Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Pope John Paul II and the Culture of Death # 1 of 2

Easter Sunday, April 8, 2007
This crude and threatening culture of death news article was published on Holy Thursday. I waited until Easter Sunday to comment on it. But before I go over excerpts of this story let us give recognition to Pope John Paul II, during this Holy Week.
April 2nd marks the second anniversary of the death of this great pope. He coined the phrase “the Culture of Death.” It is his legacy that will bring victory for the pro-life movement in America. Keep in mind these encyclicals: the Splendor of Truth (1993) and the Gospel of Life (1995).
Recall how he dealt with the culture of death, communist secularism in Poland. He worked closely with the Solidarity Movement in Poland. And he won. We invite and need our American citizens from Cuba, Vietnam and immigrants from Eastern Europe and others to join us as proud members of this pro-life solidarity victory movement.
Immigrants understand the culture of death often better than native-born Americans.
The article by George Skelton is in the Los Angeles Times, Thurs. April 5, 2007. You can reach him at The title is:

"Mahony’s statements on Nunez cross line"
“Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez announced in February that he was “ready to buck my church” and push legislation allowing terminally ill people to speed up their deaths with lethal drugs. But he wasn’t ready for this – not from holy leaders.
“The church is bucking back and looking like an ugly old political attack dog.
“We are seeing a collision of church and state, both of which serve society best – with all our religious diversity – when they operate separately. As the nation’s founder’s planned.
“You may have read Cardinal Roger M. Mahony’s comments about the L.A. Democrats while speaking to 250 worshippers Monday at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. ‘We should be troubled that Fabian Nunez, who has worshipped here in this cathedral as a Catholic, somehow has not understood and grasped the culture of life, but has allowed himself to get into this other direction, the culture of death.’
“Culture of death? That’s political bean ball. Not even House Speaker Nancy Pelosi tosses such words at President Bush….
“I have a lot of respect for the cardinal, but I am deeply disappointed in his comments.” Nunez said in a telephone interview from Paris….
“The speaker observed, ‘I’m not a regular Sunday church goer, but I am Catholic.” He’s a Catholic who also bucks his Church – at least its leadership – on abortion rights and same-sex marriage, both of which he supports.”… TO BE CONTINUED

(George Skelton’s concept of the Separation of the Church and State is secular and ACLU hogwash. It is not true. This is not what our Founding Fathers proposed. Also, you can substitute Mahony’s name for any cardinal, bishop or priest in the U.S.A. when he counsels a Catholic-in-name-only-politician. Also, keep in mind, the mindset of this secular writer is common throughout the U.S.A. Notice how arrogant and cocksure he is. Fabian’s position on the poor, medically uninsured, minimum wage increases, and immigration issues is noble, But, these are all prudential issues upon which Catholics can agree or disagree. Fabian is promoting three absolute evils: assisted suicide, abortion on demand (infanticide), and same-sex marriage. This is like publicly furthering the evils of fornication, pornography and adultery. It is Fabian Nunez who has crossed the line. Pray for his conversion. We can thank George Skelton for exposing a Catholic-name-only-politician. (CINOP) The public deserves truth in advertising from all politicians and writers) GHK
Happy Easter!
George H. Kubeck, (Appropriate for today, please duplicate and or translate into Spanish.)

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