Thursday, May 31, 2007

Pope John Paul II and the Culture of Death # 2 of 2

Thursday, April 12, 2007
We continue with the final excerpts from George Skelton’s news article “Mahony’s statements on Nunez cross line,” L.A. Times, Thurs. April 5, 2007. Let us start with a quotation from The Gospel of Life. “Today we too find ourselves in the midst of a dramatic conflict between the ‘culture of death’ and the ‘culture of death.’ But the glory of the cross is not overcome by this darkness.” 50.

“ … (Monsignor) Moretta sent Nunez a letter Monday stating in part.
“Some of my parishioners, as you know , ran into you and Antonio (Villaralgosa) at breakfast…. I was surprised that when they told you I had spoken at Mass about your authorship of the suicide bill, Antonio mentioned that this was a case of separation of Church and state. That is a bunch of bull. And you and he know better. You would never want to see a church that showed no moral leadership.
“And he concluded with this: ‘I would wish you a happy Easter, but that is a celebration of life. You are attaching your name forever to death.’
“Bunch of bull?” Attached to death? Sounds less than a Monsignor than a “Soprano” crime boss….
“Why aren’t they (the Bishops) taking care of their own shop?” asks Assemblywoman Patty Berg (D-Eureka). ‘Know what I mean’ Makes me nuts.’
“Berg who was raised a Catholic and still considers herself one, is the lead author of what she calls the ‘Compassionate Choices Act,’ along with Nunez and Assemblyman Lloyd Levine (D Van Nuys).
“Nunez, however, feels hurt. I felt, I had a good relationship with the cardinal,” He says. “This puts a big strain in our friendship. It’s a serious accusation he’s making of me. I don’t take it lightly.
“Here is my suggestion for the speaker. Buck back by introducing a bill to reexamine the tax-exempt status of church property. That could potentially pay for a lot of children’s health care.” End of article by George Skelton.

(Here is my suggestion for you, Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez. You are a smart guy. You made a mistake in talking to this columnist. He took comments which are very personal in your relationship with the Cardinal and spewed them out for public consumption to his advantage not to yours. This columnist has an overall contempt for your Catholic beliefs. He already saw you suckered in on the abortion and same-sex marriage issue. You must realize that these are intrinsically and absolutely evil, along with euthanasia and embryonic stem cell research. (The end justifies the means.)
I read a recent news article where your mother wanted you to be a priest. It will hurt her and your practicing Catholic friends deeply. It’s not worth it.
Your Deputy Chief of Staff Steve Maviglio is dead-wrong in stating that this is another issue of individual choice where the overwhelming majority of Catholics have a different perspective than the official position of the church. If they do, it is because they have been falsely contaminated by the culture of death propaganda around them, and are not sufficiently grounded in their Catholic faith.
For you, this matter is fundamentally a spiritual decision. In the name of Pope John Paul II Gospel of Life, I persuade you to be a pro-life democratic politician and leader.)

George H. Kubeck, (Please duplicate & or translate into Spanish.)

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pope John Paul II and the Culture of Death # 1 of 2

Easter Sunday, April 8, 2007
This crude and threatening culture of death news article was published on Holy Thursday. I waited until Easter Sunday to comment on it. But before I go over excerpts of this story let us give recognition to Pope John Paul II, during this Holy Week.
April 2nd marks the second anniversary of the death of this great pope. He coined the phrase “the Culture of Death.” It is his legacy that will bring victory for the pro-life movement in America. Keep in mind these encyclicals: the Splendor of Truth (1993) and the Gospel of Life (1995).
Recall how he dealt with the culture of death, communist secularism in Poland. He worked closely with the Solidarity Movement in Poland. And he won. We invite and need our American citizens from Cuba, Vietnam and immigrants from Eastern Europe and others to join us as proud members of this pro-life solidarity victory movement.
Immigrants understand the culture of death often better than native-born Americans.
The article by George Skelton is in the Los Angeles Times, Thurs. April 5, 2007. You can reach him at The title is:

"Mahony’s statements on Nunez cross line"
“Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez announced in February that he was “ready to buck my church” and push legislation allowing terminally ill people to speed up their deaths with lethal drugs. But he wasn’t ready for this – not from holy leaders.
“The church is bucking back and looking like an ugly old political attack dog.
“We are seeing a collision of church and state, both of which serve society best – with all our religious diversity – when they operate separately. As the nation’s founder’s planned.
“You may have read Cardinal Roger M. Mahony’s comments about the L.A. Democrats while speaking to 250 worshippers Monday at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. ‘We should be troubled that Fabian Nunez, who has worshipped here in this cathedral as a Catholic, somehow has not understood and grasped the culture of life, but has allowed himself to get into this other direction, the culture of death.’
“Culture of death? That’s political bean ball. Not even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tosses such words at President Bush….
“I have a lot of respect for the cardinal, but I am deeply disappointed in his comments.” Nunez said in a telephone interview from Paris….
“The speaker observed, ‘I’m not a regular Sunday church goer, but I am Catholic.” He’s a Catholic who also bucks his Church – at least its leadership – on abortion rights and same-sex marriage, both of which he supports.”… TO BE CONTINUED

(George Skelton’s concept of the Separation of the Church and State is secular and ACLU hogwash. It is not true. This is not what our Founding Fathers proposed. Also, you can substitute Mahony’s name for any cardinal, bishop or priest in the U.S.A. when he counsels a Catholic-in-name-only-politician. Also, keep in mind, the mindset of this secular writer is common throughout the U.S.A. Notice how arrogant and cocksure he is. Fabian’s position on the poor, medically uninsured, minimum wage increases, and immigration issues is noble, But, these are all prudential issues upon which Catholics can agree or disagree. Fabian is promoting three absolute evils: assisted suicide, abortion on demand (infanticide), and same-sex marriage. This is like publicly furthering the evils of fornication, pornography and adultery. It is Fabian Nunez who has crossed the line. Pray for his conversion. We can thank George Skelton for exposing a Catholic-name-only-politician. (CINOP) The public deserves truth in advertising from all politicians and writers) GHK
Happy Easter!
George H. Kubeck, (Appropriate for today, please duplicate and or translate into Spanish.)

