Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The CINOP (Catholic in Name only Politician) in Canada

Sunday, Aug. 13, 2006
The following is a classic of what happens in a country when the CINOPs (Catholic in Name only Politicians) rule the country. I read this article about a week ago in the Dec. 2005 edition of Inside the Vatican, At the Crossroads, p. 26-29. The exact report follows:
“The family and the Church were the foundations of daily life…. Under the guise of freedom, attacks have been launched against the family and the dignity of human life since the 1960’s with contraception, divorce, abortion, and homosexuality. With political correctness as the prevailing attitude in Canada, it is no wonder that so little has been done to recall the culture to its Christian roots. From abortion to homosexual-matrimony, political bodies in Canada have alienated the Catholic community….
“In 1967, as the new Justice Minister, (CINOP Pierre Trudeau who later became Prime Minister), he announced that in these modern times, religious principles have no bearing on the affairs of state…. Trudeau cast the die and abandoned any meaningful relation with the Church as teacher and moral guide, while rights, equality and freedoms were defined…
“The Roots of Dissent from Within the Church in Canada”
“Unrestrained secularism, as John Paul II often called it, affected the Church from inside as well. In 1968, the Canadian bishops collectively issued a response to the papal document upholding the traditional teachings on birth control, the encyclical Humanae vitae. In it, the bishops claimed, in contradiction to the document itself, that whoever honestly chooses that course which seems right to him does so in good conscience.
“With this license, Canadian theologians seemed free to dissent from the Church’s teaching, and not only on contraception. Since then, a proliferation of theological writings has emerged in contradiction to the Holy See. This includes everything from contraceptives, abortion, divorce, sexual relations outside of marriage, pornography, in vitro fertilization, embryonic stem cell research, and euthanasia, for example, which supports the prevailing credence that freedom to select personal truth is the most valuable of all freedoms and can coincide with the faithful Catholic. … Liberal-NDP coalition is preparing to support a bill which calls for euthanasia….
“Crucifixes have been taken down in a number of Catholic universities, and radical feminist theology can be found on the course list at once orthodox institutions.
“One Catholic educator, Blaise Thompson, told Inside the Vatican he lost his job at a Catholic school when he refused the mandate from his higher-ups to take the Catechism of the Catholic Church off the reading list for his catechism class. This happened in the 1990’s, and Blaise was never hired back in to the Catholic education system in the province of Ontario….
“The same-sex marriage (SSM) legislation, passed as a nation-right in July of this year,…
“Prime Minister Paul Martin is a parishioner who denies Church teaching on abortion, embryonic stem cell research, homosexuality, marriage and euthanasia, and encourages others to do the same. But he still receives Communion at his local parish, while outside the Church there is a never-ending selection of proposals offered as the latest universal remedy to yet another social ill….”
The following are personal comments: Vatican II has the Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity. That is my guideline. Thankfully, early this year the Liberal CINOPs in Canada were voted out of office. It seems that we ought not to allow political correctness to tie one hand behind our backs. The truth is the best weapon.
This is a spiritual and educational battle. It is a good idea to join any prayer group in any Diocese, from the Legion of Mary to the Dominican Laity Chapter, & or the Knights of Columbus.
Every Catholic who attends Mass should be registered to vote. It is better to have him or her registered as Declined to State than not registered to vote at all. Common sense and the reality of the times persuade that all religious ought to register as Declined to State.
A crushing defeat at election time of the CINOPs in the Canada and the U.S.A. may take away the ugly scales from their eyes. Catholic Fools No More would be a good voting slogan. When receiving their literature, a just one or two word response returned with their letters like Fraud, Lay Enron, and Stop Using the Catholic Label when running for Office.
Vote No to CINOPs: Loretta Sanchez and Lou Correa
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translante into Spanish.

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