Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Report # 9 on David Carlin's Book

Report # 9 on David Carlin’s Book
Can a Catholic Be a Catholic?
Wednesday, Oct. 31th, 2007
(Continued from p. 42-53: Check CINOPS BE GONE on the internet.)

“Moral liberals understand that their agenda can be better carried out by leaders who are able to pass muster, in the eyes of voters, as personally religious…
“Thus, liberal intellectuals can tolerate Democratic who make rhetorical deviations from the secularist playbook, provided these deviations contribute to the achievement of moral liberalism’s long-term goals….

But they can’t tolerate Democrats who actually reject the distinctive values of moral liberalism: abortion rights, gay rights (including the right to same-sex marriage), and de-Christianization of the public square, and a semi-pacifist attitude toward foreign policy and use of military force….

Political Manichaeism
“Since morally liberal intellectuals are ideologues, and since the Democratic Party came to rely on the support given by these intellectuals, it follows that the party was increasingly transformed into an ideological party….

“Manichaeism was a religious movement that flourished in the Roman Empire in the fourth and fifth centuries…. The Manicheans identified the good force with spirit and the evil with matter…Thus, in today’s ideological American political landscape; ideological-Manichean Democrats regard the Religious Right and President George W. Bush as not just mistaken but positively wicked….

“So as the local machines and bosses lost all their former influence, replaced by affluent liberal intellectuals, the Democratic Party retained it old name but became very different from what it was in the days of my youth. You might almost say that it became a different kind of party, so great was the change. For one thing, this traditionally pragmatic party became an ideological party….

“For another it became unfriendly toward traditional Christianity, whereas earlier it was the party that old-fashioned Christians, both Protestants and Catholics, felt most at home in …

“Local parties now count for little; the party with headquarters in Washington counts for everything. Finally, although the spirit of partisanship has intensified, party loyalty has declined…

“When all these changes had come to pass, the nature of the new Democratic Party was fully formed. With the completion of its second great transformation, in which secularist and moral liberal ideologues first joined labor and civil-rights groups in a tripartite coalition, the rose past them to a position of dominance, the Democratic party became the thing it is today, the thing I slowly came to recognize in my last years as a politician; the thing I can no longer love. It became an anti-Christian party.”
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Report Card # 8 on David Carlin's Book

Report # 8 on David Carlin’s Book
Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?
Tuesday, Oct. 30th, 2007
We continue today and tomorrow to understand the mind and heart of David Carlin on this very important book. This is a great education for what has happened to the Democratic Party. We will use his own words and try to finish this following section:

What the Democratic Party Has Become!
1. The Great Transformation, Part 1 (p. 42-53)
“So as we moved from one era of the party’s history (age of machines and bosses) into a new area (the age of moral-liberal ideologues), I was on the side of the ideologues – at least with respect to everything except abortion, to which I retained my old religious and philosophical objections. Little did I foresee that the party’s new power structure would produce? It would take me years - decades even – before I fully realized that I could no longer be on their side and that, indeed, I would have to become their enemy….

“The slow integration of the local machines in the 1950’s and ‘60’s and their rapid collapse after that meant that the national party was not longer answerable to the local parties – but by the same token, it could no longer rely on local parties to help win elections….

“TV political advertising has come to play a gigantic role in presidential election campaigns – and just in presidential campaigns but in any campaign in which the candidate has to reach a very large number of voters: … But TV advertising, as everyone knows, isn’t cheap: production is high… air time is even higher….

“And where this money come from? But now the wealthy were beginning to donate to the Democratic Party for another reason: to protect and advance their ideological concerns – that is the items on the agenda of moral liberalism….

“These affluent moral liberals were also strategically situated in what may be called the three “command posts” of American culture: tending to dominate the national press (reporters and editors), the national high-prestige colleges, universities, and law schools (as faculty and administration) and the entertainment industry (as performers, writers, and producers). Thus, they were in a position to influence public opinion….

“From the 1930s and for many decades following, the American intellectual class was predominately liberal … and Democratic. In fact, liberals and Democratic had something approaching a monopoly in the world of American intellectuals….

“Intellectuals are peopled who, by definition, take ideas seriously, and America’s liberal intellectuals remain loyal to the Democratic Party only as far as the Democratic agendas is favorable to their liberal beliefs and values…. If for example, the party were to abandon or moderate its strong support for abortion – and the liberal intellectual would jump ship. Fear of losing this support, I suggest, is one of the chief reasons that the big shots in the party aren’t about to shift away from their abortion and same-sex- marriage positions…."

George H. Kubeck, CINOPS BE GONE, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Monday, October 29, 2007

The Walrus Said:

The Walrus Said:
Monday, Oct. 29, 2007
Memo to all Catholic editors and reporters:
The time has come the walrus said to speak out, inform and not spare the truth. Our role model could be The Life and Times of Fulton J. Sheen, America’s Bishop by Thomas C. Reeves. I am still reading through this book and by gosh Catholic leaders had guts and influence. It is like a breadth of fresh air.
During those times there was no such thing as Catholic-in-name-only politician. I know that things are different today but the truth is a most powerful weapon. Today, let us focus in on the Diabolical CINOP Political Propaganda.
1) Even Robert D. Novak had a short article on it. “Catholics United, which routinely criticizes Republicans, is running radio ads against 10 anti-abortion House members – including five Catholics – for voting against the expanded State Children’s Health Insurance Program. The House failed last Thursday to override President Bush’s veto of SCHIP expansion….”Oct. 22, 2007, Orange County Register
2) The first question that came to my mind is who in the world are Catholics United. Did you get anything in the mail to support them? Well the ads are financed by a notorious advocate of the Culture of Death, Billionaire George Soros and his enterprises. I immediately smelled the fingerprints of San Francisco Values CINOP Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

3) Nancy wants to turn a good Children’s Health Program deliberately into a socialistic program. She must realize that American Catholics are not socialists. During World War II they fought National Socialism (Nazism). Although they were only 20% of the population, they comprised 35% of the soldiers. What Nancy is looking for is propaganda material for the next presidential and congressional elections with the culture of death advocates paying for it and confusing Catholic values voters. Catholics also are fed up with the tremendous anti-U.S. propaganda by the Hate America Cabal and the Marxist Socialist Elite that inspire them.

4) Let us focus in on the whole article of LifeNews,com, Mon, Oct, 22/07.
Pro-Life Lawmakers, Groups under Attack for Not Supporting SCHIP Bill:
Washington, DC (LifeNews.Com) – Pro-life lawmakers and group are under attack for not supporting the bill to expand the SCHIP program, which provides health insurance for poor children. The bill originally had the opposition of pro-life groups because it reversed a Bush administration policy helping poor pregnant women avoid abortion. That policy has been restored, but those on the pro-life side of the abortion are still coming under fire. The Advocacy group Catholics United is running radio advertisements on Christian stations in 10 congressional districts targeting pro-life lawmakers.

Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, tells that, “Their targets for the SCHIP ads look like they were handpicked by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.” “All the targeted Congressmen, save one, are pro-life Republicans and of those nine, six are in very vulnerable districts.” he added. “Such choices indicate that the ideal candidate for Catholics United is a pro-abortion Democrat.” Catholics United Executive Director Chris Korzen in a press release regarding these ads said, “Building a true culture of life requires public policies that promote the welfare of the most vulnerable. But given the organizations determination to oust pro-life Republicans, the “most vulnerable” to Mr. Korzen ‘ are clearly not innocent children in the womb.” Perkins said. You decide.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Report Card # 6 of 23 on Bill Press's Book

Report Card # 6 on Bill Press’s Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Dec. 18, 2005
Chapter 1 – Separation of Church and State (cont’d)
For about 170 years, we had a great respect for the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Constitution. Then something happened in the 1960’s and 1970’s. Political correctness, relativism and judicial activism became part of the Court with its decisions on prayer, ten commandments, abortion etc. This is not the America I joined the Army for three years and thereupon became a U.S. citizen, April 2, 1962.

On the other hand, Bill Press believes in the wall of separation between Church and State. Yet no where is this found in the Constitution. It is a myth. Bill Press promotes this myth and it bothers him when President George Bush did the following: The Bush administration approved a federally funded health plan for Catholics only; it excludes insurance coverage for contraceptives, abortion, sterilization, or artificial insemination. 36

To understand the why and the serious nature of the above permit Richard Thompson, President and Chief Counsel of the Thomas More Law Center explain it: A wave of persecutions is coming upon Christians but more specifically the Catholic Church in America. It is sponsored by left-wing anti-religious groups like the American Civil Liberties Union the ACLU, and they are doing this especially against Catholics because it is clear that the Catholic Church is the main stumbling block to their agenda to de-Christianize, to remove all moral and religious foundations upon which this nation was built. And the way they are doing it is through the courts. That is the primary instrument that the other side, the ACLU is using to silence the Catholic Voice.

Maybe you heard about a year ago where there was a case brought by the Catholic Charities against the State of California because the State of California had some laws that mandated all organizations provide contraceptive and abortifacient prescription coverage for their employees.

And the Catholic Church said, ‘Wait a minute, that’s against our doctrine, we cannot do that.’ They brought the case to the Supreme Court of California and the Supreme Court of California said, ‘If you want to cover all of your employees with any kind of insurance that has prescriptive coverage, then you have to include contraceptive drugs and abortifacient.’ There was only one dissenting judge and that dissenting judge Justice Janice Brown said it is clear that this law was specifically designed to attack the religious freedom of the Catholic Church….

