Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Trousered Apes* = S-S Marriage = SB.48


In pursuit of the truth – – Wednesday, August 3, 2011

•The reason is obvious. Trousered Apes* (by Duncan Williams, Arlington House, 1972 - title is taken from C.S. Lewis) is cogently argued, highly intelligent and devastatingly effective anatomization of what passes for culture today, showing that it is nihilistic in purpose, ethically and spiritually vacuous, and Gadarene in destination.

•The book appalls the servants of the conventional wisdom – the media pundits and situational clergymen, the crazed professors and lib ladies and Pulitzer prizemen and randy Catholic fathers… who continue to propound the notion that change is progress, self-indulgence, liberation, and novelty, originality.

•Professor Duncan Williams’s* conclusion, to them anathema, is that we cannot live without God, and that when we try to we are fated, either to imagine ourselves to be gods and so be able to shape our own destiny, flying like Icarus into the sun, or to relapse into carnality, seeking fulfillment through the senses.

•Since Rousseau two hundred years ago first glorified the ‘noble savage’, freed from all restraints of civilized social behavior , we have witnessed the elevation into the center of the literary stage of the ignoble savage … man increasingly bereft of a sense of purpose, of scales of value, of appreciation of order, harmony and morality – reduced ultimately and inevitably to nothing more than his basic animal instincts

•“The best appear to ‘lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity.”

•No one who is old enough to remember the Hitler Youth or who saw Mao’s Red Guards in action can fail to appreciate Orwell’s message that youth can be trained, indoctrinated and manipulated by irresponsible politicians and others to further purely selfish ambitions.

•The sources of the contemporary crisis can be summarized as: an almost total loss of religious faith – a denial of any ultimate reference:

•The folk-heroes of today’s youth, Thoreau, Che Guevara , Ho Chi Minh, share one common characteristic with the anti-heroes of Dostoevsky, Osborne, Salinger et al. They were, or are, all in opposition to society which today’s activists, as well as artists, regard as hostile, stupid and malignant.

•When man adopts a deterministic attitude to events, he becomes a passive spectator of human destiny, unable to exercise any influence over the forces molding his thoughts and actions, a victim and not a shaper of history.

•As Edmund Burke wrote in 1791: ‘Men are qualified for civil liberty in exact proportion to their disposition to put moral chains upon their own appetites … society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere and the less there is of it there is within, the more there is without. It is ordained in the constitution of things that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.’

George H. Kubeck -

Normal people have a serious problem with the Trousered Ape Elite (CINOP) in our country. Please contact and participate in a referendum to repeal SB48. Also access EWTN and watch the Knights of Columbus 129th Convention in Denver, Colorado this week. Please record and study Raymond Cardinal Burke’s keynote talk given yesterday. The convention will last until Thursday.

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