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The CINOP (Catholic in Name only Politician) in Canada

Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006
The following is a classic of what happens in a country when the CINOPs (Catholic in Name only Politicians) rule the country. I read this article about a week ago in the Dec. 2005 edition of Inside the Vatican, At the Crossroads, p. 26-29. The exact report follows:
“The family and the Church were the foundations of daily life…. Under the guise of freedom, attacks have been launched against the family and the dignity of human life since the 1960’s with contraception, divorce, abortion, and homosexuality. With political correctness as the prevailing attitude in Canada, it is no wonder that so little has been done to recall the culture to its Christian roots. From abortion to homosexual-matrimony, political bodies in Canada have alienated the Catholic community….
“In 1967, as the new Justice Minister, (CINOP Pierre Trudeau who later became Prime Minister), he announced that in these modern times, religious principles have no bearing on the affairs of state…. Trudeau cast the die and abandoned any meaningful relation with the Church as teacher and moral guide, while rights, equality and freedoms were defined…
“The Roots of Dissent from Within the Church in Canada”
“Unrestrained secularism, as John Paul II often called it, affected the Church from inside as well. In 1968, the Canadian bishops collectively issued a response to the papal document upholding the traditional teachings on birth control, the encyclical Humanae vitae. In it, the bishops claimed, in contradiction to the document itself, that whoever honestly chooses that course which seems right to him does so in good conscience.
“With this license, Canadian theologians seemed free to dissent from the Church’s teaching, and not only on contraception. Since then, a proliferation of theological writings has emerged in contradiction to the Holy See. This includes everything from contraceptives, abortion, divorce, sexual relations outside of marriage, pornography, in vitro fertilization, embryonic stem cell research, and euthanasia, for example, which supports the prevailing credence that freedom to select personal truth is the most valuable of all freedoms and can coincide with the faithful Catholic. … Liberal-NDP coalition is preparing to support a bill which calls for euthanasia….
“Crucifixes have been taken down in a number of Catholic universities, and radical feminist theology can be found on the course list at once orthodox institutions.
“One Catholic educator, Blaise Thompson, told Inside the Vatican he lost his job at a Catholic school when he refused the mandate from his higher-ups to take the Catechism of the Catholic Church off the reading list for his catechism class. This happened in the 1990’s, and Blaise was never hired back in to the Catholic education system in the province of Ontario….
“The same-sex marriage (SSM) legislation, passed as a nation-right in July of this year,…
“Prime Minister Paul Martin is a parishioner who denies Church teaching on abortion, embryonic stem cell research, homosexuality, marriage and euthanasia, and encourages others to do the same. But he still receives Communion at his local parish, while outside the Church there is a never-ending selection of proposals offered as the latest universal remedy to yet another social ill….”
The following are personal comments: Vatican II has the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity. That is my guideline. Thankfully, early this year the Liberal CINOPs in Canada were voted out of office. It seems that we ought not to allow political correctness to tie one hand behind our backs. The truth is the best weapon.
This is a spiritual and educational battle. It is a good idea to join any prayer group in any Diocese, from the Legion of Mary to the Dominican Laity Chapter, & or the Knights of Columbus.
Every Catholic who attends Mass should be registered to vote. It is better to have him or her registered as Declined to State than not registered to vote at all. Common sense and the reality of the times persuade that all religious ought to register as Declined to State.
A crushing defeat at election time of the CINOPs in the Canada and the U.S.A. may take away the ugly scales from their eyes. Catholic Fools No More would be a good voting slogan. When receiving their literature, a just one or two word response returned with their letters like Fraud, Lay Enron, and Stop Using the Catholic Label when running for Office.
Vote No to CINOPs: Loretta Sanchez and Lou Correa
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translante into Spanish.

Monday, May 28, 2007

An American by Choice

Memorial Day, May 28th, 2007
I love America too much to remain silent on this matter of immigration. Memorial Day is a good time to speak out. We honor our dead Veterans who have given us the right to speak our minds and hearts: “walking in the pathway of truth” and not in the iron curtain of “political correctness.”

I became a legal immigrant in 1958. In October, I joined the regular U.S. Army for three years and obtained my citizenship in that short time. I love traditional America and the Founding Fathers, in particular, Alexander Hamilton. Maybe that is why I studied for an M.A. in U.S. History in 1969 from Pepperdine University with a paper on “Alexander Hamilton’s Criticism of John Adam’s Foreign Policy.” Enough said. Happy Memorial Day!

“Imagine and pretend that there are over 12 million illegal Canadian immigrants in the U.S.A. The idea of a 3000 mile fence puzzles me. I think most of the money should be spent on bringing about drastic changes in the Canadian government. In some ways that government is worse than a dictatorship. A dictatorship would at least have closed its borders and not allowed its citizens to leave. Today, Canadians are encouraged to leave because of economic reasons so that they can send back monies to their families. What kind of Canadian government is this? There is something seriously wrong. Justice for the Canadian people cries out to high heaven. And all of this also hurts our benevolent America. Pretend some more. I do not understand why on my way by car from Buffalo, New York to Oakville, Ontario, Canada to visit relatives I have to pay a police officer a bribe of money for a safer passage. And why in Windsor just across the border of Detroit, there are about 500 murders a year and another 300 women murdered or disappeared? And why in several Canadian cities, there are grenade attacks on police stations?” GHK

And now, if the U.S. Congress does come up with some kind of immigration law, let’s stop sticking our heads in the sand about what is going on. It is Mexico where the problem of immigration originates and needs correction.
“There is a warning well known in Mexico uttered by Luis Cuevas over 100 years ago. I can quote it only by paraphrasing it from a memory that caught its meaning but not its exact wording. It is taken from his book “El Porvenir de Mexico:” Mexico under the regime of Liberals will go to its own ruin and the time will come when the Mexican people will be forced to stretch their arms toward the United States, crying: ‘Save Us.’” p. 318
I quote the above paragraph from a book by Francis Clement Kelley, “Blood-Drenched Altars” Mexican Study and Comment with Documentation and notes by Eber Cole Byam, The Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee, 1935 (Third Printing – 1936) The book is a religious perspective on Mexican history.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Pro-LIfe Laws: Primary Political Goal for Catholics

Pentecost, Sunday, May 27, 2007
The following is one of "Culture of Life's" 2008 election victory banner. May the Holy Spirit open the hearts and minds of Catholics, other Christians and Orthodox Jews to this message. It originated in 2005 by "The Catholic Leadership Conference" of the leaders of over 100 Catholic organizations representing in their membership over 2 million Americans. Phoenix, Oct. 28/05,

1. “In the Catholic tradition, responsible citizenship is a virtue; participation in the political process is a moral obligation. Every believer is called to faithful citizenship, to become an informed, active, and responsible participant in the political process.” Faithful Citizenship, USCCB….
2. Catholics should recognize that not all moral and social teachings have equal weight in determining how to cast their vote. Some teachings are directly binding and some are guided by individual prudential judgment.

