Tuesday, September 3, 2019



Why the 2020 Election Will Cause the Biggest Financial Crisis in U.S. History
Note This is a Book From Stansberry Research - Second Edition - Selected Political Excerpts Only
    We are heading into the ugliest presidential election in history... Our next president will proudly proclaim her "social justice" roots and offer more handouts than every other president, combined...
Ordinarily, someone this radical wouldn't have any chance at being elected. But there's a new, incredibly powerful hidden force in our country that virtually guarantees she'll win. Once you understand this hidden force and who's behind it ... you'll see why 83 million Americans will support her with the largest grassroots campaign in political history to get her to the White House.

Your savings will be wiped out. The Stock market could crash by 50% or more. The day of life you've enjoyed for 40 years could end, disrupting your retirement... You've probably noticed that I keep referring to the predicted winner of the 2020 election as "she."

That's because the politician we believe will become the official 2020 Democratic nominee, and likely the next President of the United States - is Senator Kamala Harris. ... Former President Obama is a huge fan of hers. He once used these words to describe her... "She is brilliant, and she is dedicated, and she is tough. She is exactly what you want in anybody who is administering the law and making sure that everybody is getting a fair shake....

    Stansberry Research Founder Porter Stansberry first predicted Sen. Harris would run for president way back in May 2018 - before anybody even considered her a likely contender.... You see, just like Obama in 2008, Sen. Harris has taken all of the calculated steps a candidate should... She has headlined sold-out political fundraising events, raising millions of dollars for the Democratic Party....
    Maybe  Sen. Harris won't win the nomination... Even if it is not Sen. Harris, it's going to someone just as bad... And that's because the only way you get hopeless, debt-burdened Millennials to show up and vote for you is simple. By making the most radical promises American politics has ever seen.

Don't forget, at one point in 2016, Bernie Sanders has as much as 84% of the Millennial vote. Altogether, he received more primary votes from this age group than Clinton and Trump combined...
Specifically, we believe her (Sen. Harris)  platform will cater to the hopelessness this generation feels - and consists of three main economic platforms:
1. A Debt Jubilee for the Masses
2. Medicare for All
3.Universal Basic Income

Paul Kedrosky, senior fellow at the Kauffman Foundation (a liberal think tank) said, "We need a fresh start, and we need it now ... we need ... a Jubilee" ...But for progressives, a Debt Jubilee doesn't go far enough in terms of social- handout programs that will win voters.That's why Bernie Sanders and Sen. Harris teamed up and presented a "Medicare for All" bill in the Senate...                                        

    President Jimmy Carter recently wrote in a Time magazine editorial, "The lack of universal health coverage should be a national scandal."  According to a recent poll, roughly two-thirds of all Americans are on board with this idea.
    But perhaps scariest of all is the brand-new national welfare program known as "Universal Basic Income," where every American regardless of age, race, employment status, or net worth would receive a monthly check directly from the government... For 83 million hopeless, indebted Millennials, something big needs to change.

George H. Kubeck +++  P.S. If you do not want the above to occur you must vote for the Political, Economic and Religious Policies of President Trump.

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