Saturday, August 2, 2008

Random Thoughts - 1

Random Thoughts – 1
cinops be gone Saturday, August 2, 2008

1. Pray that Senator John McCain will choose Bobby Jindahl for his Vice-President. It will energize McCain's campaign and insure a landslide victory in November for life, marriage and traditional America. Pray! Pray! Pray!

2. There is an article in the June 2008 issue of Homiletic & Pastoral Review that deserves your attention and study. It is titled, “Compassionate truth for persons with a homosexual condition.” By Kathleen Curran Sweeney and reviewing a book, The Developing Mind, by Dr. Daniel Siegel.

When you hear the NOW (National Organization of Women) make public pronouncements: Do you believe that they speak for all American women? Of course not! They speak for their members who have a radical overall culture of death agenda. Many in the public arena believe that they speak for all women.

It is the same for the person with a homosexual condition. You must make a distinction between him and the radical gay agenda elite. For example, did you ever hear of a survey of homosexuals on whether they want to redefine marriage? No! The enemy is not the person with a homosexual condition, God bless him! The enemy is the ruthless advocates of the gay homosexual agenda. They care not for the homosexual inclined person. They want to keep him and exploit his condition as something permanent which it is not; and with lies overturn basic and traditional Judea-Christian American beliefs. These excerpts will persuade:

“A person is not defined solely by his sexual behavior. Persons with same-sex attraction have many other positive aspects to their lives – their abilities, interests, talents, contributions to society…. {From a Christian perspective, it is a cross which can be channeled in a positive manner and with abstinence into Sainthood.}

“The specific personal histories of those experiencing same-sex attractions vary and the causes can be complex….

“Extensive research has consistently shown that the homosexual condition does not appear to originate in a genetic factor or in hormonal imbalance, but rather may be derived from difficulties in parent-child relationship that occurs in early childhood….

"Since these psychological events happen very early in life, before the development of explicit memory in the child, the damage is at a deep level, and may not be overt or conscious, so that on the surface it may appear to the person that “I have always been this way.” Family relationships may seem fine. For this reason, it is important that, whenever possible an understanding of this condition and the need for and the possibility of healing be widely communicated so that whole family therapy may be initiated as early as possible. HOWEVER, ALERTNESS TO THIS NEED IS CURRENTLY BEING BLOCKED BY SCHOOLS, COUNSELORS AND PASTORS BECAUSE THEY HAVE BEEN TOLD THERE IS NOTHING ABOUT THIS CONDITION THAT NEEDS HEALING. Such a position is blind to the unhealthy and unsatisfying realities of the homosexual lifestyle. The superficial, supposed “happiness” of homosexual partners is hiding an underlying lack of wholeness. Here the study of the theology of the body developed by the Pope John Paul II can be helpful for understanding that sexual identity is at root of personhood, that every person is either a man or woman and is not psychologically whole until the develop the maleness or femaleness that is constitutive of their personality….

“There is a need to get past the pervasive propaganda of the gay-lesbian activists who try to block at every point the dissemination of the TRUTH about same-sex attraction and the possibility of healing. …

“Yet how can a condition be normal when statistics show it leads to early death; sexual addiction and promiscuity; inability to procreate normally; numerous health problems including STDs, cancer, hepatitis, HIV/Aids and other life-threatening diseases: drug and alcohol abuse; and a high risk of depression and suicide….p. 52-55
George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and translate in to Spanish and or Vietnamese.

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