3. The first obligation of government is the protection of innocent human life from conception to natural death. The Church teaches that justice requires this protection. This truth can also be known through reason unaided by revelation….
4. Catholic voters must first make decisions about their votes based on the moral issues that are non-negotiable. First among these are the life issues.

5. On prudential matters that affect the common good, Catholics of good will can disagree. Though there are Catholic principles such as compassion, justice and charity that we should share, there is no single “Catholic” policy on issues like taxes, education, foreign policy and immigration reform.
6. A similar distinction was made by the then Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith. His Eminence Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI to the American Bishops when he stated, “There may be a legitimate diversity of opinion even among Catholics about waging war and applying the death penalty, but not however with regard to abortion and euthanasia.”…

7. Catholic priests and bishops first and foremost are shepherds of souls. The role of these shepherds is to instruct and remind voters, candidates and public officials of the moral obligations and social principles that should guide their political action.

8. All Catholics, especially the laity, have a right and duty to be heard in the public square. Catholic moral teaching should be publicly espoused in such a way that they can inform law and public policy and not be artificially limited to the private domain of individual belief.

9. In their political participation, Catholics must not compromise these principles even though at times, prudential judgment will require accepting imperfect legislation as a means of incremental progress. (Pope J.P. II, “Evangelium Vitae”)
10. The ultimate political goal for Catholics must be the achievement of public policies and laws that result in the legal protection of all innocent human life and promote the dignity of each human person without exception and compromise.

George H. Kubeck, (Please duplicate and or translate into Spanish)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Letter to Editor, Catholic World Report

Catholic World Report
Sunday, March 4th, 2007
Thank you for the editorial that appeared in the Feb. 07 issue, titled, End this Scandalous Charade, “Catholic” Nancy Pelosi presents an unavoidable test for the U.S. bishops. There are another 50 like her in Congress and 10 in the Senate.

This past year, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was one of 48 representatives who wrote a letter to the U.S. Bishops warning them that the “threat of withholding a sacrament will revive latent anti-Catholic prejudice.” Imagine yourself as a Catholic CEO with this kind of indirect blackmail. The bishops are in a bind. However, the Catholic laity is not, and there are reasonable actions and solutions with can-do educational programs via Catholic print and E-mail.

Reverend Thomas G. Morrow has an appropriate article in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review, Feb. 07 issue, The danger of criticizing bishops and priests.

In Feb. 2006, there was a signed statement by 55 Catholic Democratic House members. The document asserted their right to disagree with Catholic teaching. That is fine on prudential issues. But we are dealing with the promotion of absolute evils: abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and embryonic stem cell research. Really, a politician can’t call himself Catholic if he promotes the equivalency of adultery, fornication and pornography.

According to Catholic theology, heresy is the greatest of all sins. The sin of unbelief (heresy) is greater than any sin which occurs in the perversion of morals. (St. Thomas Aquinas) This is because murder (abortions being one of its worst forms) is an attack on a creature, while heresy is a direct attack on God Himself. We need to pray for politicians who are members of the Catholic-in-name-only religion, and using Catholic for electioneering purposes. This is fraud.

How did we get into this bind? There is need for some plain talk. U.S. Bishops are only as good as their advisors and the clerical bureaucracy that are under them. Many of these bureaucrats are losers. For example, they are out of step with the mind and heart of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. Their past proposals and advice are flawed. They erred on the origin of the sex scandals of priests. They are stuck in the 60’s and 70’s mindset. Their parents were registered Democrats but that party is dead today. Now if these 48 Catholic House Representatives were Republicans they would have been publicly chastised by the Catholic Church years ago. We can go on and on for they are an albatross around the neck of the U.S. Catholic Church. These advisors figuratively drowned the Catholic Church in Canada and Spain.

We need a fresh start with a new beginning. There is a call for an out support for the bishops who are doing the right thing. Temporarily, it is understandable that there are some bishops who have their hands tied. The key role is the Catholic Laity. For example, promote via resolutions, letters and E-mail the call of the Catholic Bishops in Colorado to unite and educate the state’s voters. Colorado’s three Catholic bishops issued a statement pointing out the need to reject candidates who support abortion, euthanasia, physician assisted suicide, human embryonic destruction, human cloning, and gay marriage. The Pueblo Chieftan reports said that candidates who favor or are indifferent to issues described as intrinsically evil do not deserve the Catholic vote. This statement makes sense for all America.

Setting aside our religious faith, America cannot survive when society does violence to common sense, reason and natural law. We have a duty to our children and grandchildren to prevent the Culture of Death suffocating the Culture of Life while we are still alive.

George H. Kubeck, (Please duplicate and or translate in Spanish)

Friday, May 25, 2007

"End This Scandalous Charade"

