Sunday, November 24, 2013

An Unhappy Labor Day Weekend - 2 of 2
In pursuit of the truth - cinops be gone - Labor Day Monday, Sept. 2, 2013
We finish Mark Lansbaum's great article in the Orange County Register, Saturday, August 31, 2013, "Paying for Years of Denigrating value of Work."
"After five decades of a government waging a "war on poverty," poverty is winning; at 16.1 percent it is higher than when the war began, in the 1960s.
"It seems Washington is intent on expanding the ranks of the impoverished and government reliant, rather than the ranks of full-time workers and the self-reliant.
"In Obama's first four years, an average of 11,000 persons a day were added to food stamp rolls, which now incredibly, include more than 47 million Americans.*
"What is it about America's contemporary make-up that has reduced the number of start-up jobs per 1,000 from 10.8 to ll.3 for the preceding three presidents to Obama's meager 7.8 jobs per 1,000?
"Could the reason be, as the 2012 Heritage Index of Dependence on Government observed, that 63.7 million Americans received either Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Social Security or support for higher education? That was 8 percent more than in the previous year.
"The Wall Street Journal found 49 percent of Americans lived in a household where at least one family member received a government benefit. The Obama administration increased how much money the government gives directly to people by 32 percent.
"The Protestant work ethic has steadily eroded. The void is filled by government reliance. How many Americans expect to pay their own way for retirement health care? How widespread is celebration of fewer work hours.
"Rather than focus on labor's inherent worthiness, these movement increasing focus on free time, prosperity and security...." #
George H. Kubeck,
* Any other U.S. President would be ashamed of these facts. They would have economic policies that would create jobs not welfare or deliberately attempt to change traditional American values.
# We have been sold a false bill of goods. Recklessly mortgaging  our children's future and without a change of leadership we will have an economic collapse in our lifetime.

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