Friday, September 20, 2019


    "Like his fellow liberal Jesuits, Pope Francis often seems to exude enthusiasm for every religion except his own. In his extreme ecumenism, he is conforming to the lowest-common-denominator culture of a post-Christian age. As Vatican correspondent Sandro Magister has put it, "Christianity matters less"  under Pope Francis.
    Even as Pope Francis pours scorn upon traditional Catholicism - he regularly caricature conservative Catholics as heartless "Pharisees" - he heaps praise upon Protestantism, non-Christian religions, and atheism.
     The Western media has been enamored with the ecumenism of this pope since the beginning of his pontificate when, at his first press conference, he spoke of his respect for "non-believers." The left-leaning Religious News Service was so struck by his lack of interest in Catholic evangelization that it asked in a headline: "Is Francis the First Protestant Pope?"
    Pope Francis is particularly quick to defend and bolster Islam, a historic adversary of the Church. He repeatedly called it a religion of peace," even as Islam's persecution of Catholics intensifies and its radical branches spread terrorism throughout the world. "Our respect for true followers of Islam should lead us to avoid hateful generalizations, for authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Quran are opposed to every form of violence," Pope Francis wrote in Evangeli Gaudium."
    Speaking to Sun TV, Robert Spencer, and expert on Islam, responded to the pope's statement: "I don't hesitate to say that this statement is flatly wrong, it's misleading and it's a shame because it gives the Christians who are being persecuted by Muslims in Nigeria, in Egypt, in Syria, in Iraq and elsewhere no support, it doesn't give them any help to deny and dissemble about the root cause of why they are being persecuted in the first place." 
    Pope Francis hews closely to the fashionable liberal talking points about Islam. In a anticipation of his liberal papacy, he had joined the Western liberal elite in denouncing Pope Benedict XVI for a speech critical of Islam that he delivered at the University of Regensberg. Yet nothing Pope Benedict XVI said about Islam is that speech was untrue. Indeed, the violent response to his comments only confirmed their validity....
    In a 2016 interview with the French newspaper La Croix, Pope Francis outrageously likened the concept of jihad within Islam to the preaching of the Gospel in Christianity. "It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew's Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the idea of conquest," he said.
An Apologist for Islam
    "On Islam the Catholic Church stammers, the more to the higher up the ladder one goes," wrote Sandro Magister in 2014. "[Pope Francis] remained silent on the hundreds of Nigerian school children abducted by Boko Haram. He remained silent on the young Sudanese mother Meriam Ibrahim, sentenced to death solely for being Christian and finally liberated by the intervention of others. He remains silent on the Pakistani mother Asia Bibi who has been on death row for five years, she too because she is an 'infidel,' and does not even reply to the two heartrending letters she has written to him this year, before and after the reconfirmation of the sentence."  ...
    "The Vatican's newspaper L'Osservadore Romano often runs pieces in defense of Islam and treats Western criticism of it as "blasphemous," a claim that would only make sense if Catholicism never has. As St. Thomas Aquinas wrote of Muhammad, "He seduced the people by promise of carnal pleasure to which the concupiscence of the flesh goads us." Along with countless popes, Aquinas regarded Islam as a combination of half-truths, "fables, and doctrines of the greatest falsity," without the slightest odor of sanctity about them: "Muhammad said that he was sent in the power of his arms - which are signs not lacking even to robbers and tyrants."...
George H. Kubeck
P.S. Elaborate more: The once Great Lady at the "New York Times" is today a whore and harlot! Why?

For our Catholic Faith and "The Catechism of the Catholic Church", the Jesuit Order is a bitter, bitter, bitter disappointment. 

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