JUSTICE IS TRUTH IN ACTION - http://www.cinopsbegoneblogspot.com - FRI. APR. 17, 2020
LENINTHINK BY GARY SAUL MORSON: The following is an edited version of remarks delivered at "The New Criterion's" inaugurated Circle Lecture on Sept. 25, 2019 - excerpts - Oct. 2019
We continue with the diabolical mindset. Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noon put it this way: "The past decade saw the rise of the woke progressives who dictate what words can be said and ideas held, thus poisoning and paralyzing American humor, drama, entertainment, culture and journalism. In the coming ten years someone will effectively stand up to them. They are the most hated people in America, and their entire program is accusation: you are racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic; you are a bigot, a villain, a white male, a patriarchal misogynist, your day is over."
"We think of show trials as Stalinist, but Lenin stages a show trial of Socialist Revolutionary leaders in 1922. By the sane token, Lenin always insisted on the most violent solutions...He was constantly rebuking subordinates for not using enough force, ... for restraining mobs from hesitating to shoot randomly chosen hostages.
"He demanded that grain not be purchased from peasants but requisitioned at gun point... Lenin issued the following order. "The kulak uprising in [your] district must be crushed without pity ... 1)Hang (and I mean hang so that the people can see) not less than 100 known kulaks, rich men, bloodsuckers. 2) Publish their names. 3) Take all their grain away from them. 4) Identifying hostages ....Do this so that for hundreds of miles around the people an see, tremble, know and cry ...
Yours, Lenin, P.S. Find tougher people...
Lenin worked by a principle of anti-empathy and this approach was to define Soviet ethics. I know of no other society, except those modeled on the one Lenin created, where schoolchildren were taught that mercy, kindness, and pity are vices... The word "consciences" went out of use, replaced by "consciousness" (in the sense of Marxist Leninist ideological consciousness). During Stalin's great purges a culture of denunciation reigned, but it was Lenin who taught "A good communist is also a good checkist." [ A good communist is also dead one.]
The Abbey of Theleme:
A special logic governs the Leninist approach to morality, legality, and rights. In his famous address to the Youth Leagues, Lenin complains that bourgeois thinkers have slanderously denied that Bolsheviks have any ethics. In fact, ..."We say that morality is entirely subordinated to the interest of the proletariat's class struggle .... That is why we say that to us there is no such thing as a morality that stands outside human society; that is a fraud,. To us morality is subordinated to the interests of the proletariat' class struggle."
When people tell us about morality, we say: "to a Communist all morality lies in this united discipline and conscious mass struggle against the exploiters." In short, Bolshevik morality holds that whatever contributes to Bolshevik success is moral, whatever hinders it is immoral...."
Recall that Lenin defined the dictatorship of the proletariat as rule based entirely on force absolutely unrestrained by any law. His more naive followers imagined that rule by terror would cease when Bolshevik hold on power was secure ... but Lenin made a point of disillusioning them. "It is the biggest mistake to think the New Economic Policy will put an end to terror. We shall return to terror and to economic terror."
Lenin's language, no less than his ethics,. served as a model,, taught in Soviet schools and recommended in books with titles like Lenin's Language and On Lenin's Polemical Art. In Lenin's view, a true revolutionary did not establish the correctness of his beliefs by appealing to evidence or logic, as if there were some standards of truthfulness above social classes....
When Mensheviks objected to Lenin's personal attacks, he replied frankly that his purpose was not to convince but to destroy his opponent. In work after work, Lenin does not offer arguments refuting other social democrats but brands them as "renegades" from Marxism...
George H. Kubeck
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