Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Cinop, The Lies, The Filthy Rich Win in Virginia
In pursuit of the truth - - Tuesday, November 12, 2013
Where do I start? The U.S. Catholic Bishops and their Counselors need to be informed.* CINOP Terry McAuliffe used false advertising to inaccurately portray the pro-lifers in Virginia as anti-woman and against birth-control or contraception.
The war on woman propaganda, lies and smear attacks paid off. Planned Parenthood spent over a million dollars. Republican Ken Cuccinelli was outspent by an astonishing $15 million.
Terry McAuliffe spent well over $5 million on misleading attack ads about Ken and the fictitious "war on women," including running more than 5,600 spots on the abortion issue alone. Outspent 4-1 on television and 25-1 in the second week of October alone.
The fornication crowd delivered: 58% of the unmarried men and 67% of the unmarried women voted for CINOP McAuliffe. Ken won 47 to 38 % of the independent voters, married women voted 51 to 42% and swept 53% of voters opposed to Obamacare by a whopping 81%.
CINOP Terry McAuliffe supported no limits on late abortion and taxpayer funding of abortion.
The Virginia Libertarian Party wasn't even going to have a nominee for Governor. It received $150,000 from a Clinton operative and Obama campaign bundle. It was Texas software billionaire Joe Liemandt. The Libertarian received 7% of the vote. Cinop McAuliffe won by  only 2.2% of the vote. [Remember in New York, Same-Marriage was made possible with Governor Bloomberg's pay-off to politicians.]
The Democrat strategy for 2014 is set. Lies, smears and demonize pro-life candidates and spend big on "war on women" advertising. The filthy rich will provide the monies.
George H. Kubeck, All of the above taken from Family Research Council,, Charmaine Yoest, William E. Saracino, Steven Ertelt,
*Putting up with any CINOP within the Catholic community is a sick mindset and heresy. If we only had another Bishop Fulton Sheen among us today.

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