Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Why is the Pope Meddling in American Politics? - The Philadelphia Trumpet, May-June 2016
You Decide!
A Double Standard:
    "Is a border now un-Christian?" asked Silvia Canto Jr., himself a Catholic, for American Thinker. "How did we get to the point that defending borders and promoting legal immigration and promoting legal immigration is now inhumane? (February 19)
 As Mr. Trump's campaign famously pointed out, the Vatican itself is surrounded by a massive wall and has one of the most restrictive immigration policies in the world.
In Europe, Cardinal Reinhard Marx, chairman of the German bishops' conference, said in February, 2016 "As a church, we say that we need a reduction in the number of refugees.: But when it comes to America, keeping migrants out is "un-Christian." Did the pope say this simply because he loves migrants? Contrast his statements against D.Trump with the way he has treated other world leaders.
 "El Papa just visited Cuba," Canto continued. "He hugged and embraced Raul Castro, a man who has executed priests, and harassed religious leaders, and closed Christian schools years ago. Did he call the Castro brothers un-Christian?" When the pope visited Cuba in 2015, he "refrained from issuing even coded criticism of the Communist government," as the Telegraph put it (Sept. 20,2015). The Patriotic Union of Cuba, a pro-democracy group, complained, "The pope did not utter a phrase of solidarity with the victims of repression and, when traveling from Cuba to the United States, told the press that he did not know about the detention of pacifist dissidents" (Sept. 23,2015).
 To use the pope's own words. "This is not in the Gospel." The Castro brothers aren't the only authoritarian leaders the pope has refrained from criticizing. "One relationship Francis has patiently cultivated is with Putin," wrote Foreign Affairs (Sept. 25, 2015). Italy's L'Expresso magazine wrote that "Francis has always done all he could not to annoy the patriarchate of Moscow and the imperial politics if Vladimir Putin, even at the cost of sowing the strongest disappointments among the bishops, clergy and faithful of the Catholic Church in the region" (February 12). He won't criticize these men, but he is quick to condemn the U.S. What does that say about the pope's worldview?
'Dung of the Devil'
"Americans should be deeply concerned that this institution is trying to push itself into U.S. politics. The Vatican plainly does not have America's best interests at heart.
 "Pope Francis has made clear he wants to topple the global system of free-market capitalism. "Some people continue to defend trickle-down theories which assume that economic growth, encouraged by free market, will inevitably succeed and inclusiveness in the world," he wrote in Joy of the Gospel (Evangeli Gaudium) his November 2013 apostolic exhortation, "[This opinion ... expresses a crude and naive trust in the goodness of those wielding power.
 Francis called free-market global capitalism "a new tyranny" and condemned it as "a financial system which rules rather than serves." He has also called it "the dung of the devil." Which nation is the front runner of the free market global capitalism? The United States of America. If Pope Francis is to be taken at his word, he couldn't  possibly wish for the leader of capitalist system to strive prosper."
George H. Kubeck

I agree with Pope Francis, "A good Catholic meddles in politics." But it should be of a Catholic origin not a Marxist one. This brings us to the Equality Act, HR. 5 passed by Congress, May 17, 2019. We're in a moral crisis.  Its consequences needs to be spoken about weekly by all U.S. Catholic Bishops. "The hottest places in hell are reserved by those who remain neutral during a national moral crisis."

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