Monday, August 22, 2011

Expose: - A Catholic-in-name-only Religion

Expose: - A Catholic-in-name-only Religion
In pursuit of the truth – – Monday, August 22, 2011

Let’s focus on so-called Catholic governor of Maryland Martin O’Malley. Something similar could be written about governors Andrew Cuomo and Jerry Brown. We are talking about a mindset of a Catholic-in-name-only religion within the Catholic Church. The CINOP is still a sacred cow. This is a serious matter. I don’t understand why Catholic writers have not written on this subject.

Let’s study this matter: Ref. -

Catholic Maryland governor rejects bishop’s exhortation not to support gay ‘marriage”
O’Malley announced the passage of homosexual “marriage” as a legislative priority on July 15 at a meeting for the National Governors Association in Salt Lake City, Utah. A bill to legalize homosexual “marriage” passed the Maryland State Senate in March, but it failed to win passage in the House of Delegates. O’Malley had promised to sign the bill if it had been approved by the House.

[Christian governors at the Governors Association must have been scratching their heads. What’s going on here? They have been very patient with the CINO politicians and are aware as this blog has stated in over 1200 letters that the CINOP promotes directly & indirectly GAY MARRIAGE in America.]

Baltimore’s Archbishop Edwin O’Brien challenged O’Malley to act in line with his faith and not to support homosexual “marriage.” Was he acting out of “mere political expediency?”

The governor responded to O’Brien’s letter in a letter of his own, saying he agrees with many of the beliefs, but no on the issue of homosexuality. [Please note his clever way of expressing himself.] “I do not presume, nor would I ever presume as governor, to question or infringe upon your freedom to define, to preach about and to administer the sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church,” O’Malley said. But on the public issue of granting equal marital rights to same-sex couples, you and I disagree.” [A same-sex marriage America is not America anymore.]

[Now this guy ran for governor using the Catholic label. Well the next time he runs for office, please don’t use the Catholic label. Also, a CENSOR of this O’Malley is appropriate by Catholic organizations and by the Archbishop. This charade with the CINO politicians must come to an end.]

O’Malley continues, “When shortcomings in our laws bring about a result that is unjust, I have a public obligation to try to change that injustice… I have concluded that discriminating against individuals based on their sexual orientation in the context of civil marital rights is unjust. I have concluded that treating the children of families headed by same-sex couples with lesser protection under the law than the children of families headed by heterosexual parents, is also unjust.” [All of this sounds great but it is destructive to nature’s marriage, children, and the health of the homosexuals.]

George H. Kubeck – Through education, it is the goal of this blog to inform, defeat and erase the CINOP (Catholic-in-name-only politician) from the American political scene. Thanks to the CINOP, the Catholic voting bloc is the most ill-informed group in America. Please sign the petition to repeal SB. 48. Assemblyman Solorio voted for it.
CINOP Brown signed SB. 48. Senator Lou Correa did note NO.

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