Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Case against Loretta Sanchez - 3

The Case against Loretta Sanchez - 3
cinops be gone Sunday, August 24, 2008

The following are excerpts of a letter hand delivered to Congresswoman L. Sanchez.

U.S. House of Representative May 4, 2001
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (My home address)
123 Lewis St.
Garden Grove, Ca. 92840-4695

Dear Loretta,
It seems to me that the idea of a pro-abortion Catholic is about as ridiculous as Catholics for a free choice or pro-adultery Catholics sitting in the church pews.
Could we talk or communicate on this subject? Please share the three enclosures with your pastor or bishop.
I believe that the independent and informed Catholic laity prefers persuasion and dialogue on this subject rather than protests or teach-ins.

George H. Kubeck
My telephone number)
Postscript – May 10, 2001
Dear Reader,
The above letter was hand delivered to Loretta’s office. Similar letters with enclosures will be mailed to as many pro-abortion Catholic politicians as possible.
The tragedy of the pro-abortion Catholic politicians will be resolved within the Catholic Faith community. It may take five to ten years. It’s a life and death struggle.For example, these politicians are responsible for laws allowing partial-birth abortions.

Unfortunately, the necessary teach-ins and protests will extend into the public arena. (The secular libertines have no role to play in this internal faith matter.) Prayerfully, one hopes for a change of heart and mind by the pro-abortion Catholic politicians.

A prophetic interview with the late John Cardinal O’Connor published posthumously warned of the “paralysis we suffer as a nation”because of abortion and cautioned the nation about a rising “fear of the political system” by the American people. This 16 page interview was conducted in August, 1993.

“I think it’s not merely cynicism about the political system,” said the late Cardinal in the interview. “it’s fear of what the political system itself is capable of doing to a people, fear of the kind of laws legislators are capable of passing, fear of what people in the executive branch of government will do to get elected. And, always, I think, even if people find it difficult to articulate, the fear is for their own lives. The fear is for the integrity of human life.”

“I firmly believe,” the cardinal added, “that we will either be a free people without abortion, or we will be a slave people, slave to the violence against human life.” Copies of “A Nation in Need of Healing” are available on request from the “Movement for a Better America. P.O. Box 470, Mt. Freedom, NJ 07970 e-mail

Postscript – Aug. 24, 2008 – In Congress Loretta is a promoter of at least 3 absolute evils: partial-birth abortions (Infanticide), same-sex marriage and embryonic stem-cell research. All of these violate God’s natural law and are a moral blot on Orange County. Rosie Avila is her congressional opponent in Nov. 2008. She will be elected with your precinct work or financial support: Please contribute to ROSIE AVILA FOR CONGRESS – 1070 SOUTH VIA DE ROSA, ANAHEIM HILLS, and CA. 92807. (I am involved in both.)

George H. Kubeck, Duplicate and or translate into Spanish and Vietnamese.

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