Sunday, November 24, 2013

Almost Total Leftist Indoctrination
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Friday, September 20, 2013
There is almost total leftist (progressive)  indoctrination in our universities and we allow it. Here are excerpts from Thomas Sowell's book, "Inside American Education," - The Decline, the Deception, the Dogmas. pages 212-214
"At Cornell University, the freshman seminar program has become "filled with courses of political orientation." At the University of Michigan, introductory biology - used to satisfy students natural  science distribution requirement - became a setting for films and slides about Nicaraguan politics, denunciation of Ronald Reagan and George Bush, and other unrelated matters....
"For example, the professor in a University of Massachusetts (Amherst) course entitled, "Contemporary American History" declared: "I am biased, I'm not going to give you both sides to every question." He also said: "This course will be consistently anti-American." Like brainwashing in public schools and in Maoist China, this course requires "personal experiences" to be dealt with, beginning with a question on the first assignment: "Where's your head and how did it get that way? What are your politics? ...
"A professor at St. Cloud State University in Minnesota gave extra credit to students in his course who took part in a protest demonstration - 5 points for marching and 20 points for carrying a sign.
"Marxist professors, who have on more than one occasion openly advocated the use of the classroom for ideological indoctrination, have likewise openly used their grading power to reward students who espouse the Marxist line and punish those who do not....
"Despite high grades and lax standards in ideological courses, students who oppose the brainwashing may be dealt with severely. A leftist professor at Dartmouth has been described as a "political grader" who "tolerates no intellectual diversity in her class." In a religious studies class at Humboldt State College in California, when a student stated arguments against the professor's anti-nuclear views, he was cut off with "That's not what I am looking for" and it was suggested that he not come back of class....
"Again the fundamental problem is not ideological imbalance to the left, but classroom brainwashing itself. When students must be "well-practiced parrots" as the Texas Review says, in order to get good grades in ideologically oriented courses, the real problem is not with what they are parroting but with the fact that they not learning to use and develop their own minds, in the process of reaching their own conclusions."
George H. Kubeck, 

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