The Catholic Charities lawyers appealed to the Supreme Court of the United States, and the Supreme Court refused to hear it. And what Planned Parenthood and the ACLU are saying now. This is the model we are going to use in other states to ram down the throat of Catholics the very doctrine that the Catholic Church opposes. So what we have today is the ACLU using the courts to redesign American society....

The above was a keynote talk given at the Cardinal Mindszenty Foundation 26th Annual Conference Faith, Family, Freedom, and April 9, 2005 at Oakbrook Terrace. Ill. The title of the talk was, “The Catholic Answer to the ACLU.”
George H. Kubeck, CINOPS BE GONE, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Report Card # 5 on Bill Press's Book

Report Card # 5 on Bill Press’s Book
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Dec. 10th, 2005
Chapter 1 - Separation of Church and State

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Would it not be wonderful if Bill had a prayerful conversion and became a public advocate of Pope John Paul’s Gospel of Life? He would be a hero of the pro-life movement. Instead as a wayward Catholic, he is a pain in the neck. He promotes the secular humanist judicial activist judge’s interpretation of the first amendment. Bill is very upset with the following:

Bush signed an executive order allowing churches that receive federal funds for so-called faith based programs to practice religious discrimination: hiring as staff members only those who belong to the same church. 36
Bush proposed a school voucher program, which would give parents federal tax dollars to use to pay tuition to private religious schools. 36
Bush instituted a “religious test” for judges, promising to appoint only “commonsense judges who understand that our rights were derived from God.” 36
Under Bush, employees in the White House, the Justice Department, and other federal agencies are under pressure to begin their workday by attending “voluntary” Bible study and prayer sessions. 36

In fact, tearing down the First Amendment’s historic wall of separation between church and state is the express aim of religious conservatives today, and they make no bones about it. After an October 2004 meeting with President Bush, Philadelphia’s Cardinal Justin Rigali issued a statement deploring “separation of church and state” as “A MISINTERPRETATION OF THE CONSTITUTION.” 38

In the Supreme Court’s 1985 Wallace v. Jaffree decision, which declared unconstitutional an Alabama law requiring that the school day begin with a moment of “silent meditation or voluntary prayer,” then Associate Justice Rehnquist issued a blistering dissent: “The wall of separation between church and state is a metaphor based on bad history, a metaphor that has proved useless as a guide to judging. It should be frankly and explicitly abandoned.” 40

I recall being a substitute teacher in the Waltham, Mass. Public Elementary School System during the spring of 1962. I read short excerpts from the Bible to the children. This was a positive educational experience for them. It was not unconstitutional.
The L.A. Tidings issue, Dec. 9th, 05, p.20, George Weigel hit the nail on the head.
The Framers’ intent to foster a robust religious life in America by preventing the Federal government from ‘establishing’ any denomination as the governmentally approved faith has now been turned inside out. Today, the first amendment is widely understood to require not simply governmental ‘neutrality’ between denominations, or between belief and unbelief, but governmental suspicion of, bordering on hostility to any public manifestation of religious conviction in the public square.
A Common Sense Pro-Life Dispatch
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Dennis Prager # 2 of 2

Dennis Prager # 2 of 2
Friday, Oct. 26, 2007

When we aim to Americanize our children; that concept to the leftists is a fascist process. Dennis has been called a Nazi or a minimally a flag waver.

1) We should teach in English. This strikes the left wingers as fascistic. Yet English must be the language of instruction. Does something work? Is that a right wing question? For the left wing the question is, does it feel good? We have one language and if you can not read it don’t vote. We have ballots in 10 languages. If I go to Turkey and vote, I can’t vote in English. We have ten languages on our ballots.

2) Our textbooks should reflect the truth. The left is not interested in the truth. It is about making children feel good about themselves. Let us not focus on the reality that white Christians made America. There is deep insecurity at the heart of the left. I want to know what happened in the history book. I don’t want to feel good from the textbook. The truth is the way of perpetuating our society.

3) Holidays are very important. It sustains our identity as a nation and our civilization. For example, we have President’s Day. I don’t want to honor all Presidents but the special ones like Washington and Lincoln. The purpose of holidays is to commemorate what the holiday is all about. July 4th should be a very special holiday. Prager recounts the exodus from Egypt. We were slaves in Egypt. Passover and Seder are what kept the people and culture alive.
First tell the truth and then give your opinion. What we have in America was the best than what it was before we came here.

4) Rituals like Veterans Day and Flag Day are very important. Flag Day is about
origins of America not the flag background of every person sitting in the classroom. Note the American Trinity – Liberty, In God we trust, From many one:
This is not the same as the Leftists promoting one to many. We are a Judeo-Christian Country because of our values. It is uniquely American. This is never attached to theology. It is attached to values. The seal: the Jews leaving Egypt- the American belief that this is a second Israel. If we abandon the above we abandon America.

Where did our values come from before the Constitution? We are endowed by our creator with inalienable rights. Often we don’t know how to articulate our values.

The left strives for us to become another Belgium or Sweden. Equality for the left is a bigger value than liberty. In France the motto: liberty, equality and fraternity.
Liberty Bell – Torah – “You shall promote liberty throughout the lands.” Liberty comes from God. We need to pass these values unto the next generation.

From Hebrew that the teacher, the parent and the Torah are on the same row: The parent must be the teacher contained in that book. When you abandon those roles you get into the self-esteem movement and nariccism.

There is a decline of wisdom in the secular world. The Leftists are looking for a Savior whoever it might be. There is a story out of Australia where a charge was made of 25 thousand dollars to be in the same room with Albert Gore.
World Citizen does not mean anything.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate in to Spanish.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dennis Prager # 1 of 2

Dennis Prager 1 of 2
Thurs. Oct. 25th, 2007
I took notes of this talk by Dennis Prayer at the Annual Dinner of The Educational Alliance which is helping conservatives get elected to School Boards. It was held at the Persian Restaurant: corner Fwy 5 and Culver Ave. in Irvine. (Sept. 20th, 2007 – 6-9 P.M.)

Thank God for Talk-Radio. Without it most of us would never have heard of Dennis Prager. He is on KLAC 870 AM- M-F – 9 A.M. to 12 Noon. I remember him from Religion on the Line.

I jotted down several remarks. If it is unclear it is my fault. Listen to Common Sense on his radio program. Dennis helps us to understand the culture we live in.

Making Americans: Historically, our purpose was to make American citizens of all of our children. We were a melting pot. However, we live in the Age of Stupidity. From the mid 90’s to the present time Americanization died. It took so little to destroy it.

The forces of disintegration in our country are very powerful. They want us to be World Citizens not American citizens. Their notion of good is different from ours. They are as idealistic as we are. However, their ideas are idealized. Their thinking is multi-cultured.

They believe nationalism is wrong and Nazi-type. Our opponents call us that because for example, we want to begin with the pledge of allegiance at school or events.

How do you educate and make an American child? They prefer a U.N. flag to replace our own flag.

Humans are beautiful. Humanity stinks. What is this belief in humanity? Did they care about slavery, the Tutsi massacre or the Holocaust?

I try to have every leading Leftist on my show. Dennis’s father spoke Yiddish. There was no bilingual education. Dennis went to Boys’ High School in Brooklyn, New York.

What war was moral for the Leftists? According to Howard Zen only World War II. He is the most widely read historian. We died to liberate Korea. We Americans are prepared to be free and die so others can be free. No other country has done this. This is a truism about America.

Sweden which leftists looked up to was neutral during World War II. They were neutral with respect to Nazism. The world is upside down for the left. This country’s goodness has been inverted. George Washington is considered a slave owner. For us he is the Founder of our country.

America is racist. That is an idiotic comment. It is a racist comment by the professor himself. I believe that liberals are more racists than conservatives. Today liberalism is built in contempt of black Americans. They consider black Americans as intrinsically a handicapped race and we do not believe that. (to be continued)
George H. Kubeck, Cinops Be Gone, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Congresswomen Linda and Loretta Sanchez

Congresswomen Linda and Loretta Sanchez
You Decide
Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2007
Common sense, Natural Law, the Ten Commandments and the Catholic position are either opposed or for the following:

1. Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act-passage (110th). Linda and Loretta voted for this research. (The Catholic position was against this research. They are for adult stem cell research.)

2. Marriage Amendment Act (109th) Linda and Loretta voted against this amendment. (Catholic position supports marriage as between a man and a woman only.)

3. Child interstate Abortion Notification Act (109th). Linda and Loretta voted against this act. Their party also defeated Parental Notification in California. The Catholic position was for the above.

4. Abortion in military and medical facilities (109th) Linda and Loretta voted to allow abortions in military and medical facilities. The Catholic position was against the above.

5. Coercive abortion/United Nations Population Fund (109th) Linda and Loretta voted for coercive abortion/United Nations population fund (109th). The Catholic position was to oppose it.

6. Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act: passage (109th) Linda and Loretta voted against this act. The Catholic position was for this act.

7. Human Cloning Ban: passage (108th) Linda and Loretta voted against it. The Catholic position was for this ban.

8. Partial Birth Abortion Ban: passage (108th) Linda voted against this ban. The Catholic position was for this ban.

9. Unborn Victims of Violence Act (108th) Linda and Loretta voted against this act. The Catholic position was for this act.

