Saturday, October 20, 2007

Report Card on Bill Press's Book # 3 of 23

This our second weekend trying to understand the mind and heart of a Catholic in name only politician. This is very important for all Americans in the primaries coming up.

Report Card on Bill Press’s Book # 3 of 23
How the Republicans Stole Christmas
Nov. 26, 2005
“In times past there were false prophets among God’s people and among you also there will be false teachers who smuggle in pernicious heresies.” 2Peter: 2:1
The Introduction 1-33 cont’d
Bill’s use of religion for his political agenda is wrong. In all fairness to the true meaning of the word “Liberal”, Bill Press is not a liberal Catholic. He is a dissenting and progressive nominal Catholic. (I graduated from a Jesuit Liberal Arts College in 1952) Bill dissents from the teachings of the Magisterium. As a progressive, he is in sympathy with and promotes the Culture of Death Agenda in America.
“Take gay marriage. Granted, this is an issue on which good people can and do honestly disagree. But it’s wrong to claim one side has a monopoly on morality. I can’t understand what’s immoral about two people in love making a commitment to love and support each other ‘till death do us part.’”… (Censored) 27
It is not necessary for you to buy this book. I will detail the book; like we detail our cars. The inspiration and title of Bill’s book came from his so-called friend and book agent. I have an inspiration for Bill’s next book. “How Howard Dean and George Soros stole and bought the Soul of the Democratic Party.”

What is most disturbing is that we have in Bill Press another nominal Catholic like Mario Cuomo. Mario is the poster boy for pro-abortion Catholic Politicians. Bill is aiming for Poster Boy Status for Gay-Marriage.

The defeat of the Democratic Party in 2000 and 2004 was a crushing one for Bill. He is angry: “There is little difference between the imams of Iran and the imams of America. As lifelong Catholic Garry Wills wrote in the “New York Times” shortly after the 2004 election: “Where else {but in America} do we find fundamentalist zeal, a rage at secularity, religious intolerance, fear of and hatred for modernity? “ ….32 We need to be aware that this type of Catholic mindset is not unusual in Catholic circles.

Bush’s share of the Catholic vote increased from 47% in 2000 to 52 percent in 2004. Catholics voted for Gore in 2000 in spite of the fact that Clinton vetoed the partial-birth abortion law three times. However, in Florida a majority of the Catholics voted for Bush in 2000. Catholics are becoming intelligent voters and that is dangerous for Bill.

For decades the CINOP (Catholic in Name Only Politician) have been getting away with murder, particularly in California. Now, take the great State of Texas. More than 60% voted for the Parental Notification Law, and 76% for a law stating that marriage is between a man and a woman. The bishops in Texas can be proud of their informed and non duped voters. What is deeply offensive and where political correctness has become religious correctness is the CINOP as a Republican would have been denounced years ago by the bishops. Pro-life principles supersede party registration.
A Common Sense Pro-Life Dispatch
George H. Kubeck, Cinops Be Gone, Duplicate or translate into Spanish.

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