Friday, July 16, 2010

405/605 Tea Party Patriots Meeting - 1 of 2

405/605 Tea Party Patriots Meeting – 1 of 2
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, July 16, 2010

There was another lively, patriotic meeting with an overflow crowd at St. Isidore’s Hall in Los Alamitos, California on Wednesday, July 14th, 2010 – 7-8:40 P.M. Mark your calendar for the next meeting Wed., Aug. 11, 2010.

Their first speaker was K. Bruce Brown. I heard him before at the Anaheim Republican Assembly meeting. {Meetings are on the third Wednesday of the month at Denny’s 907 S. Beach Blvd., Anaheim, Ca.} Bruce was excellent. “He is the Republican Candidate for Congress in CA 35th CD, running against incumbent, Maxine Waters. He is also the Founder of . Bruce has a pro-active, grass roots strategy to turn California back to conservative behavior. There is a clear vacuum of leadership present as most party members seem to be calling for new leaders and strategies. Bruce’s back ground is in technical sales management for all aspects of the industrial marketplace…”

What follows are some irregular but significant notes of his talk:

Bruce started two years ago in this campaign. The challenge for many is the inability to articulate our ideas: The Founding of America: How freedom produces jobs! Messages that you can check out on his blog.

Who are Conservatives today? They are two sources: fundamental conservatism and today’s Tea Party Movement: the people and freedom constitution: This is about self-government: People living their own lives: Every day the government takes a little bit more: 2012 analogous to the revolution: Enjoy and get into this fight: Going door to door: Don’t wait for a leader: That’s what freedom is all about!

They say the leftwing is about emotion, and the right is about logic. Well I am particularly emotional about my logic. Do all you have to do; and vote! I just mark my calendar. I can take the principles and take them into the Inner City. Sponsored a Christmas party and our group is known as “Community Values Coalition”: People are interested in listening! In the black community, you are nothing like what we are told as Republicans. WE are going to give them an alternative.
Reaching out – but you go into the community: Hi, my name is Bruce! You are dealing with private racism and government cheese. We are showing up in the Black community.

The shame is that it has taken us so long! It has to do with being in the community and showing solutions for the Blacks and Latino citizens: We have a Latino Army:
Each time Maxine Walters has gotten only a certain percentage of the vote. The question of immigration: A fight to create division: The point of being here in the community: FOCUS ON THE BELIEF IN FREEDOM AND THE AMERICAN DREAM FOR EVERYONE: THERE IS A HUNGER FOR THIS:

George H. Kubeck, The second speaker was Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson in part 2.

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