Friday, June 10, 2011

The Spiritual Agenda of the Left*

The Spiritual Agenda of the Left*
In pursuit of the truth – Friday, June 10th, 2011

Preface: This horrendous scandal in New York is not going away. Academics and Catholic writers are duty-bound to speak out on this subject. Silence or neutrality is not an option. We are focusing on the worthy reception of the EUCHARIST. We talk about our poster-boy Mario Cuomo, the pro-abortion & “gay marriage” CINOP Governor of New York. Pray for Archbishop Timothy Dolan and Mario Cuomo.

“It is important for people to recognize that those who are working for the dissolution of our society have a spiritual agenda. They are not merely attempting to dismantle the historic cultural values of this nation and move towards a homogenized world. They also want to destroy Christianity and Bible-based religion. It is a clear part of their agenda, and they have already moved a long way in that direction…

“I think it is basically unfair for people who Marxists or socialist or feminists or homosexuals or lesbians to pretend they are objective journalists so they can use the cover of their trade to assassinate the character of the people who disagree with their social, religious, or political views. But it happens all the time and it is one of the reasons that the media are losing credibility so rapidly these days…

“Unfortunately, the average person in America still doesn’t have the slightest idea what secular humanism is all about. For many people secular humanism is confused with human goodness or humanitarianism. They do not realize that secular humanists are atheists with a well-defined and dangerous agenda. The essential core of this liberal philosophy is a hatred of God and religion.

“Its adherents also hate our Western civilization, which is based on Christianity, and they want to tear it down. They believe that man, the noble savage who lives within, is being smothered by social conventions and the hypocrisy of modern civilization. They want to liberate mankind from our Western value, tragically they are succeeding…

“As Charles Colson recently pointed out in an address to conference in Florida on the culture wars, the elites of our culture have been doing everything in their power to secularize American society for the last fifty years. These people wield tremendous influence in law, government, education, and the media, and they have succeeded to the extent that we are now confused, empty, and guided simultaneously by lusts and some vague notions about “spirituality,” yet lacking any sort of moral compass. Society is out control…

“Colson reminded his audience that no society in recorded history has ever survived without a strong moral consensus and there has never been a moral consensus that was not founded upon religious truth. He said, “Recovering our moral code – our religious truth – is the only way our society can survive. The heaping ash remains at Auschwitz, the killing fields of Southeast Asia, and the frozen wastes of the Gulag reminds us that the City of Man is not enough; we must also see the City of God.”

George H. Kubeck - *All of the above is in the chapter, “Fifth Column” in the book, Turning the Tide by Pat Robertson, Word Publishing 1993

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