The Catholic World Report Editorial in the Feb. 2007 Issue

Seeking to soften her image as a champion of San Francisco libertinism, Nancy Pelosi, the new speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, assumed her position in January under the reassuring cloak of Catholicism. She quoted at length the prayer of St. Francis in her maiden speech, invoked repeatedly in interviews her Italian “Catholic” upbringing, and attended a well-publicized mass at her alma mater, Trinity Washington University.
On the day after the mass, she then tossed her Catholic cloak off. Jesuit Father Robert Drinan had given the homily at her mass about “re-pledging our lives to the children,” but no sooner had Pelosi entered the Capitol’s chambers than she got down to the business of trying to end some of those lives. Heading up her list of legislative priorities during what she called the “first one hundred hours’ – which began after an invocation from Jesuit Father Stephen Privett, president of the University of San Francisco – was a bill expanding federal funding for destructive experimentation on human embryos.
What did the U.S. bishops think of the Catholic bell and whistles of Pelosi’s first week as speaker? Did they consider it a travesty, a spectacle certain to confuse and scandalize the faithful? Given their studious silence during her inaugural week, it is difficult to say. The bishop’s Catholic News Service certainly didn’t convey much alarm in its report on Pelosi. The report even stated that her “selection as speaker of the House of Representatives is considered to be a good sign for the chance to pass some legislation on the church’s agenda,” and quoted Catholic officials who mustered up, amidst a few throat-clearing hedges, praise for her “thoughtful” politics.
But if ever there was an obvious occasion for the American bishops to end the appalling charade of politicians exploiting their Catholicism while betraying it on the most crucial issues, Nancy Pelosi provides them with it.
Because of the clarity of Pope Benedict XVI, the question, thankfully, is no longer: Should the bishops withhold Communion from Pelosi and other Catholic politicians who defy Church teaching? The question is simply: Will they? …
Theoretically at least, the U.S. bishops have accepted this principle. They stated it, albeit a little more obliquely than did the Pope, at their November 2006 meeting. Laying out the guidelines regarding worthy reception of Communion, they said:
‘If a Catholic in his or her personal professional life were knowingly and obstinately to reject the defined doctrines of the Church, or knowingly and obstinately to repudiate her definite teaching on moral issues, however, he or she would seriously diminish his or her communion with the Church. Reception of Holy Communion in such a situation would not accord with the nature of the Eucharistic celebration, so that he or she should refrain.’
Pelosi’s heterodox Catholicism is unquestionably self-conscious and obstinate. In 2004, she brazenly announced that “I fully intend to receive Communion, one way or another.” …
But how long can she get away with this? Surely, her growing prominence as the “good Catholic” speaker of the House of Representatives poses an unavoidable test of the bishops’ seriousness. Indeed, her high-profile status is a prime opportunity for them to resolve at last the wider scandal of secularist Catholic politicians that has bedeviled the American Church since the election of John F. Kennedy.
Shirking or delaying this confrontation will just embolden the Polosis and Kennedys, and make possible yet another generation of Catholic politicians willing to use and then abuse their religion. If Church officials continue to sit on their hands, secularists will continue to accumulate victories, not in spite of Catholic politicians but because of them.
What would once have been considered an inconceivable parody has now become a stunning reality: the most powerful enemy of the Church’s moral teachings in Washington D.C., is a self-proclaimed “practicing Catholic.” - George Neumayr,

George H. Kubeck,

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Seven Sacraments of Secularism

By Rockford’s Bishop Thomas Doran

“Reaping the whirlwind of abortion: I want to touch on this matter before we get too close to the November madness…. We know, for instance, that adherence of one political party would place us squarely on the road to suicide as a people.

“The seven ‘Sacraments’ of their secular culture are abortion, buggery, (sodomy), contraception, divorce, euthanasia, feminism of the radical type, and genetic experimentation and mutilation. These things they unabashedly espouse, profess and promote. Their continuance in office is a clear and present danger to our survival as a nation….

“What we have to remember is that violence breeds violence. When we tolerate unjust attacks upon the tiniest innocents among us, we habituate ourselves to violence. And so we have allowed these barbaric practices to corrupt our laws, our medical practice, and even our ordinary lives. How accustomed we have become to the immense loss of life in our wars throughout the world!...

“It is true what the theologians have said, that sin darkens the intellect, and weakens the will. Having sown the wind of abortion we now reap the whirlwind. This appears in every quarter of our culture and on every day. And: that just from the first of the ‘sacraments of death’ of our secular human culture.

“The toleration of sexual perversions among inverts, widespread contraception, easy access to ‘no fault’ divorce, the killing of the elderly, radical feminism, embryonic stem cell research – all of these things defile and debase our human nature and our human destiny….

“It is the duty of every Catholic to support the work of the parish Pro-Life directors and commissions and to work for the extirpation from our society of all those who in any way foster or promote these things. I wholeheartedly endorse the activities of our Pro-Life Office in the sure and certain knowledge that divine justice will not allow those who act against human life to prosper.
“These unholy sacraments of our secular culture are the seeds of the destruction of our nation.
“Think for yourself: what nation that kills its young, perverts marriage, prevents new life, and destroys the family, kills those deemed useless, makes the war of the sexes into a real war, and manipulates the genetic basis of human nature, can long endure?”

The above are excerpts of a newspaper column by Bishop Thomas Doran. Refer to E-mail /2006/08/the_seven_sacra.html.
George H. Kubeck, (Appropriate for today. Published on Sunday, Aug. 27, 2006)

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Axis of Evil and Its Allies

The Axis of Evil & Its Allies

Fifteen years ago, author Peter Kreeft wrote about this subject. For the CINOP (Catholic in name only politician) it must have gone into one ear and out the other. Let us bring Peter’s thoughts up to date. In 1991, the author wrote a provocative essay using C.S.Lewis (and others) to think about the fate of “permanent things” in the world. Darkness at Noon: Eclipse of “Permanent Things.” We are focusing in on the big picture.

America’s Axis of Evil is the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, the Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and the Media Board Rooms. Also include the legislatures, the universities and even the seminaries. Peter Kreeft believes that the strongest weapon against their hate is love and that is God’s love. Agape. Make them our friends and love them to death. It may take forever. Let’s add unceasing prayer for their conversion, and educational and action activities.

The author believes that the barbarians are already within the gates. They write the textbooks, newspapers, TV shows, movies and music. We have a spiritual crisis as noted by Mother Teresa at Harvard. “You did not invite me here from a poor country to speak to a rich country. America is not a rich country. America is a desperately spiritually poor country.”

“You get closer to God by sanctity, not by aging. The world gets closer to God by improving spiritually, not by improving materially. And God is the goal the measure of progress.
The essence of modernity is the death of the spiritual. A modernist is someone who is more concerned about air pollution than soul pollution. A modernist is someone who wants clean air so he can breathe dirty words. A modernist cares about big things, like whales, more than little things, like fetuses, big things like government, more than little things like families and neighborhoods, big things like states, which last hundreds of years, more than little things like souls which last forever. Thus a modernist is one who puts his faith and hope for progress in precisely the one thing that cannot progress: matter…. A traditionalist, on the other hand, is one who ‘looks not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen, for the things that are seen are temporal, but the things that are unseen are eternal.’” (2 Corinthians 4:18) p. 54 *

There are at least three dangerous allies of the Axis of Evil. We have billionaires like George Soros who keep the Axis afloat with their monies. In Soros’ vision, America is a threat to world peace and survival. For him, it is important to “puncture the bubble of American supremacy.”

Secondly, we have the anti-traditional America’s Pravda-type news media. With their kind of reporting we would have lost the Cold War and World War II. False ideas and false reporting have consequences. Suicide is not for America. It may be for the Europeans. We don’t want to be Europeans. We have options like the Boycott and a No Vote for their candidates.

