Monday, April 6, 2020



Preface: Even if God does not exist, violence to human nature, natural law, truth and common sense will reckon with  the culture of death that seeks to redo America. One Vatican theologian believes the COVID-19 pandemic is a 'warning to the men of the Church' who have betrayed Christ's teaching.
Another Denver Archbishop Samuel Aquila By Doug Mainwaring from Denver, April 3, 2020 (LIfeSiteNews) - A U.S. archbishop published a commentary criticizing his brother bishops who claim that "climate change or immigration are assaults against human life that are just as morally serious as abortion and euthanasia." [ A bishop who says that is a false Catholic bishop. ghk] 

Vatican theologian: Pandemic is God's chastisement for 'infidelity' of top Catholic shepherds
Pope Francis receives Pachamama statue in Vatican gardens at indigenous ceremony, Rome, Oct. 4/19
By Martin Burger, April 3, 2020, (LifeSiteNews)

"Italian priest and theologian Nicola Bux has identified both the sins within the Church as well as the sins of the world as the root of the current pandemic and its effects on the daily life of Catholics. Like Archbishop Vigano and Bishop Schneider, the former consulter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith characterized COVID-19 as a chastisement from God....
Bux said "we can read this virus as a 'sign of the times,' in the sense above all of a warning to the world." "We must now abstain, as a punishment," he explained. "from so many embraces and so many relationships, even against nature. We have defiled natural law and committed 'sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance."

"What about infidelity and indifference, of those who live in practical; atheism, and postulate a nature emancipated from God," Bux asked. "And then adultery, abortions, divorces. We have violated the rights of God and put in their place those of man." Specifically talking about the sins within the Church, Bux began by mentioning idolatry, which he called "the gravest sin."

"We gave in to idolatry... by kneeling before heaps of earth and worshiping idolatrous statues even in St. Peter's Basilica. We turned churches into shelters and inns when we had much better facilities to accommodate the poor and migrants.... we gone so far as to say that the grace of God can coexist with a situation of habitual sin, authorizing sacrilegious Communions given to unrepentant sinners."...
As such, the COVID-19 pandemic is "a warming to the men of the Church, who, in the name of 'paradigm shift,' subordinate Christ's teaching to the reality of the world." "They say they do not understand non-negotiable principles. They consider inequality and not sin as the root of social evils. They have allowed the gnostic and neo-pagan scene on the facade of complacent dialog with religious... They have presented Luther as medicine for the Church. They have endorsed situation ethics instead of moral principles."....

Bux then begged God to deliver his people from the "wrath of judgment." "Great is our sin, but greater is your love. Take away our sins for the glory of your name. In the intimacy of the soul, we prostrate ourselves and implore divine mercy...Forgive us our mistakes, heal our wounds, guide us with your grace to the Easter victory," Bux prayed....concluded by calling the chastisement "providential," expecting it to bear fruit.

George H. Kubeck
P.S. "My people are destroyed for lack of information." Please duplicate letter dated Thurs, Sept. 26, 2019 titled "U.S. Catholic Bishops Warning On Equality Act. HR 5" for future distribution after Masses.

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