Do you get the feeling that these two are puppets of Planned Parenthood and advocates of the Culture of Death? It is like a rebellion against reason and truth. I will not serve the truth! Political correctness will be my kind of truth. As you find out more about the Catholic-in-name-only politician, it is sad. You Decide.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Role of the Catholic Laity

The Role of the Catholic Laity
Tuesday, Oct. 23, 2007
Dear Brother Bishops, From the Vatican, June 5th, 1998. Pope John Paul II:
1. With great joy in the Lord I welcome you, the Pastors of the Church in the States of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota, on your ad limina visit…. Today I wish to reflect on the laity in the Church’s life and mission. The new evangelization that can make the twenty-first century a springtime of the Gospel is a task for the entire people of God, but will depend in a decisive way on the lay faithful being fully aware of their baptismal vocation for bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to their culture and society…. mission of the lay faithful,… to give a glad and prompt response to the impulse of the Holy Spirit and the voice of Christ…. More and more lay people have taken to heart the stirring words of Pope Pius XII: “Lay believers are in the front line of Church life; for them the Church is the animating principle of human society. Therefore, they in particular ought to have an ever clearer consciousness not only of belonging to the Church, but of being the Church.”…

4. As the Fathers at the 1987 Synod on the Laity pointed out, it is an inadequate understanding of the role of the laity which leads lay and women to become so strongly interested in Church services and tasks that they fail to become actively involved in their responsibilities in the professional, social, cultural and political field…. Since lay people are at the forefront of the Church’s mission to evangelize all areas of human activity – including the workplace, the worlds of science and medicine, the world of politics, and the diverse world of culture – they must be strong enough and sufficiently catechized….

5. The immediate and in many ways most important arena of the laity’s Christian witness is marriage and the family…. But where the family is weak, all human relationships are exposed to instability and fragmentation. At a time when the very definitions of marriage and family are endangered by attempts to enshrine alternative and distorted notions of these basic human communities, your ministry must include the clear proclamation of the truth of God’s original design. Since the Christian family is the “domestic church”…

7. The multi-cultural reality of American society is a source of enrichment for the Church, but it also presents challenges to pastoral action. Many Dioceses, because of past and continuing immigration, have a strong Hispanic presence…. The fostering of personal and family prayer, a spiritual and liturgical life centered on the Eucharist and genuine Marian devotion…. The Hispanic faithful should be able to feel that their natural place, their spiritual home, is in the heart of the Catholic community.

For the informed laity our most powerful weapon after prayer is the truth. All Catholics need to be informed that there is a Catholic-in-name-only religion in America. This is a false religion. CINOPS are the role models for this false religion which directly and indirectly promotes the culture of death in America. These are the absolute evils of abortion on demand, assisted suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage and embryonic stem-cell research. The CINOP hides behind the prudential Catholic Social program. But he with others is a public member of the biggest religious con-operation in U.S. history.
The bishops, priests and laity need to work harder for the conversion of the CINOP. Can we learn anything from the life of Bishop Fulton Sheen? There is no Catholic reason to be a CINOP or to vote for him.
The laity will continue to inform, educate and persuade for a No Vote for any Catholic-in-name-only politician on the ballot in 2008 and thereafter. And this will be done successfully.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Report # 7 on David Carlin's Book

Report # 7 on David Carlin’s Book
Can a Catholic Be a Democrat?
Monday, Oct. 22, 2007
We continue with our purpose to understand the mind and heart of David Carlin. I hope it will not take me eleven months to complete. This is what happened to Report Card on Bill Press’s book, How the Republicans Stole Christmas, 23 articles from Sat. Nov. 26th, 2005 to Friday, Sept. 8, 2006. It is from Bill’s book that I discovered the mind and heart of a Catholic-in-name-only politician. We have in the CINOP the biggest religious con operation in U.S. history. Check the articles on Cinops Be Gone or
Chapter 2 – The Great Transformation, Part 2: Rise of the Ideologues

“I (David Carlin) had no sympathy for the old boss-led political machines, and so I naturally joined with the reformers. Eventually, as it turned out, I also lost all sympathy with the reformers, who today dominate the Democratic Party…. I was a great fan of President Johnson. I saw in him as a kind of second coming of Franklin Roosevelt, in that from the time of his first State of the Union Address in 1964, he made it clear that he intended to use the immense power of the federal government to improve the life conditions of those at the lower end of America’s socioeconomic ladder…. 35-36
“How could I, with my old-school Democratic (and Catholic) social conscience, not admire LBJ? And so, when he decided to go into Vietnam in a big way in 1965, I was more than ready to give him the benefit of the doubt…. 36
“I came to see that North Vietnam was not part of a monolithic Communist empire. Its Communism was home grown – like Yugoslavia’s … Hence, a Communist victory in the South would be no great threat to the interest to the interests of the United States. 37 (A personal comment: We fought in Vietnam with one hand tied behind our backs because Communist Russia was funneling war supplies into Hanoi harbor freely and encouraging Vietnamese Communists to attack. Ghk)
“In those days (when I happened to be living in Boston teaching at a small Catholic women’s college), it was easy to meet young people who believed that the government of North Vietnam was “progressive” and the government of the United States just a little short of fascist. But I was not a member of the Jane Fonda brigade. My anti-Communist sentiments went back to the time when the cold war began in the late 1940’s – I was less than ten years old when I began absorbing patriotic anti-Red propaganda – and had only grown stronger over the years as I had become aware of the disastrous consequences of Communist ideas…. 38
“For not only was it a needless war, but it contributed mightily to the great American cultural revolution of the 1960’s and 1970’s – the essence of which (as I’ve argued elsewhere) was a generalized rebellion against authority. This Cultural Revolution, I contend, has served to elevate the place of secularism in American culture and to depress the place of Christianity and of Catholicism in particular. 39
The author states that he supported the anti-war candidate Sen. Eugene McCarthy (A Catholic) in the Democratic presidential primaries of 1968. Later Carlin voted for Humphrey. The McGovern Commission took the process out boss control for presidential nomination to delegates chosen by voters in the primaries.
“At the time, I thought of these people as the good guys: good government, anti-boss reformers who were bent on the benign task of making the party more democratic (small d)…. I didn’t realize that they harbored within themselves the potential for passionate commitments to abortion rights and same-sex marriage, and a deep hostility towards traditional Christianity.” 41 (to be continued)
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Report Card # 4 on Bill Press's Book!

Preface: After prayer, truth is our most powerful weapon. The second largest religious group in America are our fellow Catholics who tragically have not been grounded in their Faith. As Catholics we are duty bound to protect and inform them. The Role Model for this group is the Catholic-in-name-only politician (CINOP). This person is anathema not only to our Catholic Faith and the pro-life movement but also to America. He is screwed up not only religiously but politically. And in 2008, he needs to be voted out of office. Ghk: Sun. Oct. 21/07
Report Card #4 on Bill’s Press’s Book – 12-4-05
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
The Introduction
Bill, stop being a crybaby and a victim. You are angry with Denver’s Archbishop Charles Chaput because he would refuse to give you communion at Mass. If you are a CINOP, a Catholic in Name Only Politician what do expect from any good bishop? He is following Cannon Law. A person who is pro-abortion, pro-partial birth abortion – infanticide, for gay marriage etc. is betraying his Catholic faith in the public arena. These activities are serious absolute evils and scandalous. It is time to invoke the principles: Silent No More, Stop the Scandal and Be Not Afraid.
Bill, what you are doing is lashing out against the Catholic Church. You are dealing with an institution that has been around a long time. One would expect a regular informed Catholic to have access to the wisdom of the ages, the common sense of St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, natural law and the relentless pursuit of the truth, the whole truth not half-truths.
Please check out the following church documents, as Pope John Paul II stated, we are all really responsible for all. Does what you say meet this challenge?
1) The Gospel of Life – 1995 2) The Splendor of Truth – 1993 3) Centesimus Annus – 1991 4) Solicitude Rei Socialis (Social Themes) – 1987
5) Laborem Exercens - 1981.
Bill, you are also very angry with President George W. Bush. Besides being a Republican, he is not the kind of Christian you want him to be, like yourself and fellow CINOP, Paul Begala, Co-host, CNN – THE SITUATION ROOM. Here is Paul’s quote from the jacket of your book. God bless Bill Press. This former seminarian former Democratic Party chair has the courage, theological training , and moral clarity needed to point out both the deep spiritual values of the left and the hypocrisy of some on the far right. Hallelujah, Brother Bill. The media and secular humanist just love and promote the above type Catholics.
Bill does not like the Christian Coalition. He believes that they are responsible for the election of President George W. Bush in 2000 and 2004. He has given no credit specifically to the Catholic Pro-Life Movement. There is a tape by Pat Robertson dated around 1990 in which he talks about the goals of the Christian Coalition. Their goals will be elaborated upon in future dispatches.
In closing, respect for the Office of the Presidency is important by the losers and the winners. There is a significant quote by President Bush. “The greatest gift you can give anybody is to pray on their behalf.” Also, I note in this year’s presidential Christmas card the following: Psalm 28:7 (RSV)
The Lord is my strength and my shield,
In Him My Heart Trusts;
So I am helped, and my heart exults,
And with my song I give thanks to Him
(We are all getting too many E-mails. Check CINOPS BE GONE for daily reports)

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Report Card on Bill Press's Book # 3 of 23

This our second weekend trying to understand the mind and heart of a Catholic in name only politician. This is very important for all Americans in the primaries coming up.