Thirdly, we come to the CINOP. He is intellectually and morally bankrupt. (There is one running locally for Supervisor.) Abortion is only the tip of the iceberg. The other absolute evils are their promotion of assisted suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage and embryonic stem cell research. The CINOP needs to be Targeted at election time with a no vote. Think of him or her in the center of Target’s red circle. It is crimson (bloody) in color. Since the Roe vs. Wade decision of Jan. 22nd, 1973 the killing fields of the unborn have been in the millions.

Lastly, abortion is killing off many of our potential leaders. Ben Franklin was born the tenth child in his family. (St. Catherine of Sienna, the 24th child) However, do check out Founding Father Alexander Hamilton. He never owned any slaves. His wisdom and knowledge of history would make mincemeat of the anti-war, retreat, appease and surrender crowd in Washington, D.C.
* Peter Kreeft, C.S. Lewis for the Third Millennium, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1994
George H. Kubeck, (Appropriate for today. Published Thurs. Jan 18th, 2007)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Rosary Bowl - May 19, 2007

The Rosary Bowl – Saturday, May 19, 2007

Any spiritual revival or great awakening starts with the Holy Spirit and the Rosary. What better month to start than with Mary’s month of May. Maybe next year we will have a Rosary Bowl Assembly in other major cities of the U.S.A. on the same date.

At the Pasadena Rose Bowl, we had more than 50 thousand participants in the Glorious Mystery. The evening, 6-9 P.M. was sponsored by Holy Cross Family Ministries in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. There were two themes: A World at Prayer is a World at Peace, and The Family that Prays Together Stays Together.

Substantial financial support came from the Knights of Columbus. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson was one of several inspirational speakers.

Of all the events that have occurred at the Pasadena Rose Bowl, Cardinal Roger Mahoney felt that this Rosary Bowl was its finest hour. He added two significant exhortations: 1) Make the Rosary a central part of your family prayers. 2) Let us no longer be afraid to be authentic Catholics in the public arena.

Earlier there were symbolic moments when doves were released and they formed an outline of a dove in the sky. The Holy Spirit was preparing us for the day of Pentecost. Several saw a rainbow in the distance and in the evening we had a Crescent Moon.

You can relieve the wonder of this inspirational event with the Rosary Bowl DVD! You can order it by going to or by calling 1-800-299-PRAY.

The following are several thoughts that were expressed at this memorable event:
The Rosary is a meditation on the life Our Lord. Only God can give us the gift of peace. Christ is our peace. I challenge you to become peacemakers.

We are called to be faithful to God and not called to be successful. I was born to know, love and serve Jesus Christ.

It doesn’t matter how famous you are or how unknown. What matters? Is your name written in God’s book of life?

Work for justice. Where there is no justice, there can be no peace? Work for peace through prayer.
The Rosary is the cornerstone of our organization. (Knights of Columbus) The Rosary is the common bond of our Western Hemisphere. Our Lady of Guadalupe may she bring light and a new unity. Ask for her intercession in the Americas. VIVA SANTA MARIA DE LA GUADALUPE!
The Rosary Bowl would not be possible if not for the work of the Holy Cross Family Ministries founder, Servant of God Patrick Peyton, CSC (1909-1992). This simple priest who became a media pioneer and is now a sainthood candidate, led worldwide Rosary Rallies before millions of people.

George H. Kubeck, (Today, I cancelled my subscription to the L.A. Times for not reporting on the above news. Then I found out that the Orange County Register has a 75% discount.)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Report # 3 on David Carlin's Book, "Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?"

Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?

Preface: There is anguish in the heart and mind of the author as he bares his soul on this matter. He quotes Aristotle, “We love our friends, but we love the truth more.” David Carlin walks in the footsteps of today’s historic Saint Thomas Becket, Bishop and Martyr, Dec. 29, 2006.

He believes that the great “Culture War” currently going between old-fashioned Christians and anti-Christian secularists, over issues such as abortion, same-sex marriage, euthanasia, and the role of religion in society, his Democratic Party has opted to the side of the secularists. He wrote this book as a Catholic who fears for the future of Christianity, but also as a Democrat who fears for the future of the Democratic Party. And if they continue to alienate religious and moral-conservatives, they will remain the number two party for a long time.

Historically, as the Civil War approached the Democrats took the wrong position on slavery. And then during the Great Depression, the Republicans took the wrong position on the social and economic welfare responsibilities of the federal government. Today, the Democrats are taking the wrong position on morality and religion.

Old-fashioned Christians are his kind of people. They are not perfect. But a world dominated by secularist would be worse. He sees a pattern in America which others may have missed and he is like a detective putting it all together. He wants the reader of his book to concentrate on the five appendices where the essential arguments are presented.

The story that he tells could be told by millions of others. He has knowledge of the party from the inside and is not a galvanized Republican but an authentic Democrat.

Now let us take a look at a contemporary bishop who also walks in the footsteps of today’s Saint. We focus on CINOPs. (Catholic in name only Politicians) What should we do about those who claim to be in full communion with the Church yet promote gravely unjust and scandalous policies that expose the unborn to the violence and injustice of abortion?

Archbishop Raymond Burke of St. Louis offered an answer. He declared that public officials who support abortion and other unjust attacks against innocent human life may not be admitted to Holy Communion, the preeminent Sacrament of Unity. (This bishop has the complete support of Pope Benedict XVI and Pope John Paul II Encyclicals.)

“The archbishop said he acted for two reasons. One was to warn Catholic legislators that their unjust acts were spiritually harmful to them – ‘grave sins.’ The other was to prevent ‘scandal’ that is weakening the faith and moral resolution of others by one’s bad example… p. 97.

“I wish to close with a word to liberals who have expressed anger, even outrage, at those bishops, such as Archbishop Burke, who teach that Catholics must never implicate themselves in unjust killing by supporting legal abortion and embryonic-destructive research. Many liberals these days insist that ‘separation of church and state’ means that no religious leader may presume to tell public officials what their positions may or not be on matters of public policy. But if we shift the focus from abortion to, say genocide, slavery or segregation we see how implausible such a view is. When Archbishop Rummel excommunicated the segregationist politicians in the 1950’s, liberals rightly applauded. They were right then, they are wrong now.” p. 101 *
*Robert P. George, “Moral Issues, Political Candidates, and the Vocation of Public Service,” from the book, The Great Life, edited by M. Aquilina and K. Ogorek, Emmaus Road Publishing, 2003.
{It seems to me that Catholic ‘liberals’ would see the light if all the CINOPs were Republicans.}

George H. Kubeck, (appropriate for today, published Dec. 29th, 2006)

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Report # 2 on David Carlin's Book, "Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?"

Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?

A written commentary on words as weapons, James 3:1-18: Before you speak or write, ask, is it true, is it necessary, and is it kind? If it is not true, you will perceive it. It may not be kind but it is necessary. This book is easy to read, share with others, inexpensive, and very important.

The sub-title to the book is, “How the Party I Loved Became the Enemy of My Religion.”
Let us check out the written words of the author from the Publisher’s Note:

“A few months ago, I mentioned to a conservative Catholic friend that we planned to entitle this book, Can a Catholic be a Democrat?” My friend shot back, Can a Catholic be a Republican? …
“In a word, in publishing this book our purpose is Catholic. We hope by means of it to help Catholics see clearly the political choices they face, so that they can prudently work for policies consistent with the fundamental truths of the Catholic Faith….
“To help them choose, and to help the parties themselves understand Catholics better and win their votes, author David Carlin here shows what it means to be Catholic in the public sector…. For in many elections, Catholics are the swing voters who determine the outcome.”

For example, the Mother of Secular Humanism in America will be running for President.

Before you purchase the book, you will note the back cover of the Book. “Why Catholics are Fleeing the Democratic Party?” “When author David Carlin was a young man, it was scandalous for a good Catholic to be anything but a good Democrat. In the pews, pubs, and union halls of America’s cities, millions of poor European immigrants and their children pledged allegiance to the Church of Rome and the party of FDR.
“All that changed in the 1960’s, with the rise of a new kind of Democrat: wealthy, secular, ideological. Even as Cardin served the party he loved – twelve years as a Rhode Island state senator and once a candidate for Congress – he could only watch in dismay as its national leaders abandoned their blue collar, pro-life, and religious constituencies and took up with NOW, Hollywood, and the abortion lobby.
“So complete has been this transformation that we no longer speak of a natural alliance between Catholics and the Democratic Party. Indeed, Cardin here asks whether today it is even possible to be both a faithful Catholic and a Democratic true believer.
“A veteran sociologist, philosophy professor, and author of "The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America," Carlin shows how his party and his religion have taken opposite side in the Culture War. On issues of human life, sex, faith, morality, suffering – and the public policies that stem from them – the modern secular Democratic Party has become the enemy of Catholicism, indeed, of all traditional religions.
“Carlin shatters the excuses that Catholic Democratic politicians employ in a vain attempt to reconcile their faith and their votes, and then, with what he calls the “political equivalent of a broken heart,” he examines his own political conscience. As a faithful Catholic and a Democrat approaching his seventieth year, he must now leave the party he’s called home since birth?”
Hopefully, the review of the above book will be a Catholic and Christian learning experience. We will focus in on the mind and heart of David Carlin just like we focused in during this past year on the mind and heart of Catholic in name only politician Bill Press.
In closing, congratulations to Rhode Island for the defeat of Senator Lincoln Chafee: He was a first class Republican Catholic Wimp. Chafee reminds me of Nancy Pelosi and her fifty Democratic CINOPs in Congress. They believe they can get away with the primacy of conscience heresy. If you can’t trust them with their religion, how can you trust them with their politics?

George H. Kubeck, (Appropriate for today as it was on Dec. 21st, 2006)

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Report # 1 on David Carlin's Book, "Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?"

Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?

This book is in many ways a sequel to Bill Press’s book, How the Republicans Stole Christmas. Since Nov. 2005, I have written more than forty reports and appendixes on it. Sadly, I discovered in the book, the mind and heart of the CINOP (Catholic in name only politician). I thought he is only blind in one eye on abortion, but he is totally blind also in the other eye, on assisted suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and embryonic stem cell research. These are absolute evil issues and not prudential. We have a blind CINOP leading the blind who are uniformed and not grounded in their Christian Faith. David Carlin calls them generic Catholics.

I still don’t understand why a Catholic would sell his soul for money in order to run for public office and with a political party that directly and indirectly promotes the above five absolute evils. Doesn’t he have any faithful Catholic friends around him?

The CINOP is the leader of a Catholic in name only Religion. He is a dangerous person. He is like a chameleon. He must be exposed and targeted repeatedly prior to the election cycle. The Catholic Laity must step forward, organize and volunteer in each Diocese. They must talk and write about this in letters, pamphlets, and educational flyer distribution. I believe that the Baptists or Evangelicals would not put with such blatant hypocrisy and heresy about their own Religion?

The mid-term elections were a disaster and a challenge to the Pro-Life Movement. 55% to 45 % of the Catholics voted for the Democrats. Congratulations to the CINOP in that party and to the leftist leadership that were able to dupe Catholic voters. Victorious CINOP Nancy Pelosi is going to get rid of corruption in Washington, D.C. She can start with herself: a first class false Catholic label politician. We want Veritas: truth in advertising.

We are dealing with a horrendous scandal. Do not be surprised with the CINOP having his picture taken when receiving Holy Communion. He has already done it with his Catholic baptismal and confirmation certificate. EWTN may have reruns of the U.S. Bishops’ Conference in Baltimore, Maryland during these last two days. If possible, you can listen and tape it.

Let us review some of the temporary victories of the CINOP: CINOP Senator John Kerry gave $586,000 to the victorious CINOP Bob Casey defeating pro-life Senator Rick Santorium in Pennsylvania. Also in that state pro-life Protestant Congressmen Curt Weldon and Don Sherwood were defeated by CINOP’s Joe Sestak and Chris Carney.

There was a disaster in Missouri. CINOP Senate Candidate Claire McCaskill supported the deceptive embryonic stem cell Amendment 2. She confused Catholic and other Christian voters, and she defeated incumbent pro-life Senator Jim Talent.

Also, in California, the CINOP directly and indirectly defeated Proposition 85, the Parental Notification of Minors on Abortion. The California Democratic Party opposed the ballot measure.

There is a big difference between a registered Democrat and the absolute control by extremists of the Democratic Party with their agenda for a secularist America. This agenda is also promoted by the biased and politically correct media, money, vicious name calling, and lies. By media, I mean the Los Angeles Times and the New York Times whose goals includes the five evil principles mentioned above. By the way, check out the name callers of President Bush. They also hate practicing Catholics. They just love and promote the CINOP.

