Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Answering the Call # 1 of 2

Dear Reader,
There is a cultural war going on in America. It is between the secularists and the traditionalists. The film, “The Passion of the Christ,” and the book, “Answering the Call,” and your vote as an American Christian will decide the direction of our nation.

God Bless America,
George H. Kubeck


Wed. Oct. 3, 2007

“Anyone who wishes to keep the flame of ardor alive within himself should frequently, or rather, incessantly, contemplate in his heart Christ dying upon the Cross.” St. Bonaventure, (Magnificat, Feb. 2004 p. 254.)

Answering the Call: Saving Innocent Lives, One Woman at a Time: by John Ensor, a Baptist is today the most powerful pro-life issue book in America. It was published by Focus on the Family, Dr. James Dobson.

The following are several poignant excerpts from this inspiring book:

“Legal abortion widely accepted in the culture, represents the greatest test before this generation of Christians. (p.9) … If Christians do not win on this issue, we will not win on any issue. (10)… America is a postabortion culture.” (17)

“Dr. James Dobson said, ‘I consider abortion to be the greatest moral evil of our time, because of the worth of those little babies.’ (59) … It is the social injustice that most inflames the heart of God and for which we, His people are called to act with profound and persistent moral courage. (60) …God is long suffering. But there is a limit to His patience. (60) … Scripture says it is the killing of innocent people, or passively accepting the killing of innocent people, that finally invokes His wrath.” (61) …

“There are many ways to shed innocent blood, but the most heinous form is child sacrifice. In child sacrifice, that which God cherishes is destroyed in order to worship false gods. (63) … ‘Do not give any of your children to be sacrificed to Molech, for you must not profane the name of your God. I am the Lord.’ (Leviticus 18:21)” (63) …

“God’s patience with sinful man reaches its end when innocent children are sacrificed. (65)... We no longer sacrifice our children to please some pagan, bloodthirsty god like Molech. We have made ourselves into a god and sacrifice our children for our ends. We abort because of money, believing we cannot afford a child and do other things we want to do with our money. We abort to save ourselves the embarrassment of others discovering our promiscuity and to save our reputations. (67) … It defies His will and declares, “My will be done!” (68) …

“The sacredness of life gives rise to its inviolability, written from the beginning in man’s heart, in his conscience. The question: ‘What have you done?’ (Genesis 4:10) which God addresses to Cain after he has killed his brother Abel. (70) … God views the pre-born child as a person, calling us to protect the life of all people from homicide.” (71)…

In closing, the pro-life movement in America is blessed with the leadership of the Baptists and other Christians. They are grounded in their faith with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, a love of the unborn, marriage and family. It is their vote that elected our culture of life president in the year 2000. (to be continued)

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and translate into Spanish.

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