen, represents the lower portions of the seal of King David and King Solomon, and glorifies, in their eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.
12.) The twelfth fold, in the eyes of a Christian citizen, represents and emblem of eternity and glorifies, in the eyes, God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. +++ When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost, reminding us of our national motto, “In God We Trust.”
George H. Kubeck All of the above from Magnificat – July 2010, Vol. 12, No. 5
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, July 6th, 2010
“The Meaning of the Folds of the American Flag”
Here is the text recited by honor guards when folding the American flag at the funeral of America’s heroes:
1.) The first fold of our flag is a symbol of life.
2.) The second fold is a symbol of our belief in the eternal life.
3.) The third fold is made in honor and remembrance of the veteran departing our ranks who gave a portion of life for the defense of our country.
4.) The fourth fold represents our weaker nature; for as American citizens trusting God, it is to him we turn in times of peace as well as in times of war for his divine guidance.
5.) The fifth fold is a tribute to our country, for in the words of Stephen Decatur, “Our country, in dealing with other countries, may she always be right; but it is still our country, right or wrong.”
6.) The sixth fold is where our hearts lie. It is with our heart that we pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
7.) The seventh fold is a tribute to our Armed Forces, for it is through the Armed Forces that we protect our country and our flag against all her enemies, whether they be found within or without the boundaries of our Republic. 8.) The eight fold is a tribute to the one who entered into the valley of the shadow of death, that we might see the light of day. 9.) The ninth fold is a tribute to womanhood, for it has been through their faith, love, loyalty, and devotion that the character of the men and women who have made this country great have been molded.
10.) The tenth fold is a tribute to father, for he, too, has given his sons and daughters for the defense of our country since they were first born.
11.) The eleventh fold, in the eyes of a Hebrew citizen, represents the lower portions of the seal of King David and King Solomon, and glorifies, in their eyes, the God of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.
12.) The twelfth fold, in the eyes of a Christian citizen, represents and emblem of eternity and glorifies, in the eyes, God the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. +++ When the flag is completely folded, the stars are uppermost, reminding us of our national motto, “In God We Trust.”
George H. Kubeck All of the above from Magnificat – July 2010, Vol. 12, No. 5
Monday, July 5, 2010
Jefferson's Beliefs - 2 of 2
Jefferson’s Beliefs – 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, July 5, 2010
AFA Journal, July 2010 – - Since we now have an idea of what the writer believed about God, how did Christianity influence the Declaration of Independence? Continued
Db: (David Barton) continued – Clinton Roster wrote a book titled “Seedtime in the Republic.” He identified six of the greatest intellectual forces in shaping the American government. Out of the six people in that book, four are ministers of the gospel. One example is Rev. John Wise. He was a preacher in Massachusetts in the 1680s. He preached a sermon looking at the different forms of taxation in the Bible. He showed that taxation without representation is tyranny. He preached a sermon looking at different form of government in the Bible and said it is clear God’s government is consent of the governed. He preached a sermon where he said all men are created equal; they are endowed by their creator with inalienable rights. Remember he lived in the 1600s…
AFAJ: Christianity may have influenced the writer of the Declaration, but he only used terms such as nature’s God, Divine Providence, etc. Aren’t these references to a deist God?
DB: This is the father of Jesus. Again, half these guys were ministry trained; 95% of the signers were what we would call evangelical Christians. Even though many people call Franklin and Jefferson deists, they do not fit the definition. A deist is one who believes in an impersonal God. Franklin is the one who called for daily prayer at the convention because he said God answered their prayers and they saw it during the revolution…
AFAJ: Some who see that the writers were followers of Jesus and that God is mentioned in the Declaration will argue that it is not a legal document that should be considered when making public policy today.
DB: That is untrue. Article VII of our Constitution incorporates the Declaration into the Constitution. You will find that every act of the president of the U.S. from George Washington to now is not dated to the year of the Constitution; it is date to the year of the Declaration of Independence. So, the acts signed this year by President Obama will say, “in the year of our independence, 234.”…
AFAJ: Why have most of us never heard these things in our history class?
