Saturday, July 17, 2010

405/605 Tea Party Patriots Meeting - 2 of 2

405/605 Tea Party Patriots Meeting – 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Saturday, July 17, 2010

Their second speaker was Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. “Founder and President of BOND Action, Inc., a nonprofit, 501 (c) (4) organization, is the most courageous, outspoken critic of the liberal left and the so-called “black leadership” in America today. Often referred to as the “antidote to Jesse Jackson”, he is the bold, insightful alternative to the current administration’s far left and socialist leaning agendas, bringing clarity and direction to people of all races, social classes and religions…” What follows are some irregular but significant notes: {Meeting on Wed. July 14th, St. Isidore’s Hall, Los Alamitos, Ca.}

Jesse has a radio show on Monday thru Friday. “I am an American.” There is a need to rebuild the family by rebuilding the man. That order is God and man, Christ and children that come through the Father: THERE IS A LACK OF MORAL CHARACTER.

Rev.Jesse Peterson grew up on a plantation. It was far different. TODAY THE GOVERNMENT TOOK THE FATHER OUT OF THE HOME. THE GOVERNMENT BECAME THE DADDY OF THE FAMILY. Most black preachers are called by mamma. Fifty years ago, less than 10% of black women got pregnant out of wedlock. TODAY 70% OF BABIES ARE BORN OUT OF WEDLOCK. 80% IN INDIANA: THERE IS NO OUTCRY BY BLACK PREACHERS. It wasn’t like that when I grew up. “I believed that only white people sin.”

TODAY, 70% OF PLANNED PARENTHOOD SITES ARE LOCATED IN OR NEAR BLACK NEIGHBORHOODS. 1500 ARE ABORTED DAILY, 40,000 MONTHLY. THERE IS NO OUTCRY BY BLACK PREACHERS. WE HAVE THE CORRUPTION OF BLACK PREACHERS. This is what socialism is. This happened when the government took over. The government is trying to do the same thing to the white families.

The public school system is out of control. When I went to school there was respect for the teacher and the principal for punishment. If not, there was punishment by Grandma. OUR BATTLE IS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE BETWEEN RIGHT VERSUS WRONG. TODAY, THERE IS A FAR LEFT-LIBERAL-BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGY. They hate conservatives and think white America is racist. Take Obama who received 96% of the Black vote. However, 85% of the Black Americans believe in God.

As for Obama, how can you sit there for 20 years with Jeremiah Wright and not know who he is? He lied. YOU CALL HIM UNCLE. He married you and baptized your two children. We have white guilt and black racism. It is typical to be teaching black liberation theology.

You have to tell them the truth. It’s about getting back at white America. Liberals don’t have God on their side. Deal with the people. THE GOVERNMENT DESTROYED YOUR FAMILY CAUSING YOU TO BE DEPENDENT UPON THE STATE. THE GOVERNMENT USES THE WORD RACISM INTO A HYPNOTIC TRANCE. You have to demoralize white people and have them head for the hills.

Jesse Jackson has divided the nation. Color versus Character: Speaker Peterson thinks we are more divided than at any time in our history. Closing thoughts: NAACP is a political pawn of the Democratic Party. Support Arizona!

George H. Kubeck – Down with government intrusion in our lives; first with Blacks now with everyone else!

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