Thursday, October 18, 2007

The Eucharist # 1 of 2

Open Your Heart and Adore the Blessed Sacrament #1 of 2
Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007
(Excerpts from a classic talk by a priest. Sept. 29, 2007))

“Just before you read John Ch. 6, there were two specific miracles. a) Jesus had only five loaves of bread. He does a miracle with the bread. There is bread left over. b) Jesus walks on the water. He suspends the laws of nature. Jesus is the bread. His flesh for the life of the water.

“Come to Mass and you will see a miracle. It is called Transubstantiation. There is the blood, body, soul and divinity under the appearance of bread and under the appearance of wine. We find the whole mystery of the Trinity is there substantially present under the appearance of the bread. Faustina – ‘Your are our dwelling place – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.’”

“Jesus is referred to the Lamb of God 27 times in the Apocalypse. All of heaven descends with him. In the beauty of the Mass there dwells the power of God.

“We live by faith. The angels see the face of God. The essence of heaven is to see the face of God. We see the appearance of bread.

“St. Padre Pio noted that only in heaven are we going to understand the Mass, the second person of the Blessed Trinity to God the Father.

“Jesus is fully present. God so loved the world. To fall in love – to grow in love:

“St. Thomas Aquinas has these effects of the Eucharist. 1) There is growth in divine life; the life of sanctifying grace grows within us. Effect of grace: 2) Food brings about healing. Jesus does things in us. Tell Jesus to take complete possession of me. We experience a transformation, more peace, more hope, there is healing. 3) Food gives strength. It gives strength to continue our journey. We are spiritually consoled and strengthened in our daily lives. We are gradually transformed into Christ. 4) All of this is related to the Passover. They were slaves in Egypt. They ate the Lamb and they were freed from slavery. Give us the power to be freed…..

“Conditions to prepare: Holy Communion is a gift of God’s mercy. In mortal sin, we are spiritually dead.

“St. Therese Lisieux: We have a fusion of hearts. She prepared 2½ months to receive her first communion. She was 11 years old. Communion was not daily at that time.
“Receive Communion with confidence. Trust in His infinite goodness and we are pleasing to God. It is audacious confidence. It is bold trust.

“Diary of St. Faustina: Particularly adore my Mercy: Obtain graces from my boundless trust in my mercy. Trust and the more you will receive. It is my desire to give much, very much.”

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