Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Pelos - Obama - Sanchez Regime Agenda

The Pelosi - Obama - Sanchez Regime Agenda
Ref. -

“House Speaker and (CINOP) Pelosi, more than anyone else, is responsible for the $800 billion stimulus bill. Placed in charge of boosting the economy by the new president, Pelosi essentially dumped the contents of her “in” box into legislation.

“Pretty much everything that any Democratic member of Congress, big city mayor, or liberal governor has ever asked for was enacted. It was urgent after all Pelosi explained that, “Every month that we do not have an economic recovery package, 500 million Americans lose their jobs. I don’t we can go fast enough to stop that.”

“And so we wound up with, among so many other projects:
1.)15 billion for Pell grant scholarships (which make college more expensive),
2.)1 billion for “community development block grants” (pork for cities),
3.)145 billion for “making work pay” tax credits,

4.)83 billion for the earned income tax credit (income transfers),
5.)89 billion for Medicaid (more income transfers),
6.)36 billion for unemployment benefits (ditto),

7.)20 billion dollars for food stamps (ditto),
8.)30 billion for COBRA insurance extension (ditto),
9.)70 billion for the State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (rewarding states that overspent …)

10.)4.2 billion For “neighborhood stabilization activities” (we can only guess), and assorted special interest goodies like $400 million for global warming research, 150 million for “producers of livestock, honeybees, and farm-raised fish,” 335 million for the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, and 55 million for the Historic Preservation Fund.

“Shockingly enough, the bill failed to keep unemployment below 8 percent as promised. But when, in July 2010, she (Pelosi) agitated for even more unemployment spending, she explained it this way. Unemployed checks, “create jobs faster than almost any other in initiative you can name … it injects demand into the economy.”

She (Pelosi) seems actually to believe this. It’s one thing to argue that in the name of compassion you must extend unemployment benefits, but to suggest that by taking from one pocket (the taxpayer’s) and giving to another, you are helping the net economy, well, it defies logic.

“Under her (Pelosi) leadership, the House passed a devastating wasteful, bureaucratic nightmare of a health care reform (later scraped in favor of the Senate version). The final legislation aggravates every problem with our existing health care system (excessive bureaucracy, third-party payer incentives, costly insurance mandates, lack of competition) and adds new burdens and mandates of dubious legality. In her defense, the speaker probably hasn’t read it. After all, she argued that the Congress would “have to pass the bill (to) find out what’s in it.”

“The woman (Pelosi) who explained that she invested in natural gas because “I believe in natural gas as clean, cheap alternative to fossil fuels,” also shepherded passage of cap-and-tread energy legislation that would, according to Heritage Foundation analysis, cost every American family of four, $6,800 annually by 2035.

“Pelosi has done more than quick-march the nation towards bankruptcy, though. She has also contributed to the atmosphere of hostility and menace toward business that has kept capital spooked and arguably delayed the economic recovery… What an epitaph!”

George H. Kubeck – In pursuit of the truth, – Thursday, Oct. 7, 2010

P.S. Thanks Charen for the above article. Assemblyman Van Tran will debate Pelosi’s clone Loretta Sanchez on KOCE TV at 6:30 P.M. Oct, 13th & 14th. See Google “Loretta Sanchez at St. Callistus Catholic Church.”

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