Thankfully, David Carlin’s has a most appropriate and poignant book. On the cover of his book, we read: How the Party I loved Became the Enemy of My Religion. David Carlin is also the author of The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America. His articles have appeared in many journals, including the New York Times, America, First Things, and Commonweal. I am looking forward to reviewing the book. It may be a voice crying in the wilderness.
George H. Kubeck, (Appropriate for today, and originally dated Nov. 15, 2006)

Friday, May 18, 2007

The Four Important Announcements

Number 1: Today, Friday, May 18th marks the first day of the eight day Novena to the Holy Spirit. It is the most powerful time of prayer. Sunday, May 27th is the Feast of Pentecost. A simple daily prayer like, “Come Holy Spirit Creator Blest and in our hearts take up Thy rest, come with Thy grace and heavenly aid to fill the hearts which Thou hast made.”

Number 2: “More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.”
All America can participate tomorrow with the Joyful Mystery: Annunciation, Visitation, Birth, Presentation and Finding of Our Lord Jesus Christ. The first yearly Great Awakening will occur at the Pasadena Rose Bowl in Pasadena, California. The Rosary Bowl is Saturday, May 19, 2007, 6-9 P.M. at Rose Bowl, Pasadena. A World at Prayer is a World at Peace. Over 100,000 are expected.

Number 3: Believe that the Holy Spirit will be relentless in the pursuit of Catholic in name only Politicians for their conversions. There are many pro-life Democrats and Republicans. They have a choice: Conversions or defeat in the 2008 elections. Check out a report from – Thurs. May 17, 2007

Catholics Respond to Pro-Abort “Gang of 18”: Leave Our Church or Quit Politics

Two pro-life Catholics leaders came out swinging against the 18 pro-abortion Catholic congressmen who rebuked Pope Benedict XVI las week for suggesting bishops could discipline politicians for advancing abortion, saying the group would do faithful Catholics a favor by leaving the Church or resigning from office.

Led by Rep. Rosa Delauro (D-Conn.) the Congressmen had accused the Pope of offending “the very nature of the American experiment” for his statements “warning Catholic elected officials that they risk excommunication and would not receive communion for their pro-choice views….
Fr. Thomas Euteneuer, President of Human Life International, called the pro-abortion “gang of 18” both “ignorant of their faith” and in need of a “civic lesson.”…. (Abortion is really the tip of the iceberg of other absolute evils.)
Fr. Frank Pavone, the National Director of Priests for Life, criticized the Congressmen for stating that supporting abortion in any fashion could be consonant with their Catholic faith….
Fr. Pavone called upon the legislators to resign and end the public contradictions to their faith, while Fr. Euteneuer invited the pro-abortion Congressmen to leave the Church if they object so much to its teachings….

Number 4: We have a blog. It is called CINOPS BE GONE. Dedicated to the exposure and removal of Catholic in name only politicians. St. Thomas More is our Model and Patron.

George H. Kubeck, Please duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Los Angeles Times and the New York Times #2

Truth is not one of the great moral catchwords of our age; it does not stand high on the roster of virtues…. One who does not respect the truth cannot construct anything worthwhile. If truth is not held in honor, then freedom, justice, and love cannot flourish…. Where truth is not present, the foundation of society is ripped from under us. May 3rd, Pope Benedict XVI, Co-Workers of the Truth, Ignatius, /90

This is the second in a series of reports explaining the mind and heart of the politically correct news media and the fellow travelers that support their agenda. Is it wrong to blame these two newspapers for the following? From the Rasmussen Reports, Friday, May 4, 2007. Did President Bush know about the 9/11 attacks in advance? 35% of Democrats believe that Bush knew, 39% say that he did not know, and another 26% are not sure. This is incredible and very serious.

There is no historic evidence that President Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance. I accuse the L.A. and N.Y. Times of complicity in allowing this lying propaganda to be part of the Democratic and Republican (14%) thought processes. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The newspapers failed in exposing this horrendous lie on the Internet. How many other examples of serious lying propaganda have these two newspapers brain-washed the American people with?

For example, these two newspapers have protected billionaire George Soros who finances these anti-American and hate-Bush websites. In Soros’ vision, America is a threat to world peace and survival. For him, it is important to “puncture the bubble of American supremacy.” Soros has publicly suggested the U.S. will need a “de-Nazification” program to erase the taint of the Bush Administration. It is ironic and tragic to have in Soros a self-hating person, doing to Bush what the Nazis did to the Jews in Germany during the 1930’s. This is crazy. (This is like the twilight zone)

Now for some good news: The U.S. Supreme Court upheld the ban on Partial Birth Abortions. The legislators in Texas and Florida passed laws for a waiting period and sonograms before an abortion. This will reduce the number of abortions and increase adoption as a loving option for the physical and mental health of the pregnant mother, and for parents who are unable to have children.

Now for some bad news: I run for public office with the Catholic label. I support legislation that promotes adultery, fornication and pornography. These are three sinful programs. I am a fraud, phony, and Catholic-in-name-only Politician. (CINOP) I have excommunicated myself from the Catholic Church. I do not need a letter from the bishop. Today, anybody can call himself a Catholic and run for office.

This is not a matter of the U.S. Catholic community being split over this. Asked whether he agreed with the excommunication of Mexican legislators who recently legalized abortion in Mexico City, Pope Benedict replied, “Yes.” The pope’s spokesman Father Federico Lombardi noted that politicians in effect excommunicate themselves. “Legislative action in favor of abortion is incompatible with participation in the Eucharist.” Today, each CINOP has a decision to make.

George H. Kubeck, Please duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Los Angeles Times and the New York Times # 1

"The heavens were opened, and I, John, looked on, a white horse appeared; its rider was called 'Faithful and True.' Justice is his standard in passing judgment and in waging war." Rev. 19:11

This is the first in a series of reports explaining the mind and heart of the "politically correct" news media and the fellow travelers that support their agenda. It is the pro-life, family and marriage movement which can best make this study. They are the ones who for decades have been marginalized and ignored in providing information for making decisions in America. Why is this important? It is because the "culture of death" can not win, either domestically or internationally for America. Suicide for our country is not an option.

