Monday, May 14, 2007

The American Catholic Voter # 1

The American Catholic voter like all voters can be manipulated. In a culture of death environment that is easily done. More often, he is a swing voter, particularly if his registration through family history is democratic.
In the U.S. 2006 election, the politically correct news media and others were able to influence the Catholic vote with 55% for the democratic candidates. My concern basically is with the elected candidate who is a Catholic in name only politician. (CINOP)
He is a dangerous religious and political enemy of our Catholic faith and traditional America. The CINOP is a lethal Trojan horse within any religous community. I have more respect for the ACLU or Planned Parenthood.

My purpose again is to understand the mind and heart of any CINOP. Permit me to quote from Report Card # 21 on CINOP Bill Press;s Book, "How the Republicans Stole Christmas" Nov. 2005, p. 256-63. This report was e-mailed to you on Sat. Aug. 4/06
"How can Democrats get religion? The Challenge Facing Democrats: Since the 2004 elections, hundreds of hours of talk shows have filled with yapping about lhow Democrats can start winning elections again....
"There is only one thing Democrats have to do, and that is to reclaim the moral high ground that is rightfully ours. First a word of caution: In so doing, Democrats can't be phony about it. During the 2004 primaries, it didn't help when Howard Dean said his favorite part of the New Testament was the Book of Job....
"In fact, any Democrat uncomfortable with public expression of religion might look to FDR's speeches. He sometimes sounds more like a preacher than a president. In a radio address on June 6, 1944, for example, Roosevelt informed the American people of the Normandy invasion and sought God's blessings on the troops....
'The Almighty God has blessed our land in many ways. He has given our people stout hearts and strong arms with which to strike mighty blows for freedom and truth.'...
"The point is, Democrats don't have to go overboard Like FDR or even more often GWB....Democrats have the more recent example of Jimmy Carter, the only president to teach Sunday school while still in the White House, may be the most religious of all presidents....
"But when it comes to preaching the word of the Lord, even Jimmy Carter must take a back seat to Bill Clinton, also a Southern Baptist. Clinton has the passion, the cadence, the familiarity with Scripture that would make any African-American preacher proud....
"Democrats need to redefine and recapture what we mean by "family values or moral values" ... As George Lakoff, professor of lingluistics at the University of California at Berkeley, wrote in the Dec. 6/04 issue of "The Nation" 'The only way to trump their moral values is with our own more traditional and more patriotic values'...
"They need to challenge the Republicans and say: 'Abortion and gay marriage are not the only values.' ... The burden of redefining and lifting up moral issues must also be undertaken by religious leaders of the left, far too many of whom have gone into hiding." ...(Stop! Don't Laugh.)
Let's close with a historic note that this 13th of May/07 marks not only Mother's Day, but also Our Lady of Fatima, the Rosary, and Pope John Paul II assassination attempt.
George H. Kubeck, Please duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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