Report Card on Bill Press’s Book # 3 of 23
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Nov. 26, 2005
“In times past there were false prophets among God’s people and among you also there will be false teachers who smuggle in pernicious heresies.” 2Peter: 2:1
The Introduction 1-33 cont’d
Bill’s use of religion for his political agenda is wrong. In all fairness to the true meaning of the word “Liberal”, Bill Press is not a liberal Catholic. He is a dissenting and progressive nominal Catholic. (I graduated from a Jesuit Liberal Arts College in 1952) Bill dissents from the teachings of the Magisterium. As a progressive, he is in sympathy with and promotes the Culture of Death Agenda in America.
“Take gay marriage. Granted, this is an issue on which good people can and do honestly disagree. But it’s wrong to claim one side has a monopoly on morality. I can’t understand what’s immoral about two people in love making a commitment to love and support each other ‘till death do us part.’”… (Censored) 27
It is not necessary for you to buy this book. I will detail the book; like we detail our cars. The inspiration and title of Bill’s book came from his so-called friend and book agent. I have an inspiration for Bill’s next book. “How Howard Dean and George Soros stole and bought the Soul of the Democratic Party.”

What is most disturbing is that we have in Bill Press another nominal Catholic like Mario Cuomo. Mario is the poster boy for pro-abortion Catholic Politicians. Bill is aiming for Poster Boy Status for Gay-Marriage.

The defeat of the Democratic Party in 2000 and 2004 was a crushing one for Bill. He is angry: “There is little difference between the imams of Iran and the imams of America. As lifelong Catholic Garry Wills wrote in the “New York Times” shortly after the 2004 election: “Where else {but in America} do we find fundamentalist zeal, a rage at secularity, religious intolerance, fear of and hatred for modernity? “ ….32 We need to be aware that this type of Catholic mindset is not unusual in Catholic circles.

Bush’s share of the Catholic vote increased from 47% in 2000 to 52 percent in 2004. Catholics voted for Gore in 2000 in spite of the fact that Clinton vetoed the partial-birth abortion law three times. However, in Florida a majority of the Catholics voted for Bush in 2000. Catholics are becoming intelligent voters and that is dangerous for Bill.

For decades the CINOP (Catholic in Name Only Politician) have been getting away with murder, particularly in California. Now, take the great State of Texas. More than 60% voted for the Parental Notification Law, and 76% for a law stating that marriage is between a man and a woman. The bishops in Texas can be proud of their informed and non duped voters. What is deeply offensive and where political correctness has become religious correctness is the CINOP as a Republican would have been denounced years ago by the bishops. Pro-life principles supersede party registration.
A Common Sense Pro-Life Dispatch
George H. Kubeck, Cinops Be Gone, Duplicate or translate into Spanish.

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Eucharist # 2 of 2

Open Your Heat and Adore the Blessed Sacrament # 2 of 2
(Excerpts from a classic talk by a priest, Sept. 29, 2007)

“Struggling for sanctity from the mercy of God: 1) Meritorious good works: 2) It flows from His Mercy. a) It is repentance of our sins. Leave behind our sins. Start to live with His grace. Repentance: b) Humility: We do not deserve these graces. Faith and love and hope in this. Confidence and trust in Him the more He can make us holy. Trust in Him is an act of love.

“What is a sign? I rejoice that they ask for much. Asking for great, great things: Ask much of Jesus: Ask for these graces for yourself and others. Do it to please Jesus. I (Jesus) am sad for souls who ask for little.)

“Ask for great things in order to peace and joy. Expect unimaginable graces to those who trust me. This consoles Jesus.

“Diary of Faustina (1074): The flames of mercy burns me. Approach Jesus with trust and Jesus is consoled. Have limitless confidence in Jesus. Live in such a way that you wont go to purgatory. There is so much goodness in God. To think well of God is to glorify Him.

“He is infinitely holy. He died to completely transform us. Everyone is called to holiness. Approach Jesus with confidence.

“Refer to Mark, Ch. 5: Receive Him with repentance. I don’t deserve the mercy.

“Ask through our Blessed Mother and give entirely to Jesus through the Immaculate Conception. Pray for that confidence and ask Our Lady to give you that confidence. Jesus is in love with you. Receive Him as often as you can.

“He longs to come into your heart to heal, give you peace and increase your faith. Receive him as often as often as you can.

“Pope Pius X in 1905: Receive communion often. Give us this day our daily bread. I (Jesus) am the bread. He came down from heaven: He is the daily bread. Desire to come to Him in Holy Communion.

“Communion is compared to the Manna in the desert, every day. We are in a time of mercy. Sister Faustina: You will prepare the world for my Second Coming.

“Since 1983, we can receive Communion twice daily. St. Therese of Lisieux is one of the greatest Saints in Modern Times. Without Our Lady we are not getting close to Jesus. We need to get closer to Our Lady. – Rosary- Consecrate ourselves to her. Lourdes.”

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Eucharist # 1 of 2

Open Your Heart and Adore the Blessed Sacrament #1 of 2
Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007
(Excerpts from a classic talk by a priest. Sept. 29, 2007))

“Just before you read John Ch. 6, there were two specific miracles. a) Jesus had only five loaves of bread. He does a miracle with the bread. There is bread left over. b) Jesus walks on the water. He suspends the laws of nature. Jesus is the bread. His flesh for the life of the water.

“Come to Mass and you will see a miracle. It is called Transubstantiation. There is the blood, body, soul and divinity under the appearance of bread and under the appearance of wine. We find the whole mystery of the Trinity is there substantially present under the appearance of the bread. Faustina – ‘Your are our dwelling place – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.’”

“Jesus is referred to the Lamb of God 27 times in the Apocalypse. All of heaven descends with him. In the beauty of the Mass there dwells the power of God.

“We live by faith. The angels see the face of God. The essence of heaven is to see the face of God. We see the appearance of bread.

“St. Padre Pio noted that only in heaven are we going to understand the Mass, the second person of the Blessed Trinity to God the Father.

“Jesus is fully present. God so loved the world. To fall in love – to grow in love:

“St. Thomas Aquinas has these effects of the Eucharist. 1) There is growth in divine life; the life of sanctifying grace grows within us. Effect of grace: 2) Food brings about healing. Jesus does things in us. Tell Jesus to take complete possession of me. We experience a transformation, more peace, more hope, there is healing. 3) Food gives strength. It gives strength to continue our journey. We are spiritually consoled and strengthened in our daily lives. We are gradually transformed into Christ. 4) All of this is related to the Passover. They were slaves in Egypt. They ate the Lamb and they were freed from slavery. Give us the power to be freed…..

“Conditions to prepare: Holy Communion is a gift of God’s mercy. In mortal sin, we are spiritually dead.

“St. Therese Lisieux: We have a fusion of hearts. She prepared 2½ months to receive her first communion. She was 11 years old. Communion was not daily at that time.
“Receive Communion with confidence. Trust in His infinite goodness and we are pleasing to God. It is audacious confidence. It is bold trust.

“Diary of St. Faustina: Particularly adore my Mercy: Obtain graces from my boundless trust in my mercy. Trust and the more you will receive. It is my desire to give much, very much.”

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Story of Fatima

The Story of Fatima
Feast of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Oct. l6, 2007
The following are excerpts from a talk given by a priest on Saturday, Oct. 13, 2007.

This special spiritual event took place in Fatima, Portugal in the year 1917. The apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Maria in Fatima were witnessed by three small children, Lucia, 10, Francisco, 8 and Jacinta 7. It was from May 13th of each month until Oct. 13, 1917. Francisco and Jacinta died in 1919, Lucia in 2005.

Let us review the last apparition on Oct. 13, 1917. There were about 70,000 people present on this final day. Our Lady identified herself as I am the Lady of the Rosary. This reminds us of how important the Rosary is in our lives. So she can obtain for us many graces.

She reminds us to pray the Rosary daily. Do not offend God. He is so much offended by sin. Jesus died for everyone’s sins. Do not commit a sin.
The 70,000 looked on. The Sun was moving about in the sky & changing colors.

The three children visionaries saw much more:
a) They saw the Holy Family, Jesus, Mary and Joseph. It reminds us of how important the family is. Holiness begins at home. Each of us has a different role to play. Do what God wants you to do! The ordinary things done well mean everything to God.
b) Our Lady of Sorrows appeared to the children. She was united with our Lord in a singular way at the foot of the cross. She did God’s will witnessing her Son being tortured.
c) She appeared to the children as Our Lady of Carmel. The appearance of the Brown Scapular as a devotion to our Blessed Mother for protection and salvation.
Later on, there were two other apparitions to Lucia in Spain in 1925 and 1929.

Our Lady told the three children that they will all go to heaven. However, Francisco must pray many rosaries. Francisco and Jacinto died two year after the apparition. They were beatified in April, 2000 by Pope John Paul II.

Beginning with the first apparition in May 13, 1917, Our Lady asked the children are you willing to offer yourself to God? Make acts of reparation to God for the sins of the world and supplication for the conversion of sinners. They had much to suffer but the grace of God was never lacking for them.

When Our Lady opened her hands rays of light emanated from her and got into their hearts and God was in that light. If we are in a state of grace it comes to us. God’s providence is there. We become more and more aware of God’s presence in our lives – especially in the people we meet. Most Holy Trinity I adore you. The Eucharist is God.

The Message at each of the six apparitions was pray the Rosary Daily. Pray for peace and the end of World War I. Ask for the grace to pray the rosary daily.
Also, Jesus wants to establish devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Fraternally yours,
George H. Kubeck, Refer to Cinops be gone. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2007
1) San Francisco: AP Exclusive, 10/10/2007
For years, rumblings have surfaced on the internet, conjecture about her casual references to sexual orientation and respect.
Now, the subject of the speculation is ready to make a statement, insisting the truth was there all along for anyone who cared to read between the lines: Dear Abby supports same-sex marriage.
There should be gay marriage. I believe if two people want to commit to each other, God bless ‘em, the syndicated advice columnist said in an interview with The Associated Press. That is the highest form of commitment, for heaven’s sake.
(In other words, Dear Abby wants to rewrite the historic definition of marriage.)

