Thursday, July 29, 2010


In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, July 29, 2010

What goes through your mind when you read the following? It’s from *American Family Association Journal – August 2010 – p.4, p.17, p.16

Publisher put disclaimer on U.S. Constitution:

“Wilder Publishing, a publishing house specializing in antique books, placed a disclaimer on the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence and Federalist Papers. The disclaimer states, “This book is product of its time & does not reflect on the same values as it would if it were written today.”

“The disclaimer goes on to warn, “Parents might wish to discuss with their children how views on race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity and interpersonal relations have changed since this book was written before allowing them to read this classic work.”

“Walter Olson, senior fellow at the Cato Institute, stated, “Any idea that is 100 years old will probably offend someone or other.” He also says the company is most likely attempting to ensure that oversensitive people pull not pull its bookstore or library shelves. Comments found on are overwhelmingly negative. Several have called the disclaimer a travesty, or even horrific.

“Wilder Publishing has responded to the controversy by saying, “We specialize in classic books. We wrote the disclaimer so that we could stop having to point out to our readers that people held different values 100 or 200 years ago.” 6/9/10 p. 4

“There are liberal professors who have a worldview fundamentally opposed to Christianity, and they are wholeheartedly committed to it,” he said. “They hold to that view so strong they no longer even appreciate the biblical worldview’s value in participating in any conversation. Those are the people who call for Christianity speech to be censored because it is offensive to them. “Our point of view is that the university is the marketplace of ideas. We believe that the university is the marketplace of ideas. We believe a variety of points of view should be heard. We don’t try to censor anyone else. -17

“The discrimination in not limited to professors, as Ruth Malhotra of Georgia Tech discovered. She took a stand for traditional marriage on her campus and quickly became the target of liberal activists. Several students formed CLAM, Conservatives and Liberals Against Malhotra. They posted pictures of her with Nazi swastikas on her face and neck. She received several death threats, one stating she would have acid thrown on her face during graduation.” p.16

George H. Kubeck, Our Founding Fathers studied all philosophies of government. They discarded the ideas of modern liberalism and progressivism. We see the supreme arrogance of our elite, intellectuals and bureaucrats.

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