Thursday, October 25, 2007

Dennis Prager # 1 of 2

Dennis Prager 1 of 2
Thurs. Oct. 25th, 2007
I took notes of this talk by Dennis Prayer at the Annual Dinner of The Educational Alliance which is helping conservatives get elected to School Boards. It was held at the Persian Restaurant: corner Fwy 5 and Culver Ave. in Irvine. (Sept. 20th, 2007 – 6-9 P.M.)

Thank God for Talk-Radio. Without it most of us would never have heard of Dennis Prager. He is on KLAC 870 AM- M-F – 9 A.M. to 12 Noon. I remember him from Religion on the Line.

I jotted down several remarks. If it is unclear it is my fault. Listen to Common Sense on his radio program. Dennis helps us to understand the culture we live in.

Making Americans: Historically, our purpose was to make American citizens of all of our children. We were a melting pot. However, we live in the Age of Stupidity. From the mid 90’s to the present time Americanization died. It took so little to destroy it.

The forces of disintegration in our country are very powerful. They want us to be World Citizens not American citizens. Their notion of good is different from ours. They are as idealistic as we are. However, their ideas are idealized. Their thinking is multi-cultured.

They believe nationalism is wrong and Nazi-type. Our opponents call us that because for example, we want to begin with the pledge of allegiance at school or events.

How do you educate and make an American child? They prefer a U.N. flag to replace our own flag.

Humans are beautiful. Humanity stinks. What is this belief in humanity? Did they care about slavery, the Tutsi massacre or the Holocaust?

I try to have every leading Leftist on my show. Dennis’s father spoke Yiddish. There was no bilingual education. Dennis went to Boys’ High School in Brooklyn, New York.

What war was moral for the Leftists? According to Howard Zen only World War II. He is the most widely read historian. We died to liberate Korea. We Americans are prepared to be free and die so others can be free. No other country has done this. This is a truism about America.

Sweden which leftists looked up to was neutral during World War II. They were neutral with respect to Nazism. The world is upside down for the left. This country’s goodness has been inverted. George Washington is considered a slave owner. For us he is the Founder of our country.

America is racist. That is an idiotic comment. It is a racist comment by the professor himself. I believe that liberals are more racists than conservatives. Today liberalism is built in contempt of black Americans. They consider black Americans as intrinsically a handicapped race and we do not believe that. (to be continued)
George H. Kubeck, Cinops Be Gone, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish.

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