DB: We use an approach in history today called DECONSTRUCTION and post-structuralism. Deconstruction points out all the negatives and makes the exception into the rule. Post-structuralism divides people into groups and makes them part of the group rather than part of the full unit… We are taught the Founding Fathers were rich, elitist, land owners. This isn’t true. Sam Adams was so poor he did not have a suit to wear in Congress…
AFAJ: How can people educate themselves? ---- DB: The best way to educate yourself is to read books before progressives got a hold of textbooks. They got into the educational system in the 1920s. If you want to get a good historical view, you have to read any book prior to 1900. The good thing about Google books is that you can read all these great books online…
AFAJ: Do you think America can get back to the ideals of the Declaration? ---
DB: Absolutely, I’m convinced of it. I have more optimism today than I’ve had in 30 years. Look at the best sellers right now. There are things like David McCullough’s book John Adams… I recommend everyone read George Washington’s Farewell Address…
George H. Kubeck – Let’s have a patriotic homework assignment! “How would Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson or Alexander Hamilton analyze President Barack H. Obama?”
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, July 5, 2010
AFA Journal, July 2010 – - Since we now have an idea of what the writer believed about God, how did Christianity influence the Declaration of Independence? Continued
Db: (David Barton) continued – Clinton Roster wrote a book titled “Seedtime in the Republic.” He identified six of the greatest intellectual forces in shaping the American government. Out of the six people in that book, four are ministers of the gospel. One example is Rev. John Wise. He was a preacher in Massachusetts in the 1680s. He preached a sermon looking at the different forms of taxation in the Bible. He showed that taxation without representation is tyranny. He preached a sermon looking at different form of government in the Bible and said it is clear God’s government is consent of the governed. He preached a sermon where he said all men are created equal; they are endowed by their creator with inalienable rights. Remember he lived in the 1600s…
AFAJ: Christianity may have influenced the writer of the Declaration, but he only used terms such as nature’s God, Divine Providence, etc. Aren’t these references to a deist God?
DB: This is the father of Jesus. Again, half these guys were ministry trained; 95% of the signers were what we would call evangelical Christians. Even though many people call Franklin and Jefferson deists, they do not fit the definition. A deist is one who believes in an impersonal God. Franklin is the one who called for daily prayer at the convention because he said God answered their prayers and they saw it during the revolution…
AFAJ: Some who see that the writers were followers of Jesus and that God is mentioned in the Declaration will argue that it is not a legal document that should be considered when making public policy today.
DB: That is untrue. Article VII of our Constitution incorporates the Declaration into the Constitution. You will find that every act of the president of the U.S. from George Washington to now is not dated to the year of the Constitution; it is date to the year of the Declaration of Independence. So, the acts signed this year by President Obama will say, “in the year of our independence, 234.”…
AFAJ: Why have most of us never heard these things in our history class?
DB: We use an approach in history today called DECONSTRUCTION and post-structuralism. Deconstruction points out all the negatives and makes the exception into the rule. Post-structuralism divides people into groups and makes them part of the group rather than part of the full unit… We are taught the Founding Fathers were rich, elitist, land owners. This isn’t true. Sam Adams was so poor he did not have a suit to wear in Congress…
AFAJ: How can people educate themselves? ---- DB: The best way to educate yourself is to read books before progressives got a hold of textbooks. They got into the educational system in the 1920s. If you want to get a good historical view, you have to read any book prior to 1900. The good thing about Google books is that you can read all these great books online…
AFAJ: Do you think America can get back to the ideals of the Declaration? ---
DB: Absolutely, I’m convinced of it. I have more optimism today than I’ve had in 30 years. Look at the best sellers right now. There are things like David McCullough’s book John Adams… I recommend everyone read George Washington’s Farewell Address…
George H. Kubeck – Let’s have a patriotic homework assignment! “How would Founding Fathers Thomas Jefferson or Alexander Hamilton analyze President Barack H. Obama?”
