Saturday, May 26, 2007

Letter to Editor, Catholic World Report

Catholic World Report
Sunday, March 4th, 2007
Thank you for the editorial that appeared in the Feb. 07 issue, titled, End this Scandalous Charade, “Catholic” Nancy Pelosi presents an unavoidable test for the U.S. bishops. There are another 50 like her in Congress and 10 in the Senate.

This past year, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was one of 48 representatives who wrote a letter to the U.S. Bishops warning them that the “threat of withholding a sacrament will revive latent anti-Catholic prejudice.” Imagine yourself as a Catholic CEO with this kind of indirect blackmail. The bishops are in a bind. However, the Catholic laity is not, and there are reasonable actions and solutions with can-do educational programs via Catholic print and E-mail.

Reverend Thomas G. Morrow has an appropriate article in the Homiletic & Pastoral Review, Feb. 07 issue, The danger of criticizing bishops and priests.

In Feb. 2006, there was a signed statement by 55 Catholic Democratic House members. The document asserted their right to disagree with Catholic teaching. That is fine on prudential issues. But we are dealing with the promotion of absolute evils: abortion, assisted suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and embryonic stem cell research. Really, a politician can’t call himself Catholic if he promotes the equivalency of adultery, fornication and pornography.

According to Catholic theology, heresy is the greatest of all sins. The sin of unbelief (heresy) is greater than any sin which occurs in the perversion of morals. (St. Thomas Aquinas) This is because murder (abortions being one of its worst forms) is an attack on a creature, while heresy is a direct attack on God Himself. We need to pray for politicians who are members of the Catholic-in-name-only religion, and using Catholic for electioneering purposes. This is fraud.

How did we get into this bind? There is need for some plain talk. U.S. Bishops are only as good as their advisors and the clerical bureaucracy that are under them. Many of these bureaucrats are losers. For example, they are out of step with the mind and heart of Pope John Paul II and Pope Benedict XVI. Their past proposals and advice are flawed. They erred on the origin of the sex scandals of priests. They are stuck in the 60’s and 70’s mindset. Their parents were registered Democrats but that party is dead today. Now if these 48 Catholic House Representatives were Republicans they would have been publicly chastised by the Catholic Church years ago. We can go on and on for they are an albatross around the neck of the U.S. Catholic Church. These advisors figuratively drowned the Catholic Church in Canada and Spain.

We need a fresh start with a new beginning. There is a call for an out support for the bishops who are doing the right thing. Temporarily, it is understandable that there are some bishops who have their hands tied. The key role is the Catholic Laity. For example, promote via resolutions, letters and E-mail the call of the Catholic Bishops in Colorado to unite and educate the state’s voters. Colorado’s three Catholic bishops issued a statement pointing out the need to reject candidates who support abortion, euthanasia, physician assisted suicide, human embryonic destruction, human cloning, and gay marriage. The Pueblo Chieftan reports said that candidates who favor or are indifferent to issues described as intrinsically evil do not deserve the Catholic vote. This statement makes sense for all America.

Setting aside our religious faith, America cannot survive when society does violence to common sense, reason and natural law. We have a duty to our children and grandchildren to prevent the Culture of Death suffocating the Culture of Life while we are still alive.

George H. Kubeck, (Please duplicate and or translate in Spanish)

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