Tuesday, October 5, 2010

What's Your Beef with President Obama?

What’s Your Beef with President Obama?

History teaches us lessons. Ignore or falsify American history then suffer the consequences. Recall the War on Poverty and the role played by the big government bureaucracy to do good for the poor. What happened after trillions of dollars were spent? This war seriously harmed families and particularly the black American family. Well the liberal progressives had good intentions. But the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Almost all the big cities of America are controlled by liberal progressive democratic politicians and the poor live horribly. It seems that liberal progressive ideas have proven to be intellectually and morally bankrupt.

The liberal progressive ideas of Obama are like a secular religion. What are Obama’s core American values? He is definitely not a Thomas Sowell or Clarence Thomas. Can you identify him with any of the historic Black American leaders? I can’t. If I were a Black American, I find Obama’s position on abortion and same-sex marriage incomprehensible and destructive to the Black American family. Abortion does not build character and fatherhood in any man. It’s a cop-out. Thanks to Planned Parenthood, the number of Black Americans in America does not increase. I know what I’m talking about because I’m at the L. B. abortion mill twice weekly.

On leadership, what a bitter disappointment Obama is? Today, one of seven families is on the poverty level, forty million families are on food stamps, and between nine to twenty percent are unemployed or working less weekly. A real leader would work and say, “Look at the number of people that have gone off food stamps and into private business employment jobs.” Does Obama seek to change the character of the American people?

I guess we can call the President names like pied piper and demagogue with his appeal to minorities, gender and race. But he is supposed to President of all Americans including white and millions of U.S. Naturalized Citizens. I’m tired of his use of hyphenated Americans and so is the huge majority of the country. I don’t call myself a Canadian-American. Obama is turning out to be an education for all Americans. Never again will we vote for a liberal progressive democrat for President. In California, it needs to include all democrats in Assembly and Senate. Thanks for bankrupting us.

Mr. President, thanks for educating us into a pro-life nation. Also, the Gallup poll has come up with 42% Conservative, 20% Liberal and the rest independent. We are a center right nation and the price of liberty is the Tea Party movement which will be around indefinitely after the November election.

George H. Kubeck, In pursuit of the truth, www. cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, Oct. 5, 2010
P.S. Special: “The Progressive Magazine” of September 2010 had this from the “Vox Populist” Jim Hightower:

“What Recovery? “In June, America’s unemployment rate fell to 9.5 percent – the best we’ve had in a year. ‘We are headed in the right direction,” Trumpeted President Obama. “Great … if true. However, the ballyhooed job statistic was a mirage. It looked good only because 650,000 more Americans became so frustrated with their fruitless search for work in June that they quit looking. In StatWorld, such “discouraged” seekers are – abracadabra! – no longer considered unemployed, even though they are. There are now 1.1 million Americans in statistical purgatory…

Yet economists are cheerfully bandying around the most moronic oxymoron I’ve ever heard. They exulting that we’re a “jobless recovery.”... You can spin your data until the cows come home, but an economy that has nearly 20% of the workforce either unemployed or underemployed, that has no plan for replacing the 8 million jobs we lost in the last two years, that is now proceeding with mass layoffs of such essential workers as teachers and firefighters and that is willing to accept poverty pay as the new American norm is not by any stretch of the imagination in a recovery...”

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