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Questions for the CINOP on Elena Kagan
Questions for the CINOP on Elena Kagan.
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, July 3, 2010
Prologue: “The truth was available to them, but they did not want the obligation it would entail… People oppose the truth that would place demands upon them – demands such as the worship of God and the giving of thanks (Rom 1:21) … When we place our own will, our own pride, our own comfort above the demands of truth, it is inevitable that everything will ultimately in decay.
God, to whom worship is due, will no longer be worshipped; instead images, appearances, the prevailing point of view will hold humanity in thrall. This universal distortion will spread to all walks of life. What is contrary to nature will become the norm; the individual who lives contrary to truth, lives contrary to nature.” Meditation for July 3rd, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Co-Workers of the Truth, Ignatius, 1992
There are at least a dozen or more Catholic-name-only politicians in the Senate. (CINOP’s) Their votes will confirm Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. She will replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. In a 5-4 vote on Monday, the Supreme Court ruled that a Christian student group does not have the right to restrict its membership to practicing Christians; in a decision Christian rights groups are calling a significant blow to religious freedom.
The case involves the Christian Legal Society v. Martinez to uphold a California law school’s denial of official recognition of a Christian student group. The Christian group refused to agree to let non-Christians and those engaged in a “sexually immoral lifestyle” to become voting members or leaders.
In a dissent written by Justice Samuel Alito, and joined by Roberts, Scalia and Thomas, Justice Alito concluded that the majority decision “is a serious setback for freedom of expression in this country.”
Who do think the 5th vote on the Supreme Court will be? Kagan will replace Stevens who voted in the 5-4 decision that Gay and Diversity Rights override Religious Freedom. The evidence on Kagan is conclusive. Kagan is a judicial activist from the elitist class. She will do to the Supreme Court what President Obama is doing in the political arena. SHE WILL VOTE FOR SAME-SEX MARRIAGE; LEGALIZE THE SO-CALLED HATE CRIME BILL AND THE ENDA LEGISLATION, AND LEGALIZE GAYS IN THE MILITARY.
Thanks to the mainstream media all the information on Kagan has not been revealed. Kagan has a great admiration for her brother who influenced her treatise on “socialism’s greatness.” The media never interviewed her brother. One very wise radio host felt that KAGAN should apologize for her treatment of the military recruit officers who were restricted from Harvard. We don’t really know what she believes in; except for deep empathy for the gay agenda.
She was a member of an unusual kind of synagogue that does not believe in the God of Abraham. Is she an agnostic or atheist? She was not forthcoming in her belief of natural rights, for example the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which are in the Declaration of Independence, just prior to the Constitution.
In Canada, we had the Liberal CINOP’s vote in same-sex marriage in 2005. In the U.S.A., we will have Democratic CINOP’s Senators vote for Elena Kagan, the 5th member on the Supreme Court who will do the same. Lastly, we will remain a pro-life center right nation. Recent polling is 47% pro-life and 45% pro-choice. We must continue to fight and vote out each CINOP and return to a traditional Constitutional America. Posted by George H. Kubeck
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, July 3, 2010
Prologue: “The truth was available to them, but they did not want the obligation it would entail… People oppose the truth that would place demands upon them – demands such as the worship of God and the giving of thanks (Rom 1:21) … When we place our own will, our own pride, our own comfort above the demands of truth, it is inevitable that everything will ultimately in decay.
God, to whom worship is due, will no longer be worshipped; instead images, appearances, the prevailing point of view will hold humanity in thrall. This universal distortion will spread to all walks of life. What is contrary to nature will become the norm; the individual who lives contrary to truth, lives contrary to nature.” Meditation for July 3rd, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Co-Workers of the Truth, Ignatius, 1992
There are at least a dozen or more Catholic-name-only politicians in the Senate. (CINOP’s) Their votes will confirm Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. She will replace retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. In a 5-4 vote on Monday, the Supreme Court ruled that a Christian student group does not have the right to restrict its membership to practicing Christians; in a decision Christian rights groups are calling a significant blow to religious freedom.
