Sunday, May 20, 2007

Report # 2 on David Carlin's Book, "Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?"

Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?

A written commentary on words as weapons, James 3:1-18: Before you speak or write, ask, is it true, is it necessary, and is it kind? If it is not true, you will perceive it. It may not be kind but it is necessary. This book is easy to read, share with others, inexpensive, and very important.

The sub-title to the book is, “How the Party I Loved Became the Enemy of My Religion.”
Let us check out the written words of the author from the Publisher’s Note:

“A few months ago, I mentioned to a conservative Catholic friend that we planned to entitle this book, Can a Catholic be a Democrat?” My friend shot back, Can a Catholic be a Republican? …
“In a word, in publishing this book our purpose is Catholic. We hope by means of it to help Catholics see clearly the political choices they face, so that they can prudently work for policies consistent with the fundamental truths of the Catholic Faith….
“To help them choose, and to help the parties themselves understand Catholics better and win their votes, author David Carlin here shows what it means to be Catholic in the public sector…. For in many elections, Catholics are the swing voters who determine the outcome.”

For example, the Mother of Secular Humanism in America will be running for President.

Before you purchase the book, you will note the back cover of the Book. “Why Catholics are Fleeing the Democratic Party?” “When author David Carlin was a young man, it was scandalous for a good Catholic to be anything but a good Democrat. In the pews, pubs, and union halls of America’s cities, millions of poor European immigrants and their children pledged allegiance to the Church of Rome and the party of FDR.
“All that changed in the 1960’s, with the rise of a new kind of Democrat: wealthy, secular, ideological. Even as Cardin served the party he loved – twelve years as a Rhode Island state senator and once a candidate for Congress – he could only watch in dismay as its national leaders abandoned their blue collar, pro-life, and religious constituencies and took up with NOW, Hollywood, and the abortion lobby.
“So complete has been this transformation that we no longer speak of a natural alliance between Catholics and the Democratic Party. Indeed, Cardin here asks whether today it is even possible to be both a faithful Catholic and a Democratic true believer.
“A veteran sociologist, philosophy professor, and author of "The Decline and Fall of the Catholic Church in America," Carlin shows how his party and his religion have taken opposite side in the Culture War. On issues of human life, sex, faith, morality, suffering – and the public policies that stem from them – the modern secular Democratic Party has become the enemy of Catholicism, indeed, of all traditional religions.
“Carlin shatters the excuses that Catholic Democratic politicians employ in a vain attempt to reconcile their faith and their votes, and then, with what he calls the “political equivalent of a broken heart,” he examines his own political conscience. As a faithful Catholic and a Democrat approaching his seventieth year, he must now leave the party he’s called home since birth?”
Hopefully, the review of the above book will be a Catholic and Christian learning experience. We will focus in on the mind and heart of David Carlin just like we focused in during this past year on the mind and heart of Catholic in name only politician Bill Press.
In closing, congratulations to Rhode Island for the defeat of Senator Lincoln Chafee: He was a first class Republican Catholic Wimp. Chafee reminds me of Nancy Pelosi and her fifty Democratic CINOPs in Congress. They believe they can get away with the primacy of conscience heresy. If you can’t trust them with their religion, how can you trust them with their politics?

George H. Kubeck, (Appropriate for today as it was on Dec. 21st, 2006)

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