Friday, August 13, 2010

Restore Integrity to the Teaching Profession

Restore Integrity to the Teaching Profession
In pursuit of the truth – – Friday, August 13, 2010

“You pay for your political and social agenda and I will pay for mine. But don’t force me as a public school teacher to pay for yours.” GHK

Unionism was never intended for public employees, least of all teachers. The unionist law processed by chief of staff Gray Davis and signed by then Governor Jerry Brown, SB. 160, the Rodda Act of 1975 has besmirched the public school teacher profession. The law killed the professional independent-minded public school teacher. This is a tragedy for all American children.

Common sense, reason and natural law have been relegated to the closet. In this teaching atmosphere, it is better to keep your mouth shut as a conservative. It was an absolute shame and arrogance for the CTA to contribute money to the anti-proposition 8 marriage campaign.

I was a member of the N.E.A., C.T.A., and W.T.A. when they were professional teacher organizations from 1962 to 1967. They had the respect of the community and the public. After 1975, they became a legalized political union of adversary relationships, exclusivity and agency fees.

It was all about teacher power! Guess who helped prostitute the teaching profession. It was community organizer Sol Alinksy with his radical ideas. Stop! I don’t want public school teachers paying a thousand dollars yearly to teacher unions to teach in our public schools. The public school teaching profession is an honorable one. Today, we have a leftist politicized teaching control elite! I believe the public owns the schools not the unions. Let’s have truth detectors and a reality check!

Thank you Phyllis Schlafly with your classic NEA’s Latest Shenanigans, 08/04/2010. It’s about NEA’s national convention in New Orleans. -

1.) NEA will still be working and spending political money to force national health care on us.

2.) The NEA was the No. 1 big spender in federal and state political campaigns and ballot measures in the 2007-2008 election cycle… The NEA spent 56.3 million, four times more than any other big-bucks donor.

3.) The NEA’s political contributions go 95% to Democratic candidates or to promote leftist ballot issues. Teachers, who pay hundreds of dollars in annual dues to national, state and local affiliates, have no control over the NEA’s political advocacy or endorsement of candidates.

4.) Teachers in 28 states risk losing their jobs if they refuse to join a union. Some employees are forces to pay dues even if they don’t join a union… (to be continued with Part 2)


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