One vaccine against "political correctness" is the "moral clarity" and "insight" of the secular writer Thomas Sowell. He has a new book, "A Man of Letters." His writings are particularly enlightening for students attending college. I have just listened to a one hour interview of Thomas on talk radio KRLA 870 from 11 A.M. to Noon by Dennis Prager. "Dennis asked him about a recent Rasmussen Poll where more than 50 % of Democrats polled believe that President Bush knew about 9/11 before it happened. Thomas was stunned." One answer was a pathological desire to be one up on someone else. There is also a moral need to be morally better. Global warming is another one of these needs. It is also a put-down for middle-class values.

"The above poll is unbelievable." And these are the Democrats you want to elect in 2008. I have an explanation. It is the sick and hate Bush media and internets like, and George Soros who finance these outlets. Along with President Bush they may hate you, the reader. They already do, particularly if you are a practicing Christian or Orthodox Jew. "And that hate is a badge of honor."

We are calling for truth in advertising. There are laws on the books and it should be applied to news in print and TV. Why do I have to turn to Christian Internet, Talk Radio and other sources to find out what is happening in America or in the world? We want a secular America that for two hundred years from 1776 to 1976 was promoting traditional values and was friendly to people of faith.

Within their "political correct" template of the L.A. and N.Y. Times, the secular progressives promote the following: abortion on demand, assisted suicide and euthanasia, same-sex marriage,
embryonic stem cell research, and the homosexual agenda. This is a "culture of death" agenda. "Culture of life" answers are blocked out and censored. You can understand why the readership of the newspaper is going down. "I have a suggestion. Could you give us daily, only page 5 of your newspaper? People are hungering for the truth and we guarantee you an increase in circulation."

George H. Kubeck, Please duplicate and or translate into Spanish. Mon. 5-7-07

Viva Cristo Rey!

Viva Cristo Rey!

Blessed Miguel Pro- Mexican Martyr

The firing squad raised their rifles, aimed and waited for the command to fire. The small man before them raised his arms like Jesus on the Cross, a crucifix in one hand and his rosary in the other. As the captain gave the order to fire, the man yelled

“Viva Cristo Rey”!

Long Live Christ the King

Father Miguel Pro died a martyr in his native Mexico for being a priest to his people. His execution took place on November 23, 1927. He was 36 years old.

Miguel Agustin Pro was born in 1891. He was a lively talented child. He entered the Jesuits and was sent to Europe for his education. He was ordained a priest in Belgium in 1926. He asked to be sent back to Mexico even though the church was being persecuted and priests were considered criminals. The churches were closed and the people were without the Sacraments.

He returned and spent a year in secret ministry to bring the people the sacraments. He was constantly on the run from the police. Hundreds of priests and religious were being killed by the government. He would don disguises. Dressing as a beggar he would go to a home to perform a Baptism or marry a young couple or bring the anointing of the sick to the elderly. Masquerading as a policeman, he entered a prison to deliver Viaticum to a condemned Catholic. To call on a wealthy family, he would dress as a rich business man.

One time he was being chased by the police, jumped in a taxi, sped around a corner, jumped out, lit a cigarette, grabbed a pretty senorita and started strolling arm and arm with. her as the police sped by.

The police were looking everywhere for him. They knew he was saying secret Masses, hearing confessions, and bringing Christ to Catholics. Eventually he was betrayed, falsely accused and executed without trial.

Some months before he died, he told a friend that he thought he might die a martyr. He said if he did to be sure to pray for him because he would be generous in dispensing favors.

Blessed Miguel Pro, Pray for us and give us your courage, zeal and love to save souls and bring all to Christ.


Monday, May 14, 2007

The American Catholic Voter # 1

The American Catholic voter like all voters can be manipulated. In a culture of death environment that is easily done. More often, he is a swing voter, particularly if his registration through family history is democratic.
In the U.S. 2006 election, the politically correct news media and others were able to influence the Catholic vote with 55% for the democratic candidates. My concern basically is with the elected candidate who is a Catholic in name only politician. (CINOP)
He is a dangerous religious and political enemy of our Catholic faith and traditional America. The CINOP is a lethal Trojan horse within any religous community. I have more respect for the ACLU or Planned Parenthood.

My purpose again is to understand the mind and heart of any CINOP. Permit me to quote from Report Card # 21 on CINOP Bill Press;s Book, "How the Republicans Stole Christmas" Nov. 2005, p. 256-63. This report was e-mailed to you on Sat. Aug. 4/06
"How can Democrats get religion? The Challenge Facing Democrats: Since the 2004 elections, hundreds of hours of talk shows have filled with yapping about lhow Democrats can start winning elections again....
"There is only one thing Democrats have to do, and that is to reclaim the moral high ground that is rightfully ours. First a word of caution: In so doing, Democrats can't be phony about it. During the 2004 primaries, it didn't help when Howard Dean said his favorite part of the New Testament was the Book of Job....
"In fact, any Democrat uncomfortable with public expression of religion might look to FDR's speeches. He sometimes sounds more like a preacher than a president. In a radio address on June 6, 1944, for example, Roosevelt informed the American people of the Normandy invasion and sought God's blessings on the troops....
'The Almighty God has blessed our land in many ways. He has given our people stout hearts and strong arms with which to strike mighty blows for freedom and truth.'...
"The point is, Democrats don't have to go overboard Like FDR or even more often GWB....Democrats have the more recent example of Jimmy Carter, the only president to teach Sunday school while still in the White House, may be the most religious of all presidents....
"But when it comes to preaching the word of the Lord, even Jimmy Carter must take a back seat to Bill Clinton, also a Southern Baptist. Clinton has the passion, the cadence, the familiarity with Scripture that would make any African-American preacher proud....
"Democrats need to redefine and recapture what we mean by "family values or moral values" ... As George Lakoff, professor of lingluistics at the University of California at Berkeley, wrote in the Dec. 6/04 issue of "The Nation" 'The only way to trump their moral values is with our own more traditional and more patriotic values'...
"They need to challenge the Republicans and say: 'Abortion and gay marriage are not the only values.' ... The burden of redefining and lifting up moral issues must also be undertaken by religious leaders of the left, far too many of whom have gone into hiding." ...(Stop! Don't Laugh.)
Let's close with a historic note that this 13th of May/07 marks not only Mother's Day, but also Our Lady of Fatima, the Rosary, and Pope John Paul II assassination attempt.
George H. Kubeck, Please duplicate and or translate into Spanish.