2) Big Media Ignores San Francisco Homosexual Event
From: 10/8/2007
Recently, homosexuals in San Francisco celebrated an event called the Folsom Street Fair. The organizing group claimed that 400,000 people attended the event.
The purpose of the fair was to celebrate leather pride, a euphemism for homosexuals who indulge in sadomasochism, often call S&M. These people enjoy bondage, whipping, spanking, and other perverted sexual practices.
People who attended the event reported that police backed off while the party-goers practiced oral sex, nudity, masturbation, and orgies in public.
My purpose in writing is to let you know that not a single Big Media outlet reported the event.
(This is a California problem. One rational solution is to boycott San Francisco.)

3) Mrs. Fields bans Christmas from their products 10/11/2007
Take a look at Mrs. Fields Holiday Gift Preview by clicking here. In the search bar, type in the word Christmas. But don’t expect to find any reference to Christmas. (If you do, it has been added since this letter was written.)
Mrs. Fields wants the business of Christians who celebrate Christmas, but they don’t mind if they offend Christians.
(As a lesson for other businesses, boycott this business into bankruptcy.)
4) Air America Launches Nationwide Atheism Program
By Nathan Burchfiel, Oct. 8, 2007
The liberal talk radio network Air America announced this week it will launch a nationwide show focusing on atheism. The first national show will feature Christopher Hitchens; author of God is not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything.
On Saturday, Oct. 6, the show will begin airing on 14 other affiliates from Palm Springs, Fla., to Eugene, Ore., and on XM Satellite radio.
(Air America is subsidized by millionaire liberals who want a secular America.)
5) Nearly 1 in 5 Democrats Say World Will Be Better Off If U.S. Loses Iraq War
Fox News Poll, by Dana Blanton, Thurs. Oct. 4, 2007
The percentage of Democrats (19 per cent) who believe that is nearly four times the number of Republicans (5 percent) who gave the same answer. Seven percent of independents said the world would be better off if the U.S. lost the war.
Dennis Prager calls our times the age of stupidity. It is also garbage in and garbage out. Read the N.Y. Times, L.A. Times, listen to CNN, MSNBC, Media Matters, and And we would have lost the Cold War with Communist Russia.
George H. Kubeck, Cinops be gone. Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Dear Governors Schwartzenegger and Giuliani

Dear Governors Schwarzenegger and Giuliani
Monday, Oct. 15th, 2007
CCF Bulletin, Oct. 13, 2007
“Sadness: Anger. Resolve to rescue all children from so-called “public schools.” That’s how I am feeling now that Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has signed four horrible anti-family bills into law.
“I’m sickened to report that Arnold without comment signed the two school sexual indoctrination bills (SB 777 and AB 394), the bill awarding married names to homosexual couples (AB 102), and the bill pushing homosexuality, bisexuality, and trans sexuality upon many Californians with religious convictions.” Randy Thomasson

“The ‘lesser of two evils’ vote gave Californians Peter Wilson in 1990, who proceeded to decimate the Republican pro-life caucus at Sacramento. We could have had pro-family Tom McClintock if the same people who voted for Prop 22 in 2000 carried forth in 2003. But many Christians fearing Cruz Bustamante had more faith in their ‘lesser of two evils’ ballot than in their God, and we got Arnold S. Now Rudy Giuliani, the consummate ‘lesser of two evils’ candidate, is seeking nomination for the highest office. Will the ‘lesser of two evils’ Christian voters finally get the message to trust God and vote for pro-life/pro-family candidates, or in losing their integrity lose again even if Rudy wins?” Life Priority Network.

“The above lessons are clear: Rudy Giuliani cannot win in the primaries unless he dupes the many pro-life voters. The message is loud and clear from the above comments. It is an absolute no vote for any CINOP politician in both parties in the primaries and election 2008. CINOP stands for Catholic or Christian-in-name-only politician.” George H. Kubeck, CINOPS BE GONE or

Your signature on these bills Governor Arnold has for all practical purpose killed the presidential nomination of Rudy Giuliani who will be great in the cabinet of our next pro-life president. Both of you are only as good as your advisors. And if you think for one moment that you are going to change the Republican Party into a facsimile of the Democratic Party you are out of your mind. You want us to be like them, abortion on demand, assisted-suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and embryonic stem-cell research. Talk show host Dennis Prager has called these times the Age of Stupidity.

What you have done Arnold is to declare war on the children, marriage and family in California. You betrayed the trust we had in you. You have prostituted the Reagan Republican principles. Like you, I’m an American by choice, and a retired public school teacher. I love the traditions of this country and you are destroying them. You have also betrayed your heritage. Republicans are sick and tired of the CINOP Democratic Kennedy Clan and their influence on you and the party. Enough said.
I am sending a check of $20.00 to
Campaign for Children and Families
Randy Thomasson, President
P.O. Box 511, Sacramento, Ca. 95812
(916) 265-5650,
Respectfully yours,
George H. Kubeck, pro-life activist and writer. (Please e-mail your comments to Governors at )

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Report Card # 2 of 23

Report Card on Bill Press’s Book #2
“How the Republicans Stole Christmas”
Tuesday, Nov. 22, 2005
The introduction reads like a verbal boxing match with a lot of religious propaganda. In this corner, we have Al Gore, John Kerry, Gary Willis, Mario Cuomo, Bill Press, and the Religious Left and in the other corner, Jerry Farwell, Pat Robertson, Jim Dobson , Archbishop Charles Chaput, George W. Bush and the Religious Right.

In the book, there is an appropriate quotation from Thomas Jefferson, “It is in our lives and not our words that our religion must be read.” We can agree that God is not a Republican or a Democrat and the Republicans do not have a monopoly on moral values. The problem is who controls the Democratic Party and their agenda. The party and values of once President John F. Kennedy are no more in California. Let’s continue with several direct quotations from the book.

“How did Republicans so successfully hijack religion? … First, liberals walked away from the field. We stopped talking about values or acknowledging our belief in God. Second, conservatives once they had the field all to themselves, diabolically defined “values” so narrowly that there is no room for democrats or liberals anymore. Nor is there any room for Christians who believe in the Social Gospel.” 21

“Skepticism about the calculated nature of Bush’s faith is further fueled by the fact that he belongs to no congregation and does not regularly attend church services – compared with John Kerry, for example, who wears a crucifix, carried a rosary, and Bible with him on the campaign trail, and goes to Mass every Sunday.” 14

“In his own feeble attempt to identify with Christian conservatives Al Gore once famously said he never made any decision as vice-president without first asking: “WWJD? What would Jesus do?” 26
It is agreed that Bush would never have won election and reelection without the religious right. . Now we come to some of Bush’s accomplishments which drive the secularist and liberals up the wall.

“He (Bush) signed a bill banning so-called late-term abortions. He set up a “Faith-Based Office” in the White House, directing millions of dollars in taxpayer funds to religious organizations, and signed an executive order allowing them to discriminate in hiring by requiring that all job applicants belong to the same church. He put religious conservatives in charge of every government advisory committee on reproductive health matters. He nominated extremist anti-abortion advocates to federal courts. He made “abstinence only” the government’s new policy on HIV/AIDS prevention.
Then, as icing on the cake, Bush proposed a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage: not because he expected it to pass – it didn’t , and it won’t – but because he wanted to throw conservative leaders one more piece of red meat they could use to get their followers to the polls….
He reads the Bible every day. He opens cabinet meetings with a prayer. He encourages and often attends prayer meetings in the White House. He invites ministers in to pray with him.” 9 (To be continued.)

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Report Card on Bill Press's Book # 1 of 23

This will be a special weekend only report on the mind and heart of a Catholic-in-name-only politician (CINOP) written in the 2005-2006.

Report Card on Bill Press’s Book # 1 of 23

How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Nov. 20, 2005
This report is going to be a lot of fun. I notice the front cover also reads: “The Republican Party’s Declared Monopoly on Religion and What Democrats Can Do to Take It Back.” Bill Press is also the author of Bush Must Go.

I first got wind of this book from Deal Hudson article via E-Mail – The Window – . “Can the Democrats Reclaim the Religious Vote?” He also has a review of the book in the October Issue of “Crisis “magazine.

Hudson’s E-mail review reads: “Bill Press is a nice guy who has written a contentious book….Press is a lifelong Catholic, a product of Catholic schools, and has spent ten years in seminary before deciding not to enter the priesthood. He is angry and says so repeatedly- that his party is seen as unfriendly to people of faith, while the Republican Party has become the home of most religious voters. He does not hide from the data that supports this observation, for example, that 64 percent of the voters who attend religious services each week voted for Bush in 2004 while 35 % voted for Kerry, according to exit polls conducted by the Pew Research Center.
Press gives the impression of a man honestly attempting to understand why religious voters would be attracted to Bush and the Republican Party. What is surprising is how he avoids seeing the real issues.”

What is noteworthy about the California voters who attend religious services and vote is the fact that they are duped and misinformed by the large number of CINOP’s. (CINOP – Catholic in Name Only Politician). They are Democrats. In California, they are not only for abortion on demand and for same sex marriage but for the defeat of Proposition 73 – Parental Notification Initiative. They were successful on Nov. 8th.

I am looking at a Poster Boy Snapshot of a CINOP, Lt. Gov. Cruz Bustamante in the L.A. Times, Thurs. Nov. 10, 2005 - A.20. He is with Kathy Kneer; President of Planned Parenthood holding hands raised celebrating the defeat of Proposition 73. This picture is worth a thousand words and will be run off.

