Wednesday, April 15, 2020


By Doug Mainwaring, Denver, April 3, 2020, (LifeSiteNews) - Archbishop Samuel Aquila wrote that there are a few bishops who 'sadly .. should know better than to downplay the critical importance of human life. 
A U.S. archbishop published a commentary criticizing his brother bishops who claim that "climate change or immigration are assaults against human life that are as morally serious as abortion and euthanasia." ...
"We have seen the progressive darkening grow especially in the last ten years with physician-assisted suicide, the re-definition of marriage, and a few bishop even more sadly, since they should know better, arguing against abortion being a preeminent issue in voting," he said.
During the fall 2019 gathering of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), 69 bishops voted to dislodge abortion as the significant life issue continuing to face the Catholic Church in America. Emphasizing the "seriousness of these weighty topics," Archbishop Aquila quoted John Paul II's Evangelium Vitae - The Gospel of Life:
"St. John Paul II says, "when the sense of God is lost, there is also a tendency to lose the sense of man, of his dignity and his life; in turn, the systematic violation of the moral law, especially in the serious matter of respect for human life and its dignity, produces a kind of progressive darkening of the capacity to discern God's living and saving presence." (EV,21)
Aquilla's statement directly challenges Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago and Bishop Robert McElroy of San Diego. They argued publicly at the time that the USCCB should more closely align with Pope Francis embrace of what amounts to the "Seamless Garment" view, which assigns equal weight to an array of important life issues.
To drive home his point, Archbishop Aquila quoted a Denver priest whose accompanying commentary in the Denver Catholic addressed more deeply the troubling nature of bishops who fail to recognize the preeminence of abortion and euthanasia. Father Luis Granados, dcjm, began
"In Evangelium Vitae St. John Paul II invites us to love, respect and promote life. The encyclical focuses on two offenses against life: abortion and euthanasia. Two solemn declarations condemn them as intrinsically evil, as the deliberate and direct killing of an innocent human being (EV, 62 and 65). But some argue today that it would be better to focus on other ethical issues like immigration, social injustice or environmental sins, which they claim are just as wrong."
Father Granados went on to urge consideration of who are the actual "murderers" when it comes to abortion and euthanasia: "The physician, the father and the mother, those appointed by God as keepers, are those who destroy the baby, and are subsequently morally destroyed."
"In other sins against life, like immigration, we enter into the realm of prudential decisions: How many immigrants should our country welcome? Under which conditions? But in the case of abortion or euthanasia there is no such deliberation," Granados wrote. "We are dealing with an action that is always evil: always and in every circumstance (Veritatis Splendor, 52)."
"The current threat of the COVID-19 virus will be a defining moment in how our society treats each person's dignity," wrote Archbishop Aquila. "Will we 'respect, protect, love and serve life, every human life' (Ev, 5) in the way that we respond, or will we only look out for ourselves? Will we respect the life of the elderly as much as the young?" he asked.
"On this 25th anniversary of Evangelium Vitae," Fr. Granados observed, "St. John Paul II passes the baton of the building of a culture of life to us." George H. Kubeck

P.S. America's culture of death needs the catholic vote to win in the coming presidential election. They won twice with CINOP Biden as Vice-President and Obama's victory. Abortion and euthanasia are absolutely evil. Belief in climate change and immigration are prudential choices, and cannot be compared to the evil of abortion and euthanasia. Don't insult our intelligence and Catholic values. The enemy is the Catholic-in-name-only politician and followers duping Catholic voters. It will be another miracle for President Trump to be reelected.

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