Monday, August 11, 2008

The Case against Loretta Sanchez - 2

The Case against Loretta Sanchez – 2
cinops be gone Monday, August 11, 2008
This is the second in a series of letters. Loretta’s financial supporters are a motley crew. They include NOW, NARAL, Planned Parenthood, ACLU, the gay-agenda advocates, and the porn industry. Do these organizations represent Anaheim, Garden Grove and Santa Ana in the Congress of the United States? Of course not! It’s time for a change.

These organizations represent the culture of death ideology as enunciated in Pope John Paul’s encyclical titled, “The Gospel of Life.” I return again to the two A’s, the two E’s, and the two SS. Abortion on demand, Assisted-Suicide, Euthanasia, Embryonic Stem-Cell research, and same-sex marriage. Is this who we are as a people in Orange County?

I do have a few words to say about the ACLU. Loretta is probably a member. The ACLU is the most dangerous anti-Christian organization in
America. Christians who are members have got to get their heads screwed on right. For example, the ACLU wants to do away with Christmas, the season that we celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. The ACLU reminds me of the Jacobin anarchists who did away with Sundays during the French Revolution and created a new calendar. One of the things that the ACLU learned from left-wing socialists is the talent to be masters of deceit.

Sadly, Catholic-label-fraud politicians are numerous throughout America, particular in California and Massachusetts. They are really stool pigeons for the culture of death ideology. Their minds are blinded. They vote the party line of the left-wing extremists who have taken over the once great Democratic Party.

Today’s news story (Sunday, August 10, 2008) from the “Orange County Register” is particularly revolting. On page 8 – “Gay Rights backers win war of words.” It looks like Catholic-label-fraud politician and attorney general Jerry Brown got his way to change the title of the Proposition 8 ballot measure. Please check blog - letter dated Thursday, May 31st, 2008, titled WAR DECLARED!

Henceforth with this letter, all Catholic-in-name-only politicians will be identified more accurately - CATHOLIC-LABEL-FRAUD POLITICIANS. They are the ones who legalized same-sex marriage in Canada a few years ago. Even Obama in his campaign for the presidency was looking for Catholic politicians to support him and he ended up with a slew of Catholic-label-fraud politicians and writers. Check blog letters dated June 17, 19, 21, 22, and 24. Obama Controversy.

Once you get reelected with the culture of death money, the Catholic-label-fraud politicians like Loretta Sanchez will be like a robot and vote the elitist party line. From the Scorecard of Catholics in Congress * Catholic Advocate A project of the Morley Institute for Church and Culture recorded these votes on Loretta and her sister Linda Sanchez. Both voted against the following:
Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act-passage (110th)
Marriage Amendment Act (109th)

The above was to prevent UNETHICAL stem cell research; and to protect marriage. Are you proud of your congresswoman voting like the above?
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

1 comment:

Chino Blanco said...

Considering that has decided NOT to appeal the ballot language, what chance do you really see for Prop 8 to pass? I just don’t see a majority of Californians voting YES on a proposition titled ELIMINATES RIGHT OF SAME-SEX COUPLES TO MARRY.

Once the churches realize that Prop 8 is an almost guaranteed loser, are they going to do the right thing and let their members know?

If not, what happens after Prop 8 loses 40-60 (or worse), and then the members find out that the churches were privy all along to internal polling that predicted a crushing defeat? Do the members get their money back?

Or do they get stuck paying for ads that were run by a campaign that knew it was going to lose but ran them anyway!