This next story is a joke. But with the culture of death money pouring in for a stooge CINOP, Loretta Sanchez, nothing is impossible. She is considering running for Governor in 2010. I am looking forward and will start reading Bill Press’s book which I bought today, Sunday, Nov. 20th, 2005.

In closing, Deal W. Hudson headed up the Crisis magazine for ten years. In that time, it became the flagship publication for faithful Catholics – a position it still holds. I have subscribed to the magazine for many years....
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Friday, October 12, 2007

The Good Old Days!

The Good Old Days!
Friday, Oct. 12, 2007
The following are excerpts from America’s Bishop, The Life and Times of Fulton J. Sheen, by Thomas C. Reeves, Encounter Books, San Francisco, 2001. This book can be checked out in the Orange County Libraries.

In 1943 there were 2 million pupils in 8,000 schools. 16,838 men were in Catholic seminaries. 9 million people subscribed to 333 Catholic newspapers. More than 100 publishing houses were linked with Catholic Press Association. There were 726 Catholic hospitals. Catholic reported about 86,000 converts yearly.

In Philadelphia churches, for instance, especially those with second and third generations, attendance at Mass hovered around 90%. Close to ¾ of Catholic voters supported Franklin Roosevelt in 1936, about 70% in 1940 and 2/3 in 1944.
In July 1948, Time magazine reported: The priesthood had grown to 41,747 and Catholic colleges had more than doubled their enrollment in two years. The number of converts was recording breaking 115,214.

In 1948, the administration board of the National Catholic Welfare Conference, in the name of all the American bishops published a document criticizing both Supreme Court decisions (Everson v. Board of Education in 1947, and McCullom v. Board of Education 1948) for adopting an “entirely novel… interpretation of the first amendment, one that would endanger our “original American tradition” of “free cooperation between government and religious bodies – cooperation involving no special privileges to any group. Many liberal intellectuals were outraged by the Church’s prosperity during this period.

Convert Gretta Palmer, a prominent freelance journalist in 1947 said, “I discovered that historically speaking people seem to leave the Church because they want forbidden things, never because they want a deeper truth….nobody ever left the church because the best in him could not find fulfillment there.”

Preface to Religion, given to converts, is one of Bishop Fulton Sheen’s most impressive books.
“If you want to know about God, there is only one way to do it: get down on your knees.
Atheism, nine times out of ten, is born from the womb of a bad conscience. Disbelief is born of sin, not of reason.
If you do not worship God, you worship something, and nine out ten times it will be yourself.
Much of modern education is merely a rationalization of evil. It makes clever devils instead of stupid devils. The world is not in a muddle because of the stupidity of the intellect, but because of perversity of the will. We know enough: it is our choices that are wrong.
Have you noticed that as men love faith in God, they become selfish, immoral and cruel? On a cosmic scale, as religion decreases, tyranny increases: as men lose faith in Divinity, they lose faith in humanity. Where God is outlawed, there man is subjugated.” 184

Today, always look at the big picture. The Catholic-in-only-politicians, the CINOPS and other scandals have dire consequences. They have muzzled but not smothered Pope John Paul II great springtime for Christianity. Let us, you the laity take a look at his 1998 ad Limina Addresses to the Bishops of the United States.
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate in Spanish. for St. Francis of Assisi, Thurs. Oct. 11/07

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Saint Francis of Assisi

Saint Francis of Assisi
Thursday, Oct. 11, 2007

During the lifetime of St. Francis of Assisi people experience a deep yearning for a Church of the Spirit; they longed for a better, purer, more meaningful Christianity and anticipated that this new Church would bring about a change in the course of history as well.

To many of those who suffered from the inadequacy of institutional Christianity, Saint Francis seemed to be a God-sent answer to their expectations, and, in fact, Christianity of the Spirit has seldom be so genuinely exemplified as it was in him.

His Christianity of the Spirit was based on an entirely literal obedience to the word of the Bible. The new principle that he opposed to the lukewarm Christianity of casuistry was sine glossa (without gloss): he heard the word of God without the barrier of explanations that might serve to moderate it, to make it safe and harmless.

He heard it without the academic sophistries that made it an object of controversy for scholars but far removed from the realities of every day life. He heard it and accepted it as it was, as a word of the Lord addressed to me personally without an “if” or a “but”.

And this is the wonderful part: it is the word taken literally that is also the wholly spiritual world. The Spirit appears to be, not in contradiction to the word, but in the word, and the more deeply we penetrate the word, the more true this becomes…

But St. Francis appears in an entirely different light to people today. We know him as a friend of animals, as the patron saint of conservationists. Given the increasing exploitation of the world by our greed, the effort to conserve nature is certainly something good and necessary.

But in the vehemence of its loudest defenders we detect a certain fatal error. They obviously regard men as the real mischief-makers in nature and their spirit as responsible for endangering the peaceful balance of nature. What they say comes close to contempt for men and even to a desire to limit their ardor.

Among the followers of St. Francis, the attitude towards nature was quite different. He is the one in whom the seraphic idea of man found its fulfillment, that is, he is the one in whom the creature learns to soar and to sing; in whom it transcends itself and become a model of self-emptying and self-giving.

Wherever this happens, the deepest longing of creatures is fulfilled; their hidden sadness is changed into confidence, into joy. It is not by denying the spirit that nature will be saved but by releasing it into the pure atmosphere of adoring love.

The above is appropriately the October 11th entry in Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, “Co-Workers of the Truth” Meditations for Every Day of the Year, Ignatius Press, 1992

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Liberalism # 2

Liberalism # 2
Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2007
A commentary on Liberalism in Nov. - Dec. 1999

This is the second in a series on the awesome power of the Presidency, Liberalism, and the Mainstream Press for good and evil in America. Liberals need political correctness, judicial activism and Clintonism to handicap common sense and reason. With agendas like the ACLU, and individuals like Larry Flynt the pornographer, they have stranglehold on many American institutions and at least one political party.

They have a peculiar and unnatural blindness to the errors and evil of communism in general, and in particular, how else could a communist like Castro survive in our hemisphere. A Hitler would have been gone years ago.

“I define the parameters of my own morality.” Vernon Jordan
Bradley, “Almost Marxist in his leanings.”

Lies, distort, smear, - an ideology that is morally and intellectually bankrupt and suicidal for the nation.
The Alger Hiss Case and the Clinton Impeachment Trials and Scandals were similar in many ways. The liberal elite were unwilling to remove one of their own, a perjurer and a rogue from the political arena.

The poster man and woman of liberalism in this decade is the Clinton Presidency.
Recall the two weavers in “The Emperor or Empress wore New Clothes.” The little girl blurted out, “He has nothing on.”
Liberalism is to America, what communism was to Russia.
Rogue, Machiavellian, demagogue.

“Billy Graham has said of Pope John Paul II, certainly with accuracy, that he will ‘go down in history as the greatest of our modern Popes. He’s the strong conscience of the whole Christian world.’

The antitode to false liberalism and its Achilles heel is Pope John Paul II.
Born and baptized Christians, particularly, Catholics need to convert to their faith

Charles Colson, “I believe John Paul II is exactly right in predicting that the year 2000 will usher in ‘a great springtime for Christianity.’ P. 68 First Things, June, July, 1999

In the Supreme Court decision Planned Parenthood v. Casey, “at the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life.”
p. 26, Nov. Dec. 1999.
(We have written of a false liberalism. Has it not influenced us?)

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Liberalism # 1

A Commentary on Liberalism # 1 - Nov.-Dec. 1999
Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2007
…the elements of contemporary liberal culture that befit the social and cultural mores of contemporary liberal intellectuals … the political and social views of the National Public Radio constituency, on abortion, feminism, gay rights, the environment, race and ethnicity in America. L.A. Times, Book Review, “A Peculiar People.”

…the Stalinists did during the Spanish Civil War: killing l2 thousand clergy and religious and destroying many churches.. P. 5 First Things, Aug. Sept. 1998
Anyone who takes the Bible seriously, however, will have to admit that history is not meaningless and the Lord does sometimes operate in the world in ways that, to us ignorant humans, seems pointless or cruel. God has created the world in such a way that our sins can bring about circumstances from which horrible sufferings arise- for us, or for other people. This is one of the persistent themes of the Bible. P. 15 First Things, Aug. 98

“Billy Graham has said of Pope John Paul II, certainly with accuracy, that he will ‘go down in history as the greatest of our modern Popes. He’s the strong conscience of the whole Christian world.’ ….Yet it is my view (Richard John Neuhaus) that Pope John Paul II, in his profound spiritual depth, his prayer life, his enormous intellectual universe, his compassion and sympathy for the oppressed, and above all in his vision of how Christians are supposed to live, is the greatest single Christian leader of the 20th century. When he is gone, he may be viewed, quite simply, as one of the most exemplary figures in all of Christian history. 79, First Things, Aug. –Sept. 98

Many people saw the Great Depression a fit judgment on the gaudy self-indulgence of the 1920’s…
Liberals depicted the 1950’s – which conservatives experienced as a virtual golden age – as a complacent irresponsible retreat from Social Democratic strivings of the New Deal and Fair Deal. In the 60’s, things were turned around. The left reviewed the decade as a heroic revival of conscience while conservatives saw in it a falling away from the moral and political sobriety of the Eisenhower era to adolescence indulgence in moral license and political grandiosity. P. 11 &12, First Things, May, 1999

As was the case when the U.S.A faced off against the Soviet Union. The ultimate question today turns on whether and how man relates to God. “At every point,” observes Whittaker Chambers in Witness, “religion and politics interlace, and must do so more acutely as the conflict between the two great camps of men, those who reject and those who worship God, becomes irrepressible.” Verona : Decoding Soviet Espionage in America, p. 53, First Things, May, 1999

Reagan often said that the writer who most influenced him was Whittaker Chambers. P.84, First Things, May, 1999 what defines the left, says Rorty, is commitment to social justice, and social justice is defined, in turn, by the socialized redistribution of wealth. P.63 F.T. March 99

Monday, October 8, 2007

A Baby - Mother - God # 3

A Baby-Mother-God # 3
Monday, Oct. 8, 2007
We continue with excerpts from a talk given by a priest in the year 2000.