The case involves the Christian Legal Society v. Martinez to uphold a California law school’s denial of official recognition of a Christian student group. The Christian group refused to agree to let non-Christians and those engaged in a “sexually immoral lifestyle” to become voting members or leaders.
In a dissent written by Justice Samuel Alito, and joined by Roberts, Scalia and Thomas, Justice Alito concluded that the majority decision “is a serious setback for freedom of expression in this country.”
Who do think the 5th vote on the Supreme Court will be? Kagan will replace Stevens who voted in the 5-4 decision that Gay and Diversity Rights override Religious Freedom. The evidence on Kagan is conclusive. Kagan is a judicial activist from the elitist class. She will do to the Supreme Court what President Obama is doing in the political arena. SHE WILL VOTE FOR SAME-SEX MARRIAGE; LEGALIZE THE SO-CALLED HATE CRIME BILL AND THE ENDA LEGISLATION, AND LEGALIZE GAYS IN THE MILITARY.
Thanks to the mainstream media all the information on Kagan has not been revealed. Kagan has a great admiration for her brother who influenced her treatise on “socialism’s greatness.” The media never interviewed her brother. One very wise radio host felt that KAGAN should apologize for her treatment of the military recruit officers who were restricted from Harvard. We don’t really know what she believes in; except for deep empathy for the gay agenda.
She was a member of an unusual kind of synagogue that does not believe in the God of Abraham. Is she an agnostic or atheist? She was not forthcoming in her belief of natural rights, for example the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness which are in the Declaration of Independence, just prior to the Constitution.
In Canada, we had the Liberal CINOP’s vote in same-sex marriage in 2005. In the U.S.A., we will have Democratic CINOP’s Senators vote for Elena Kagan, the 5th member on the Supreme Court who will do the same. Lastly, we will remain a pro-life center right nation. Recent polling is 47% pro-life and 45% pro-choice. We must continue to fight and vote out each CINOP and return to a traditional Constitutional America. Posted by George H. Kubeck
Friday, July 2, 2010
Excerpts of Testimony of Dr. Charmaine Yoest - 2 of 2
Excerpts of Testimony of Dr. Charmaine Yoest – 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – Friday, July 2, 2010
b.) Justices must respect precedent, but may overturn it: Cont’d
As then-Chairman Specter stated in Chief Justice Roberts’ hearing, Roe is “the central issue which perhaps concerns most Americans should know whether KAGAN is able to recognize the problems with Roe with its progeny.”
II. Elena KAGAN’s Judicial Philosophy
Elena KAGAN has never been a judge. .. First, in 2006, Kagan called former Israeli Supreme Court Judge Aharon Barak her “Judicial hero.”… Richard Goldstone, a former justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa… stated, “{Haron Barak} is unashamedly what, in U.S. terms, would be regarded as an ‘activist judge.” Second, KAGAN served as a clerk for two agenda-driven judges: former D.C. Circuit Court Judge Abner Mikva and former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Finally, KAGAN has written admiringly about the agenda-driven Warren Court…
a.) KAGAN’S Judicial Hero: Israeli Judge Ahron Barak:
KAGAN’s “judicial hero,” former Israeli Supreme Court Judge Aharon Barak, has stated that a judge “should adapt the law to life’s changing needs” using “the tools that the law provides (such as interpretation, developing the common law, balancing, and the use of comparative law).” To interpret law, “The judge may give the statute a new meaning, a dynamic meaning, that seeks to bridge the gap between law and life’s changing reality … the court has given {the statute} a new meaning that suits new social needs.”… {Action Item: Reject Elena Kagan via }
Barak’s system of government by the judiciary – which he believes is necessary because “the legislature cannot always keep pace”, is one which our Founding Fathers never embraced and it’s fundamentally undemocratic…
b.) KAGAN’S Mentors: Judge Abner Mikva and Justice Thurgood Marshall:
Following graduation from law school, KAGAN clerked for Judge Abner Mikva on the U.S. Circuit Court for the District of Columbia. During an interview, Mikva stated: “I think that judges tend to be too separate from the political process and the body politic. I support the result of Roe v. Wade. When I was a member of the state legislature, I was introducing proposals to make Illinois law approximate what Roe v. Wade later on did … And then, to my pleasant surprise, the Supreme Court came down with {a decision that} preempted the whole political process.” … There are 17 pages of testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary by Dr. Yoest. Check Google – “Americans United for Life.”
