Thursday, August 25, 2011

More Victories for the Culture of Life

More Victories for the Culture of Life
In pursuit of the truth – – Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thanks’ Phyllis Schalfly, President of Eagle Forum, P.O. Box 618, Alton, IL 62002, (618-462-5415) for the RNC For Life Report – Summer 2011 – No. 78:

“At least 8 states were successful in partially or fully defunding Planned Parenthood: IN, KS, NJ,NH,NC, TN, TX, and WI but more than 60 million of tax monies now will NOT go to the nation’s largest abortion chain. Planned Parenthood spokeswomen are whining about the loss of this taxpayer funding, yet the national headquarters’ latest financial statement shows billions of dollars in assets. So why did Planned Parenthood need our tax money in the first place?

Perhaps because statistics prove that tax-funded abortions are more accessible, abortion rates climb in direct proportion. Since abortions are PP’s biggest “profit item,” its business plan likely would seek continuous increases in federal, state or local tax funding. In many cases, the money actually goes to PP’s affiliates, who frequently share staff, facilities, overhead, etc...

In 2014, ObamaCare’s Health Exchanges become effective, and seeking to offset this, 13 states now restrict abortion coverage through exchanges; FL, ID, IN, KS, NE, OK, UT, and VA also restrict abortion coverage in private health plans…

According to the National Council of State Legislatures, many other pro-life bills have been passed. Some restrict abortions based on fetal pain (Al, ID, IN, KS, NE and OK), 19 states require sonograms, and 14 states have some pre-abortion waiting periods. IN, KS, ND, SD and TX mandate at least 24-hour pre-abortion waiting period, while SD not only has a 72-hour wait but also mandatory counseling from a pregnancy help center.

34 other states mandate counseling prior to an abortion and 7 require information about the link between abortion and breast cancer. CHOOSE LIFE LICENSE PLATES to encourage adoption rather than abortion are offered in 29 states.

24 states have parental consent laws, while 11 require parental notification. Among these states, courts have blocked IL, MT, NV, NJ, and NM from enforcing their parental notification or consent laws… [California never passed parental notification thanks to Democratic CINO politicians.)

When we recapture the U.S. Senate and the White House in 2012, it finally will be possible to pass strong pro-life federal laws. But until then RNC for Life is working with other pro-life organizations to help states pass as much good life-affirming legislation as possible (such as protecting the “not perfect” babies (Down Syndrome) while Republican landslide election results are still in place in 26 legislatures…

George H. Kubeck, Catholic voters, other Christians and pro-life secularists should celebrate with the above info.

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