Changes take place as the individual grows but it always a human being and there are always different stages of development.

Often in debates the other side does not show up. Why? The reasons are they are afraid to the truth. Because what you have here is a real human being from the moment of fertilization. There is a real human being in the womb.

What is involved here is clearly murder by the taking the life of a human being and the facts clearly present that.

What the issue often times come down to is this? First of all there are deep emotions involved. It is a highly emotional issue.

Since 1973 we have had millions of abortions and millions of people are affected by it. There are all kinds of family members that are affected by it. There is a tremendous amount of hurt that is involved. On a deeper level we realize that there is a spiritual battle involved.

This stated: there are some points they will use to rationalize their point of view. For example, a woman who feels a deep need for the abortion doesn’t want her child and is not for adoption. She wants to prevent child abuse.

Let us listen to the statistics from the Department of Health and Human Services.

In 1973 when abortion first became legalized in the United States, there were 170,000 cases of child abuse reported.

In 1980, seven years later, there were 785,100 cases reported. This is an increase of 370% in 7 years.

In 1987, another 7 years later, there were 2,025,200 cases reported which represents an increase of 1,112 % in a period of 14 years.

Has abortion decreased child abuse?

Rather than helping to stop child abuse legal abortion it seems has actually contributed to its sharp rise.

The increase is due to the effects which abortion has had on women’s self-esteem and their ability to deal with stress, abortion has actually increased the amount of child abuse according to Dr. Philip Ney.

“Abortion is to woman what the Serpent was to Eve.”

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Enemies of the Pro-Life Movement in America

The Enemies of the Pro-Life Movement in America
Friday, Oct. 5, 2007
Abortion is to woman what the Serpent was to Eve.

Who are the serpents in America? The serpents in America are the men who bring or send their ladies to the abortion mills. Abortion seriously hurts a woman in body and soul. These men are getting away with murder. It is time to focus in on the men. They are the fathers of the unborn babies.

A father is a man who is responsible for the woman carrying his child. A responsible father always protects the unborn baby and mother. If he is not married, he can financially support the born baby or work for the adoption of the baby.

On the other hand if he is a scoundrel, wimp, and predator that is a different story. He is the enemy. A huge majority of men in that age bracket are the ones who support legalized abortion. He is a selfish person and villain who prey on women.
{The above is from personal observations at the abortion mills (Rosary prayer vigil) twice weekly in Long Beach and Orange for more than ten years. There are many exceptions.}

This man is the number # 1 enemy of the pro-life movement in America.

The number # 2 enemy of the pro-life movement in America is the Catholic-in-name-only-politician. (CINOP)

The greatest enemy of the pro-life movement in America is not Planned Parenthood, Secularists or ACLU. It is our own Catholic-in-name-only politician.
This CINOP is the one who also supports directly or indirectly four other absolute evils besides abortion. They are assisted-suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and embryonic stem-cell research evils.
The CINOP is an abomination and scandal. He is the role model for the second largest religious group in America. They are the generic, cafeteria-types, and not grounded in their Catholic Faith. The CINOP is the role model of this false Catholic religion. The CINOP also influences Catholics in their voting and makes fools of us.
The CINOP is a phony and fraudulent Catholic political person. Our goal is to expose these politicians for what they are. Watch how this CINOP wraps himself around the entire prudential Catholic Social Justice program; but he deceives to high heaven.
If you can’t trust them in their religion, how can you trust them in their politics? The CINOPS are screwed up spiritually and religiously. Any St. Thomas Aquinas or Fulton Sheen student could expose this false and shallow Catholic-in-name-only religion.

The CINOP is an albatross around the neck of traditional America and the Catholic Church. Our mission and role as Americans and Christians is to vote these culprits out of public office. At election time, it is an absolute NO! NO! NO! OH! Yes, that includes CINOP Rudy Giuliani in the Republican primaries. Rudy is the best person for the cabinet post of homeland security in the next pro-life presidency.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. Check: CINOPS BE GONE

P.S. This Sunday, Oct. 7th is the Feast of the Holy Rosary. It is also Life Chain Sunday.
Let’s meet at the corner of Beach Blvd. and Garden Grove Blvd., G.G. – 2:30-3:30 P.M.

The Enemies of the Pro-Life Movement in America

The Enemies of the Pro-Life Movement in America
Friday, Oct. 5, 2007
Abortion is to woman what the Serpent was to Eve.

Who are the serpents in America? The serpents in America are the men who bring or send their ladies to the abortion mills. Abortion seriously hurts a woman in body and soul. These men are getting away with murder. It is time to focus in on the men. They are the fathers of the unborn babies.

A father is a man who is responsible for the woman carrying his child. A responsible father always protects the unborn baby and mother. If he is not married, he can financially support the born baby or work for the adoption of the baby.

On the other hand if he is a scoundrel, wimp, and predator that is a different story. He is the enemy. A huge majority of men in that age bracket are the ones who support legalized abortion. He is a selfish person and villain who prey on women.
{The above is from personal observations at the abortion mills (Rosary prayer vigil) twice weekly in Long Beach and Orange for more than ten years. There are many exceptions.}

This man is the number # 1 enemy of the pro-life movement in America.

The number # 2 enemy of the pro-life movement in America is the Catholic-in-name-only-politician. (CINOP)

The greatest enemy of the pro-life movement in America is not Planned Parenthood, Secularists or ACLU. It is our own Catholic-in-name-only politician.
This CINOP is the one who also supports directly or indirectly four other absolute evils besides abortion. They are assisted-suicide, euthanasia, same-sex marriage, and embryonic stem-cell research evils.
The CINOP is an abomination and scandal. He is the role model for the second largest religious group in America. They are the generic, cafeteria-types, and not grounded in their Catholic Faith. The CINOP is the role model of this false Catholic religion. The CINOP also influences Catholics in their voting and makes fools of us.
The CINOP is a phony and fraudulent Catholic political person. Our goal is to expose these politicians for what they are. Watch how this CINOP wraps himself around the entire prudential Catholic Social Justice program; but he deceives to high heaven.
If you can’t trust them in their religion, how can you trust them in their politics? The CINOPS are screwed up spiritually and religiously. Any St. Thomas Aquinas or Fulton Sheen student could expose this false and shallow Catholic-in-name-only religion.

The CINOP is an albatross around the neck of traditional America and the Catholic Church. Our mission and role as Americans and Christians is to vote these culprits out of public office. At election time, it is an absolute NO! NO! NO! OH! Yes, that includes CINOP Rudy Giuliani in the Republican primaries. Rudy is the best person for the cabinet post of homeland security in the next pro-life presidency.

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish. Check: CINOPS BE GONE

P.S. This Sunday, Oct. 7th is the Feast of the Holy Rosary. It is also Life Chain Sunday.
Let’s meet at the corner of Beach Blvd. and Garden Grove Blvd., G.G. – 2:30-3:30 P.M.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Answering the Call # 2 of 2

Thursday, Oct. 4, 2007

Continue with excerpts from the book, ‘Answering the Call,’ with a conclusion.
“The right to life and the prohibition against killing stand as moral absolutes against the ever-swirling rides of emotions and misguided sympathies that create “exceptions” that justify killing the innocent. (p. 71)… The death of the innocent requires moral interpretation by its leaders, or people will accommodate themselves to it.” (74)…

“Leaders must lead! The profound lesson they are to impress upon the people is that the death of the innocent diminishes everyone. (74) … Whenever the innocent are killed, no matter who they are, known or unknown, big or small, the Deuteronomic law instructs the spiritual leaders of the community to rearticulate the pro-life ethic.” (75)

“If we, as spiritual leaders, do not grab our people and lead them to grieve and mourn the loss, then together our hardened hearts will grow even harder. The peace that we feel will not be peace; it will be deadness. After all, an entire book of the Bible is set aside for corporate lamentations.” (77)…

“When the state dehumanizes one group of people and sanctions their “termination,” speaking up on their behalf is costly; it can be dangerous to one’s own life. It does require of us courage. Proverb 24:12 teaches us that courage is required. It also teaches us that courage is supplied through our faith in God.” (84)…

“In this postmodern culture, it is fairly easy to be a Christian, except when it comes to faithfully upholding God’s lordship over matters of sexuality and life .We are flinching on that point. (85) … We will please God by speaking up for, defending, and rescuing our tiniest of brothers, and sisters from the violence of abortion.” (86) …

In closing, actions speak louder than words. Historically, the Protestant vote in America is pro-life and for the culture of life. The Catholic vote is not. For example, in the year 2000, the Protestant vote: Bush 58%, Gore 40%, and Nader 2%. The Catholic vote was Bush 46%; Gore 53%, and Nader 1%. (L.A. Times, Nov. 9, 2000, A-45)

Let’s take a look at a Governor’s race in 1998 in California:
(Los Angeles Times: Portrait of the Electorate, Nov. 5, 1998)
Davis, D. Lungren, R Boxer, D Fong, R, (Catholic Pro-Abort) (Catholic Pro-Life) (Pro-Abort) (Non-Abort)
Non-Catholic Christian 47% 51% 41% 56%
Roman Catholic 58% 38% 54% 42%

This is more than a scandal. It is the betrayal of our Catholic Faith to the Secularists and the Culture of Death. What is it that the Catholics in name only don’t understand about abortion? It is an unspeakable crime and abomination. Knowledge is the power to do good and avoid evil. May we all receive the other five gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Fraternally yours,
George Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Answering the Call # 1 of 2

Dear Reader,
There is a cultural war going on in America. It is between the secularists and the traditionalists. The film, “The Passion of the Christ,” and the book, “Answering the Call,” and your vote as an American Christian will decide the direction of our nation.