George H. Kubeck,
4.)KAGAN believes in the supremacy of international law over the constitution. 5.) She is pro-abortion and anti-life. 6.) She believes that the government may ban political pamphlets during an election season. 7.) KAGAN is anti-Second Amendment. 8.) She is pro-Muslim. 8.) She is anti-capitalist and pro-socialist, once writing glowingly of “socialism’s greatness.” 9.) “You will have a court that is much more to the left than we have today.” Robert Bork
In pursuit of the truth – Friday, July 2, 2010
b.) Justices must respect precedent, but may overturn it: Cont’d
As then-Chairman Specter stated in Chief Justice Roberts’ hearing, Roe is “the central issue which perhaps concerns most Americans should know whether KAGAN is able to recognize the problems with Roe with its progeny.”
II. Elena KAGAN’s Judicial Philosophy
Elena KAGAN has never been a judge. .. First, in 2006, Kagan called former Israeli Supreme Court Judge Aharon Barak her “Judicial hero.”… Richard Goldstone, a former justice of the Constitutional Court of South Africa… stated, “{Haron Barak} is unashamedly what, in U.S. terms, would be regarded as an ‘activist judge.” Second, KAGAN served as a clerk for two agenda-driven judges: former D.C. Circuit Court Judge Abner Mikva and former Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Finally, KAGAN has written admiringly about the agenda-driven Warren Court…
a.) KAGAN’S Judicial Hero: Israeli Judge Ahron Barak:
KAGAN’s “judicial hero,” former Israeli Supreme Court Judge Aharon Barak, has stated that a judge “should adapt the law to life’s changing needs” using “the tools that the law provides (such as interpretation, developing the common law, balancing, and the use of comparative law).” To interpret law, “The judge may give the statute a new meaning, a dynamic meaning, that seeks to bridge the gap between law and life’s changing reality … the court has given {the statute} a new meaning that suits new social needs.”… {Action Item: Reject Elena Kagan via }
Barak’s system of government by the judiciary – which he believes is necessary because “the legislature cannot always keep pace”, is one which our Founding Fathers never embraced and it’s fundamentally undemocratic…
b.) KAGAN’S Mentors: Judge Abner Mikva and Justice Thurgood Marshall:
Following graduation from law school, KAGAN clerked for Judge Abner Mikva on the U.S. Circuit Court for the District of Columbia. During an interview, Mikva stated: “I think that judges tend to be too separate from the political process and the body politic. I support the result of Roe v. Wade. When I was a member of the state legislature, I was introducing proposals to make Illinois law approximate what Roe v. Wade later on did … And then, to my pleasant surprise, the Supreme Court came down with {a decision that} preempted the whole political process.” … There are 17 pages of testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary by Dr. Yoest. Check Google – “Americans United for Life.”
George H. Kubeck,
4.)KAGAN believes in the supremacy of international law over the constitution. 5.) She is pro-abortion and anti-life. 6.) She believes that the government may ban political pamphlets during an election season. 7.) KAGAN is anti-Second Amendment. 8.) She is pro-Muslim. 8.) She is anti-capitalist and pro-socialist, once writing glowingly of “socialism’s greatness.” 9.) “You will have a court that is much more to the left than we have today.” Robert Bork
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