Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Obama's Cover-Up at the Fort Hood Massacre

Obama’s Cover-Up at the Fort Hood Massacre

In pursuit of the truth – www.cinopsbegone.com – Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Selected excerpts from “The Fight of Our Lives” by William J. Bennett & Seith Leibsohn, p. 1-15

“In the early morning of Nov. 5, 2009, U.S. Army major Dr. Nidal Hasan left his apartment in Killeen, Texas, to attend morning prayers at his mosque. Several hours later, he walked into the Soldiers Readiness Center at Fort Hood, he sat down, bowed his head, and then he stood up and shot and killed 13 of his fellow Americans, plus an unborn child – 14 in all. He wounded thirty more, emptying some hundred rounds into his victims. AS HE FIRED, HE SHOUTED, ‘ALLAHU AKBAR [ALLAH IS GREAT]!’

“Born in Virginia to Palestinian parents, Nidal Hasan was educated in Roanoke and joined the army right after graduating from high school. [The army paid for his education, but his allegiance was to Islam & Hasan felt that the War on Terror is a War on Islam. This is the second-worst terrorist attack. ]

“In its eighty pages, [Protecting the Force: Lessons from Fort Hood] not once does the report actually mention Hasan’ name. Instead he is referred to simply, almost indeterminately, as “a gunman” just like any other random perpetrator of homicide. But Hasan’s name is not the most glaringly absent name, phrase, or term in the report. The word Islam appears only once, not in the main body of the report, but buried in an endnote in the title of one of many scholarly papers cited in the report.

“The word Muslim appears nowhere in the report; neither do the words jihad or Middle East. “There are two basic problems with the grotesque non-report on the Islamist-terror massacre at Fort Hood,” said military analyst Lt. Colonel (Ret.) Ralphs Peters. “It’s not about what happened at Fort Hood. It avoids entirely the issue of why it happened.”In reading the report, one is practically forced to ask if it were even written with the Fort Hood massacre in mind...

“The report was a studiously exquisite effort to whitewash what actually happened and what actually caused the problem… We learn that “[t]he range of contributing factors for different types of violence is diverse” and can include “low esteem, depression, and anger.”... This report is not a bad joke. It is an official publication of the secretary of defense and a commission… [It included many other top military officials.]

“In its examination of what happened, as concisely summarize by Ralph Peters: “Hasan’s superiors feared – correctly – that any attempt to call attention to [Hasan’s} radicalism or to prevent his promotion would backfire on them, destroying their careers, not his. Hasan was a protected-species minority. Under the PC tyranny of today’s armed services, no non-minority officer was going to take him on.”…

“The point, in fact, of this book: through our cultural and political actions, we are not now as a country on a serious war footing against our enemies, Islamist terrorist; but, rather, we are abnegating the cultural, policy, and rhetorical responsibilities of rational self-defense…

“An Islamic terrorist was raised in the U.S. and because of political correctness, was given a pass throughout his professional career in the U.S. military… it was political correctness that led to the deaths of Americans...


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