God Bless America,
George H. Kubeck


Wed. Oct. 3, 2007

“Anyone who wishes to keep the flame of ardor alive within himself should frequently, or rather, incessantly, contemplate in his heart Christ dying upon the Cross.” St. Bonaventure, (Magnificat, Feb. 2004 p. 254.)

Answering the Call: Saving Innocent Lives, One Woman at a Time: by John Ensor, a Baptist is today the most powerful pro-life issue book in America. It was published by Focus on the Family, Dr. James Dobson.

The following are several poignant excerpts from this inspiring book:

“Legal abortion widely accepted in the culture, represents the greatest test before this generation of Christians. (p.9) … If Christians do not win on this issue, we will not win on any issue. (10)… America is a postabortion culture.” (17)

“Dr. James Dobson said, ‘I consider abortion to be the greatest moral evil of our time, because of the worth of those little babies.’ (59) … It is the social injustice that most inflames the heart of God and for which we, His people are called to act with profound and persistent moral courage. (60) …God is long suffering. But there is a limit to His patience. (60) … Scripture says it is the killing of innocent people, or passively accepting the killing of innocent people, that finally invokes His wrath.” (61) …

“There are many ways to shed innocent blood, but the most heinous form is child sacrifice. In child sacrifice, that which God cherishes is destroyed in order to worship false gods. (63) … ‘Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the Lord.’ (Leviticus 18:21)” (63) …

“God’s patience with sinful man reaches its end when innocent children are sacrificed. (65)... We no longer sacrifice our children to please some pagan, bloodthirsty god like Molech. We have made ourselves into a god and sacrifice our children for our ends. We abort because of money, believing we cannot afford a child and do other things we want to do with our money. We abort to save ourselves the embarrassment of others discovering our promiscuity and to save our reputations. (67) … It defies His will and declares, “My will be done!” (68) …

“The sacredness of life gives rise to its inviolability, written from the beginning in man’s heart, in his conscience. The question: ‘What have you done?’ (Genesis 4:10) which God addresses to Cain after he has killed his brother Abel. (70) … God views the pre-born child as a person, calling us to protect the life of all people from homicide.” (71)…

In closing, the pro-life movement in America is blessed with the leadership of the Baptists and other Christians. They are grounded in their faith with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, a love of the unborn, marriage and family. It is their vote that elected our culture of life president in the year 2000. (to be continued)

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and translate into Spanish.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Our Lady of Fatima and Pope John Paul II

Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2007

There are significant anecdotes to the messages of Our Lady of Fatima. Pope John Paul II credited the intercession of the Blessed Mother for allowing him to survive the assassination attack on May 13th, l981. He brought the bullet to the shrine of Fatima in Portugal and left it there in the crown of Mary’s statue. Later he said, “Let us remember everything Mary has done for each one of us and for all of us by becoming the Mother of Christ.”

The pope’s whole life is interwoven with Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ. This ‘perfect devotion’ is indispensable to anyone who means to give himself without reserve to Jesus Christ and to the work of redemption. “It is from Montfort that I have taken my motto: ‘Totus tuus’ (‘ I am all thine’). It would be wise to ponder Mary’s influence in the success of this pope.
Prior to the apparitions beginning May 13, 1917, there were three apparitions of the Angel of Peace in 1916. Here is sister Lucia’s account of the apparitions. 1) We imitated him, led by a supernatural inspiration, and repeated the words we heard him say: ‘My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love Thee. I beg Thee forgiveness for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love Thee.’ 2) ‘Offer God a sacrifice of anything you can as an act of reparation for the sins with which He is offended and as a supplication for the conversion of sinners. Draw peace upon your country by doing this. I am its guardian angel – the Angel of Portugal. Above all, accept and endure with submission whatever suffering the Lord sends you.’ 3) “Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I adore Thee the most precious Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ, present in all the tabernacles of the earth, in reparation for the insults, sacrileges, and indifference with which He is offended. And through the infinite merits of His Most Sacred Heart and of the Immaculate Heart of May, I beg Thee for the conversion of Poor sinners.’ Excerpts- “Our Lady of Fatima” Prophecies of Tragedy or Hope? by A.A. Borelli

Of the six apparitions, there is not one in which the sins of humanity are not mentioned…. In her first apparition Our Lady asked the shepherds to accept the laborious mission of expiating for sinners and foretold that they would have much to suffer. In the second apparition, she urged them to pray and sacrifice in order to lessen the number of souls who were being lost…. In the third apparition, she showed them hell and the indescribable torments suffered by those cast there by the justice of God…. Many souls are lost because there is no one to make reparation for them. In the fifth apparition, Our Lady reiterated that men need to convert from their sins and cease tempting the justice of God to avert the chastisement. Sixthly, the surest remedies for this terrible religious and moral crisis are prayer and reparation.

Several of Jacinta’s last words were as follows: “Wars are nothing but punishment for the sins of the world. Pray much for priests! Pray much for religious! Sins that lead more souls to hell are sins of the flesh. Have charity even for those who are bad. Speak ill of no one and flee from those who do so. Be very patient, for patience leads us to heaven. Mortification and sacrifice greatly please our Lord. Confession is a sacrament of mercy. Therefore, one must approach the confessional with confidence and joy. Without confession there is no salvation.”

Our Lady of Fatima has been an inspiration, guide and protector of this pontiff. He has been seen by more people than anyone else in the world. He has issued more than 13 encyclicals, written countless letters, and made thousand of speeches all over the world. He has created 447 saints, compared to the 302 created in the five hundred years before he assumed the chair of St. Peter. He is the role model for each one of us, our shepherd Pope John Paul the Great.

“Pray the Rosary Daily” Our Lady of Fatima
Fraternally, George H. Kubeck, (March 8, 2003) Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

Monday, October 1, 2007

St. Francis of Assisi and the CINOPS

St. Francis of Assisi and the CINOPS
Monday, Oct. 1, 2007

I have one question! How would St. Francis of Assisi or St. Ignatius of Loyola deal with the following three news reports? (All Catholics are upset with this scandal.)

By Peter Smith
Washington, Jan. 8, 2006 ( – Pro-abortion House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful Catholic in Congress is recasting her image as a Italian Catholic mother, despite her stark defiance of the Catholic Church’s teachings opposing abortion, embryonic stem-cell research, and same-sex marriage.
The Speaker publicized well in advance her visits to St. Leo the Great church in Baltimore and attendance of a special Mass at Trinity University offered for victims of Hurricane Katrina and of the Darfur genocide, as part of her plan to propel the image of a good Roman Catholic mother and grandmother at home in the Democratic party.
“The Catholic Mass also signals something very important,” Katherine Hall Jamieson, a liberal professor, told the Baltimore Sun. “The Democratic Party wants those defecting Catholics who have voted for Republicans for a long time but come back to the Democratic Party in 2006 to see the Democratic Party as home.”
Pelosi’s much publicized attendance of the Catholic Mass at Trinity Jan. 3rd has dismayed pro-life advocates looking to recently appointed Archbishop Donald Weurl to correct Pelosi’s assertions that she is a “conservative Catholic.” …

By John-Henry Weston
Portland, OR, March 1, 2007 ( – “It is categorically impossible for the same person to state that he or she believes simultaneously both what the Catholic Church teaches and that abortion is just a choice,” says Bishop Robert Vasa in a column released by the Catholic Sentinel, the diocesan newspaper of the Archdiocese of Portland and the Diocese of Baker….
“Some months ago a prominent Catholic public person,” says Vasa, “described as faithful to the church, was asked if being pro-choice or pro-abortion was an issue which conflicted with the Catholic Faith.” He goes on to quote verbatim what Nancy Pelosi stated in a highly publicized interview with Newsweek in October last year. “To me it isn’t even a question. God has given us a free will. We’re responsible for our actions. If you don’t want an abortion, you don’t believe in it, {then} don’t have one. But don’t tell somebody else what they can do in terms of honoring their responsibilities.”
Vasa then adds a comment by Pelosi’s daughter Alexandra Pelosi, calling her only a “close relative” of the unnamed prominent Catholic. Alexandra was quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle on Jan. 17th as saying that according to her Catholic school education neither abortion nor homosexuality were wrong. “They were just choices.”

Manassas, VA, May 17th /07 ( – The Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) has urged the University of San Francisco (USF) – a Jesuit, Catholic university – to cancel its invitation to pro-abortion Rep. Nancy Pelosi to deliver the university’s commencement address this Saturday. CNS also is opposing a posthumous honorary degree to pro-abortion politician Leo T. McCarthy.
“Even as we celebrate the fact that a growing number of Catholic colleges are choosing exemplary commencement speakers and honorees, we learn that the University of San Francisco has chosen a much different direction,” wrote CNS President Patrick J. Reilly in a letter faxed to USF President Rev. Stephen Privett, S.J., today. “You are publicly allying a Catholic university with leaders of what Pope John Paul II called the “Culture of Death.” (The USF President’s e-mail is: )
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.