Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Antireligious Crowd

The Antireligious Crowd
In pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Preface: This is a motley crew. Why should Americans accept their false interpretation of the Constitution’s 1st Amendment? They act like the secular religious thought police. Truth is our best weapon. This is not only a Dominican motto but a universal one. Let’s find out from Bill Donohue’s book, Secular Sabotage, “How Liberals are Destroying Religion and Culture in America.” P. 130-133. Bill is the President of the Catholic League. Here are several excerpts:

1.) None of the antireligious organizations will admit that their real agenda is to drive religion from the public square and to weaken it in general.

2.) What really gets the goat of these zealots is when a prominent politician references God or religion in the public. So when George Bush said in 2000 presidential campaign that Jesus was his favorite philosopher, “People for the American Way” demanded that he “explain why he picked {Jesus}".

3.) When Bush mentioned God and religion in his second inaugural address. Barry Lynn accused the president of sending a message that “in order to be truly American, you must also be religious.” As a matter of fact, the weekend before Bush gave his address, the ‘ACLU’, ‘Americans United’, ‘People for the American Way’, ‘Freedom from Religion Foundation’, and many other radical secular groups held an “emergency meeting” in anticipation of Bush’s remarks; the umbrella group that organized this was the American Humanist Association.

4.) Consider what happened after 9/11. After the House voted 404-0 urging public schools to display “God Bless America” posters, Lynn chastened the congressmen: “I think they have their priorities out of line.” What really drove the secular nihilists mad was the sight of steel beams in the shape of a Christian Cross that was left standing amid the World Trade Center rubble.

5.) In 2000, a pornographic homosexual film festival, Reel Affirmations X, was held in Washington, D.C. Among the sponsors was “Americans United.” When asked what this had to do with its mission, Lynn said, “We oftentimes lend support to organizations which have a constituency sympathetic to our goals and objectives.” In other words, those who promote gay porn are seen as sympathetic to the goals and objectives of “Americans United.” How Telling. None of this is by happenstance before Lynn took over at “American United,” he directed the Washington office of the ACLU, and one of his pet projects was to push for the legalization of pornography.

6.) Even voluntary expressions of religion bother the saboteurs. When an elective Bible course was offered in Odessa, Texas, in 2007, the “ACLU” and “People for the American Way” filed suit. The infraction? Religious indoctrination.

7.) The actions of some secular activists are so depraved as to be beyond any reasonable defense. Any woman who would write a book titled, “ABORTION IS A BLESSING” has disqualified herself from national discourse on this issue. The author, Anne Nicol Gaylor, founder of “Freedom from Religion Foundation”, published her screed just two years after Roe v. Wade decision. She was applauded by Gloria Steinem, Betty Friedan, and NARAL.

George H. Kubeck, “There is self-destruction in voting for a politician who is a member of the ACLU.”

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